BPG is committed to discovery and dissemination of knowledge
Editorial Board
I joined the faculty of the University of Toledo Medical Center in 2006, and since that time I have been involved in all aspects of education, clinical practice, administration and leadership within the orthopedic department, the hospital, the medical school and the local medical community. In the following statement, I will endeavor to present the scope of my contributions, accomplishments, and dedication to our medical school and faculty.   Teaching -----------  I am involved in the regular teaching of the medical students in the orthopedic clinics and the operating room.  This includes spine problems as well as general orthopedic knowledge such as fractures, infections, hand, foot and ankle pathology, and applied anatomy. I give a yearly lecture to the physical therapy students at the University of Toledo as part of their core curriculum. As part of the faculty of the orthopedic department I am involved in the education and training of the twenty orthopedic residents currently in our program.  The teaching is provided in four weekly orthopedic clinics, Wednesday morning grand rounds, Thursday afternoon protected teaching time, and in the operative room. I am also teaching the residents rotating through our department from other programs such as family and emergency medicine. These residents attend my clinics and I teach them about problems related to the spine. I have also supervised and served on the advisory council for graduate students in the Masters and Ph.D. programs in biomechanical engineering at the University of Toledo.   Research Activities ------------------------ I have been consistently involved in research that has resulted in multiple podium and poster presentations in national and international conferences. I have cooperated with the Radiology, Anesthesia, Medicine and Bioengineering Departments and we were successful in publishing several manuscripts. I have published 51 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and currently, I am supervising multiple projects with the orthopedic residents in different spine problems. In addition to my peer review journal publications and presentations, I have been invited to write, and successfully completed, eight book chapters. Since my appointment to the University of Toledo I was successful in obtaining three research grants as co-investigator and two grants as principle investigator. My most recent grant for 2014-2015 was  from the Center of Disruptive Musculoskeletal Innovations for the purpose of studying biomechanical evaluation of the pullout strength of two S1 broken pedicle screw revision techniques. The study has been completed and we are in the process of publishing our findings. Through further biomechanical research of cervical disc arthroplasty with Professor Goel, we obtained a patent on a cervical spine posterior dynamic system in conjunction with an artificial disc to treat a whiplash injury patient. Last year we filed for another patent for a bone graft material mixing and delivery device that facilitates the application of the bone graft in lumbar and thoracic spine fusion surgery. Through my publications I have been invited to act as a reviewer for multiple journals in the United States, Europe, and East Asia such as Spine Journal, The Spine Journal, Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques, Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, Global Spine Journal, Evidence Based Spine Care Journal, JSM Neurosurgery and Spine Journal, Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, World Journal of Orthopedics, and Indian Journal of Orthopaedics.