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Professor Godefridus (Frits) J. Peters is at the Laboratory Medical Oncology at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers (location VU University Medical Center; VUmc) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He studied biology and chemistry at the University of Nijmegen, and did his Ph.D. in 1982. He did several post-docs at the Netherlands Cancer Institute and at the VUmc. In 1986 he received a senior research fellowship of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, in 1989 he was appointed as head of the division of (Biochemical) Pharmacology, and was head of the Laboratory Medical Oncology from 2003-2017. He was appointed as associate-professor in 1992 and as full professor in 2003. Since 2019 he is also professor at the Medical University of Gdansk, Poland.   The research of Prof. Peters is focused on translation of preclinical pharmacology of anticancer agents to the clinic. This included all aspects of drug development of various classes including anti-signalling protein kinase inhibitors, antifolates, antimetabolites, platinum analogs, topoisomerase inhibitors, and taxanes. Prof Peters was involved in several Phase I and 2 studies of drugs now registered for treatment of cancer such as gemcitabine, pemetrexed, erlotinib, while “failed” clinical studies led to the development of successful drugs. Drugs were improved by optimizing drug combinations, proper prodrugs or drug carriers, or by identification of resistance genes. For the latter, analysis of signalling pathways was performed, in relation to expression, mutations and genetic polymorphisms in driver genes, and regulation by miRNAs. Other research interests include regulation of transport (influx and efflux pumps), and metabolism of anticancer drugs, DNA repair, apoptosis and protein processing (proteasome, aminopeptidase, autophagy). These research fields are interconnected by studying the role of phosphorylation by various protein kinases on the function of these pumps (OCTs, MRPs, BCRP). These studies are translated from model systems to the patient and back, in order to provide personalized therapy   Education is important in research, since well-educated researchers are the future of cancer research. Prof Peters supervised more than 30 Ph.D. students and over 100 master students and guest scientists from all continents. Teaching varied from bachelor students at the Amsterdam University College to master students in pharmaceutical sciences. He was one of the initiators of the Master in Oncology in 2002.   Prof. Peters has authored/co-authored 580 refereed research papers and reviews, as well as 171 papers/chapters in books and congress proceedings (H-index 93, citations 41273; Google Scholar), he is/was member of >40 editorial boards, and recently initiated a journal devoted to drug resistance, Cancer Drug Resistance. He was founder and first president of the Purine and Pyrimidine Society (2003-2005) and is currently secretary/treasurer of that group. He was chair of the EORTC-Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms (PAMM) Group from 2009-2015, and secretary until 2018 and is member of the EORTC-Translation Research Advisory Committee and of the New Drug Advisory Committee For papers see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Peters+GJ#