PAOLO ASENI, MD Born in Palo del Colle (Bari) Italy on May 30th, 1950 e-mail: EDUCATION: 1975 Doctor of Medicine, Università Statale of Milan, Italy 1981 Medical Licensure for U.S.A. (ECFMG), 2014 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale a Professore di II fascia Area Chirurgia Generale (National Scientific Qualification in General Surgery) SPECIALTY BOARDS: Anaesthesiology in 1979; General Surgery in 1984; Vascular Surgery in 1990. From 1989-2021 Lecturer of Surgical Anatomy and Human Macroscopic Morphology, University of Medicine, Milan (UNIMI, Università Statale di Milano, Polo Vialba), annual Course of “Thoracic and abdominal macroscopic human anatomy” EXPERIENCE AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING: Visiting Fellow: 1978: Medizinische Hochschule, Allgemein Viszeral und Transplantations-Chirurgie, Hannover Germany 1979: Abteilung für Experimentelle Chirurgie, Munchen, Germany 1979: Experimentelle Chirurgie, Uniklinik Koln, Germany 1980: Chirurgie Hépatobiliaires, Hopital Beaujon, Paris. France Visiting Professor : 1989 : Chirurgie Hepato-Biliaire et Transplantation Hepatique, Hopital Paul Brousse, Villejuif, Paris,France POSITIONS AND EMPLOYMENT: 1976-1980Surgical Fellow at the Department of General, Vascular, and Abdominal Transplantation Surgery, Niguarda Hospital, Milan (Director Professor Lino Belli) 1980-1989 Assistant Surgeon at the Department of General, Vascular and Abdominal Transplantation Surgery, Niguarda Hospital, Milan (Director Professor Lino Belli) 1989-2013 Associate Surgeon at the Department of General Vascular and Abdominal Transplantation Surgery, Niguarda Hospital, Milan 1980-1990 Responsible for Surgical Training at the Experimental Surgical Laboratory, Niguarda Hospital, Milan 2013-2018 Tutor in Surgery, AAST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Dipartimento di Medicina d’Urgenza ed Emergenza. 1989-2018 Assistant Professor of Surgical Anatomy and Human Macroscopic Morphology, University of Medicine, Milan (Università Statale di Milano, Polo Vialba) “Thoracic and abdominal macroscopic human anatomy”. RESEARCH SUPPORT FOR INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMS: 1)Prospective Epidemiological Study of colorectal cancer developed by Istituto Mario Negri N2006.2011. Role: Co-investigator. 2) "Controlled Expansion of conventional criteria for Liver Transplantation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Trough Down-staging Procedures: a Randomized Trial (XXL Trial)" by Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori. Role Co- investigator for Niguarda Hospital. 3) "A prospective policy development to increase split-liver transplantation for two adult recipients. A 12-year multicenter collaborative study", role: Principal Investigator. 4) "Accuracy of POCUS in identification of the source of infection in septic patients" , role: Principle investigator. 5) 3D Liver printing haptic models for surgical simulation in clinical practice , and Immersive 3D Virtual Reality visualization of the liver anatomy applied to surgical practice (PrintMed 3D and UNIMI Depatment of Phisics, Head of Dpt. Prof Paolo Milani)
RESEARCH ARTICLES see: “Researchgate” : Total reported “research items": 339 (184 Journal Articles, 50 Chapters, 3 Textbooks, Conference papers 74 ) HI (Hirsh Index) by Googole Schoolar report 24; Hi-10 : 35
INVITED REVIEWER: (documented by Review Publons) 177 articles for Journals for 26 medical Journals and 7 Editorial records papers. ( MEMBER OF THE EDITORIAL BOARD for the following Journals: “Emergency Care Journal”, "World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology", Diagnostics" , "Journal of Clinical Medicine".