©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Orthop. Jan 18, 2015; 6(1): 8-16
Published online Jan 18, 2015. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v6.i1.8
Published online Jan 18, 2015. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v6.i1.8
Table 1 American Spinal Injury Association scale for spinal cord injury
ASIA-A | Complete. There is no sensory or motor function preserved in the sacral segments of S4-S5 |
ASIA-B | Sensory incomplete. Motor deficit without sensory loss below the neurological level, including the sacral segments of S4-S5 (light touch, pin sensation or deep anal pressure at S4-S5), and there is no protected motor function from three levels below the motor level at each half of the body |
ASIA-C | Motor incomplete. Motor function is preserved below the neurological level1 and more than half of the muscles below this level have strength lower than 3/5 (0, 1 or 2) |
ASIA-D | Motor incomplete. Motor function is preserved below the neurological level1 and at least half of the muscles (half or more) below this level have strength higher than 3/5 |
ASIA-E | Normal. Sensory and motor function as assessed by ISNCSC in all segments are normal and in patients with pre-existing deficits there is "E'' degree of ASIA. Initially one without a spinal cord injury does not have an ASIA degree |
Table 2 Therapeutic strategies and results of clinical studies related to the rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury
Ref. | Therapeutic strategy | Results |
Mehrholz et al[17] | Locomotor training for walking after spinal cord injury | There is insufficient evidence from RCTs to conclude that any one locomotor training strategy improves walking function more than another for the patients with SCI. The effects of robotic-assisted locomotor training are not clear, therefore research in the form of large RCTs, particularly for robotic training, is needed. Specific questions about which type of locomotor training might be most effective in improving walking function for the patients with SCI need to be explored |
Berlowitz et al[18] | Respiratory muscle training for cervical spinal cord injury | Inspite of the relatively small number of studies included in this review, meta-analysis of the pooled data indicates that RMT is effective for increasing respiratory muscle strength and perhaps also lung volumes for people with cervical SCI. Further research is needed on functional outcomes following RMT, such as dyspnea, cough efficacy, respiratory complications, hospital admissions, and quality of life. In addition, longer-term studies are needed to ascertain optimal dosage and determine any over effects of RMT on respiratory function, quality of life, respiratory morbidity and mortality |
Domingo et al[19] | A systematic review of the effects of pharmacological agents on walking function in people with spinal cord injury | There is limited evidence that pharmacological agents tested so far would facilitate the recovery of walking after SCI. More studies are needed to better understand the effects of drugs combined with gait training on walking outcomes in people with SCI |
Wessels et al[20] | Body weight-supported gait training for restoration of walking in people with an incomplete spinal cord injury: a systematic review | Subjects with subacute motor incomplete spinal cord injury reached a higher level of independent walking after over ground training, compared with body weight-supported treadmill training. More randomized controlled trials are needed to clarify the effectiveness of body weight-supported gait training on walking, activities of daily living and quality of life for subgroups of persons with an incomplete spinal cord injury |
Taricco et al[21] | Pharmacological interventions for spasticity following spinal cord injury | There is insufficient evidence to assist clinicians in a rational approach to antispastic treatment for SCI. Further research is urgently needed to improve the scientific basis of patient care |
Hitzig et al[22] | Randomized trial of functional electrical stimulation therapy for walking in incomplete spinal cord injury: effects on quality of life and community participation | The present study provides insight into the perceived benefits acquired by participating in an RCT comparing exercises to FES therapy and serves as a model for pinpointing domains of well-being that could be targeted for assessment in future SCI trials |
Astorino et al[23] | Effect of chronic activity-based therapy on bone mineral density and bone turnover in persons with spinal cord injury | Chronic activity-based therapy did not reverse bone loss typically observed soon after injury, yet reductions in BMD were less than the expected magnitude of decline in lower extremity BMD in persons with recent SCI |
Sadowsky et al[24] | Lower extremity functional electrical stimulation cycling promotes physical and functional recovery in chronic spinal cord injury | FES during cycling in chronic SCI may provide substantial physical integrity benefits, including enhanced neurological and functional performance, increased muscle size and force-generation potential, reduced spasticity, and improved quality of life |
Gorgey et al[25] | Neuromuscular electrical stimulation attenuates high skeletal muscles atrophy but not trunk muscles after spinal cord injury | NMES can delay the process of progressive skeletal muscle atrophy after chronic SCI However, the effects are localized to the trained high muscles and do not extend to the proximal trunk muscles |
Karimi et al[26] | Robotic rehabilitation of spinal cord injury individual | Although various types of orthotic systems have been developed for paraplegic subjects for walking and rehabilitation, there is not enough research in this regard. It is not easy to determine the therapeutic influence of robotic orthosis on the health status of paraplegic subjects There is a huge gap for a randomized clinical trial research to determine the effect of robotic system on the health status of the SCI subjects |
Karimi et al[27] | Functional walking ability of paraplegic patients: comparison of functional electrical stimulation vs mechanical orthoses | FES and hybrid orthoses offer considerable potential for restoring standing and walking abilities in persons with SCI. However, improvements in their designs and operation with subsequent objective evaluations are required to demonstrate that the systems enable users to improve their performance over that currently possible with passive, mechanical orthoses |
- Citation: Nas K, Yazmalar L, Şah V, Aydın A, Öneş K. Rehabilitation of spinal cord injuries. World J Orthop 2015; 6(1): 8-16
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