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Professor Pradyumna Kumar Mishra is currently serving as Scientist-F & Head, Division of Environmental Biotechnology, Genetics & Molecular Biology at the ICMR-National Institute for Research in Environmental Health (NIREH), Bhopal. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences and a recipient of the Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships for his seminal contribution to environmental epigenetics and translational nano-science. He was awarded the African-Indian Mobility Fellowship from the DBT-Wellcome Trust Alliance and African Academy of Sciences, Labhsetwar Foundation (United States) Award, Founder-President Dr. TC Anand Kumar Memorial Gold Medal Oration. Towards delineating a novel role of mitochondrial-induced epigenetic modifications in air-borne particulate matter exposure and development of low-cost nano-biosensors for predicting future disease susceptibility using cell-free circulating mitochondrial epigenetic signatures as bio-matrix, he has executed more than 14 major research projects being funded by national agencies such as ICMR, DHR, DST, DBT and DAE and international bilateral projects including Indo-EU, Indo-US and Indo-African. Dr. Mishra has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed research publications in NCBI-Pubmed indexed journals of international repute. His current H-index is > 44, i10 index is > 110, with total citations of > 5000 and a total impact factor of 495.67. He has four patent publications and co-edited two books. Dr. Mishra has supervised 12 students for the PhD degree, and more than 100 students have worked under his mentorship for their internships and post-graduate dissertation theses.