©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol. Aug 15, 2014; 5(3): 252-270
Published online Aug 15, 2014. doi: 10.4291/wjgp.v5.i3.252
Published online Aug 15, 2014. doi: 10.4291/wjgp.v5.i3.252
Table 1 Indications to perform contrast-enhanced computed tomography[58]
Types | Indications |
Initial imaging | 1 When the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is uncertain 2 Patients with hyperamylasemia, severe clinical pancreatitis, abdominal distention and tenderness, fever > 102°, and leukocytosis for the detection of complications 3 Ranson score > 3 or APACHE score > 8 4 Patients who fail to improve after 72 h of conservative medical therapy 5 Acute change in clinical status, such as new fever, pain, and shock after successful initial medical therapy |
Followup imaging | 1 Acute change in clinical status suggesting complication 2 7-10 d after presentation if CT severity score is 3-10 at presentation or grade 3 To determine response to treatment after surgery or interventional radiologic procedures to document response to treatment. 4 Before discharge of patients with severe acute pancreatitis |
Table 2 MCTSI scoring ystem[39]
Prognostic Indicators | Characteristics | MCTSI1 |
Pancreatic inflammation | Normal pancreas | 0 |
Pancreatic ± peripancreatic inflammatory changes | 2 | |
One or more collection or peripancreatic fat necrosis | 4 | |
Pancreatic necrosis | No necrosis | 0 |
< 30% | 2 | |
> 30% | 4 | |
Extrapancreatic complications (pleural effusions, ascites, vascular, gastrointestinal, etc.) | 2 |
Table 3 MR severity index scoring system[69]
Prognostic Indicators | Characteristics | MRSI |
Pancreatic inflammation | Normal pancreas | 0 |
Focal or diffuse enlargement of the pancreas | 1 | |
Intrinsic pancreatic abnormalities with inflammatory changes in the peripancreatic fat | 2 | |
Single, poorly defined fluid collection | 3 | |
Two or more poorly defined collection or presence of gas in or adjacent to the pancreas | 4 | |
Pancreatic necrosis | No necrosis | 0 |
< 30% | 2 | |
30%-50% | 4 | |
> 50% | 6 |
Table 4 Imaging criteria for chronic pancreatitis[70]
CT criteria | MRI/S-MRCP criteria | |
Moderate chronic pancreatitis | ≥ 2 of the following: | Moderate pancreatogram changes |
Main duct enlarged (2-4 mm) | Main duct abnormal and | |
Slight gland enlargement (up to 2 × normal) | Abnormal side branches, > 3 | |
Heterogeneous parenchyma | ||
Small cavities (< 10 mm) | ||
Irregular ducts | ||
Focal acute pancreatitis | ||
Increased Density of the main pancreatic duct wall | ||
Irregular head/body contour | ||
Marked chronic pancreatitis | with ≥ 1 of the following | Main duct abnormal and |
Large cavities (> 10 mm) | Abnormal side branches, > 3 | |
Gross gland enlargement (2 × normal) | Plus one or more of the following: | |
Intraductal filling defects or pancreatic calculi | Large cavity | |
Duct obstruction, stricture, or gross irregularity | Obstruction | |
Contiguous organ invasion | Filling defects | |
Severe dilatation or irregularity |
Table 5 Differentiating imaging features between chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Chronic pancreatitis | Pancreatic adenocarcinoma |
Preserved glandular, feathery or marbled texture similar to that of the remaining pancreas | Definable, circumscribed mass lesion is most often diagnostic for tumor, which disrupts the underlying architecture and results in loss of anatomic detail |
Heterogeneous pancreatic enhancement with presence of signal void (cysts and calcifications) on immediate post-gadolinium images | Irregular, heterogeneous, diminished enhancement on postgadolinium images compared to adjacent pancreatic parenchyma |
Irregular dilatation of main pancreatic duct with gradual narrowing. Presence of multiple intraductal calcifications (the most specific finding) | Abrupt cut off of the pancreatic duct with significant proximal dilatation +/- presence of double duct sign. Very few ductal calculi compared to chronic pancreatitis |
Dilatation of main pancreatic duct with and ectasia of the side branches, giving chain of lakes appearance | Minimal dilatation of side branches |
No vascular encasement, significant lymphadenopathy or distant metastasis. | Vascular encasement, lymphadenopathy or distant metastasis |
- Citation: Busireddy KK, AlObaidy M, Ramalho M, Kalubowila J, Baodong L, Santagostino I, Semelka RC. Pancreatitis-imaging approach. World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol 2014; 5(3): 252-270
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