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Prof. Yazine Mahjoub was appointed Professor of Medicine (anaesthesiology, critical care and emergency medicine) at the university Jules Verne of Picardy (France) in 2017. He completed his PhD in cardiovascular pharmacology in 2015 and his MD in 2002. Professor Yazine Mahjoub is the deputy-director of the 60-beds medical and surgical intensive care unit of Amiens University Medical Centre (CHU Amiens-Picardie) in France. As an expert in echocardiography and microcirculation, his main research interest is the non-invasive haemodynamic evaluation in ICU. He published several peer-reviewed articles in this field. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he was personally involved in the care of the most severe patients of the region and he also managed to carry on several research protocols. With his colleagues, Prof Vincent Jounieaux and Prof. Daniel O Rodenstein, he described the concept of the COVID-19 related “Acute Vascular Distress Syndrome” (AVDS).