Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Clin Oncol. Apr 24, 2025; 16(4): 99801
Published online Apr 24, 2025. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v16.i4.99801
Table 1 Biological data and comorbidity in the transanal drainage tube and non-transanal drainage tube groups, n (%)
All patients (n = 68)
Non-TDT (n = 25)
TDT (n = 43)
P value
Sexχ² = 1.060.304
Male46 (67.65)15 (60.00)31 (72.09)
Female22 (32.35)10 (40.00)12 (27.91)
Age (years)62.44 ± 12.0460.64 ± 12.4563.49 ± 11.81t = -0.940.351
Preoperative albumin (g/L)41.00 (38.00, 44.00)41.00 (38.00, 43.00)41.00 (38.50, 44.00)Z = -0.030.98
Body mass index (kg/m2)23.71 ± 2.9523.55 ± 3.2123.80 ± 2.82t = -0.340.736
Comorbidity35 (51.47)12 (48.00)23 (53.49)χ² = 0.190.662
Diabetes13 (19.12)5 (20.00)8 (18.60)χ² = 0.001
Hypertension22 (32.35)6 (24.00)16 (37.21)χ² = 1.260.262
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease2 (2.94)0 (0.00)2 (4.65)-0.528
Cardiovascular10 (14.71)4 (16.00)6 (13.95)-1
Hepatic insufficiency2 (2.94)1 (4.00)1 (2.33)-1
Surgical approachχ² = 0.390.531
Laparoscope62 (91.18)24 (96.00)38 (88.37)
Robot assisted6 (8.82)1 (4.00)5 (11.63)
Distance of tumor from the anus (cm)7.00 (5.00, 8.00)7.00 (5.00, 7.50)7.00 (5.00, 8.00)Z = -0.080.933
Tumor diameter (cm)4.00 (3.00, 4.00)3.00 (3.00, 4.00)4.00 (3.00, 4.00)Z = -1.290.196
American Society of Anesthesiologistsχ² = 0.560.455
1-248 (70.59)19 (76.00)29 (67.44)
320 (29.41)6 (24.00)14 (32.56)
TNMχ² = 1.250.536
I16 (23.53)4 (16.00)12 (27.91)
II32 (47.06)13 (52.00)19 (44.19)
III20 (29.41)8 (32.00)12 (27.91)
Diverting stoma21 (30.88)7 (28.00)14 (32.56)χ² = 0.150.695
Duration of anal canal treatment (days)7.00 (5.00, 10.50)
Table 2 Intention-to-treat analysis of the transanal drainage tube and non-transanal drainage tube groups, n (%)
All patients (n = 68)
non-TDT (n = 25)
TDT (n = 43)
P value
Operation time (minute)240.00 (203.75, 296.50)240.00 (200.00, 296.00)240.00 (212.50, 289.00)Z = -0.030.975
Distance of anastomosis from the anus (cm)4.00 (3.00, 6.00)4.00 (3.00, 5.00)4.00 (2.90, 6.00)Z = -0.450.653
Intraoperative bleeding (mL)50.00 (50.00, 100.00)100.00 (50.00, 100.00)50.00 (50.00, 100.00)Z = -1.430.152
Reoperation21 (30.88)12 (48.00)9 (20.93)χ² = 5.430.02
Bacterial cultures of abdominal drainage fluid negative (days)9.00 (6.00, 16.00)10.00 (7.00, 16.00)8.00 (5.00, 15.50)Z = -0.920.355
Neutrophil number back to normal (days)8.50 (5.00, 14.25)10.00 (5.00, 15.00)7.00 (5.00, 13.50)Z = -0.530.596
Procalcitonin < 0.25 (days)9.00 (5.00, 14.00)10.00 (7.00, 14.00)7.00 (5.00, 13.00)Z = -0.610.545
Recovery enteral nutrition (days)6.50 (3.00, 13.00)8.00 (5.00, 10.00)6.00 (2.00, 13.00)Z = -1.450.146
Discharge albumin (g/L)34.00 (32.00, 36.00)35.00 (32.00, 36.00)33.00 (31.00, 35.00)Z = -1.480.14
Use of antibiotics (days)10.00 (6.00, 16.00)10.00 (7.00, 18.00)10.00 (6.00, 15.00)Z = -0.790.429
Cost (RMB)109205.93 ± 57366.51116891.43 ± 65540.44104737.62 ± 52341.15t = 0.840.404
Discharge after surgery (days)21.00 (12.00, 29.00)23.00 (15.00, 32.00)19.00 (10.00, 28.00)Z = -1.640.102
Death1 (1.5)1 (2.4)0-1
Table 3 Incidence of long-term preservation of continuity, n (%)
All patients (n = 68)
non-TDT (n = 25)
TDT (n = 43)
P value
Long-term preservation of continuityχ² = 9.180.002
No25 (36.76)15 (60.00)10 (23.26)
Yes43 (63.24)10 (40.00)33 (76.74)
Table 4 Incidence of low anterior resection syndrome, n (%)
All patients (n = 43)
non-TDT (n = 10)
TDT (n = 33)
P value
LARSχ² = 3.860.049
No18 (41.86)1 (10.00)17 (51.52)
Yes25 (58.14)9 (90.00)16 (48.48)
No18 (41.86)1 (10.00)17 (51.52)
Minor14 (32.56)5 (50.00)9 (27.27)
Major11 (25.58)4 (40.00)7 (21.21)