Size Wu, male, born in China, october, 1964. M.D., a chief physician in medical ultrasound, a professor of Hainan medical university, specialized in diagnostic ultrasound in medicine, such as liver, biliary system, pancreas, spleen, breast, thyroid, salivary glands, scrotum, kidney, ureters, heart, blood vessels, superficial soft tissues and muscle diseases evaluation; new methods and skill development for ultrasound related diagnosis. An assistant editor and member of editorial boad of American Journal of Roentgenology.
Some published articles:
1. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing. Recognition and application of sonographic rectangular appearance of the urinary bladder. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2011; 30(9):1215–1220.
2. Wu Size, Liu Guangqing, Chen Ruinan, Guan Ying. Role of ultrasound in the assessment of benignity and malignancy of parotid masses. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2012; 41(2):131-135.
3.Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing. Value of ultrasonography in neurilemmoma diagnosis: role of round shape morphology. Medical ultrasonography. 2012;14(3): 1-5.
4. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing, Shi Yusen. The frequency and clinical significance of the halo sign in focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver. Medical ultrasonography. 2012;14(4): 278-282.
5. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing, Shi Yusen. Role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of common soft tissue lesions of the limbs. Ultrasound Quarterly. 2013;29(1):67-71.
6. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing. Frequency and implication of focal fatty sparing in segmental homogeneous fatty liver at ultrasound. Journal of Medical Ultrasonics. 2013;40(4):393-398.
7. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Zheng Enhai, Shi Yusen, Liu Guangqing. Findings and implications of focal fatty sparing at follow up: A preliminary study based on ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2013; 32(10): 1695-1702.
8. Wu Size. Imaging findings of atypical leiomyoma of the urinary bladder simulating bladder cancer: a case report and literature review. Medical ultrasonography. 2013;15(2):161-163.
9. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Zheng Enhai, Shi Yusen, Liu Guangqing. Approach to improving sonographic visualization of elongated left lobe of the liver and its implications. Journal of Medical Ultrasonics. 2013; 40(4): 423-428.
10. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing, Shi Yusen. Dynamic changes of ultrasound characteristics of nodules in cirrhotic liver and their implications in surveillance for malignancy. Journal of Medical Ultrasonics. 2014;41(2)165-171.
11. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing, Huang Li, Guan Ying, Zhen Enhai. Focal fatty sparing usually does not arise in preexisting non-alcoholic diffuse homogeneous fatty liver. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2014; 33(8): 1147-1452.
12. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing, Huang Li, Zhao Yanyan. Characteristics suggestive of focal fatty sparing from liver malignancy on ultrasound in liver screening. Ultrasound Quarterly. 2014; 30(4): 276-281.
13. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing, Guan ying, Zhao Yanyan. Hyperechoic and hypoechoic hepatic haemangioma smaller than 3 cm seldom coexist. Ultrasound Quarterly. 2014;30(4): 291-294.
14. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liu Guangqing, Nan Ruixia, Ying Guan, Enhai Zheng , Yanyan Zhao. Anatomical variation of the liver with elongated left lobe may be a trap for the ultrasound detection of focal liver lesion. Medical Ultrasonography. 2015; 17(1):12-15.
15. Wu Size. Formation and characterization of nanobubbles conjugating peptide targeting GPC3 of hepatocellular carcinoma. J Nanosci Nanotechno. 2017; 17(7) 4542-4548.
16. Wu Size, Cui Xiaojing, Huang Li, Bai Xuefei. Combining Virtual Touch Tissue Imaging and BI-RADS may improve breast solid lesions evaluation. Breast Care. 2017;12(2):98-101.
17. Wu Size, Liu Guangqing, Cui Xiaojing, Liang Xian, Chen Kailiang. Importance of distending stomach with fluid for ultrasound detection of focal lesion in the elongated left lobe of the liver. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2017; 36(12):2553-2558.
18. Liu Guangqing, Wu Size, Liang Xian, Cui Xiaojing, Zuo Dongsheng.
Shear wave elastography improves specificity of ultrasound for parotid nodules.Ultrasound Q. 2018;34(2):62-66.
19. Wu Size, Tu Rong, Liang Xian. Patchy echogenicity of the liver in patients with chronic hepatitis B does not indicate poorer elasticity. Ultrasonography. 2019;38(4):327-335..
20. Liu Guangqing, Wu Size(通讯作者), Huang Li. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound evaluation of the prostate before transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy can improve diagnostic sensitivity: A STARD-compliant article. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020;99(19):e19946.
21. Cui Xiaojing, Wu Size(通讯作者). Ultrasonic assessment has high sensitivity for pregnant women with previous cesarean section occurring uterine dehiscence and rupture: A STARD-compliant article. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020;99(31):e21448.
22. Wu Size, Liu Guangqing. Recognition of specific morphologic patterns for identifying benign thyroid nodules. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2010; 194(4): W353.
23. Wu Size, Lin Xiyuan, Cui Xiaojing. Effect of Liposome-Encapsulated Zoledronic Acid on Microenvironment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma May Depend on the Ratio Between M1 and M2 Polarized Macrophages. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2020 ; 170(1): 69-74.
24. Sun Wenbing, Fu Shuqi, Wu Size*, Tu Rong. Growing Evidence of Exosomal MicroRNA-Related Metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. BioMed Research International, vol. 2020, ID 4501454, 6 pages, 2020.
25. Wu Size, Liu Guangqing. Does Gallbladder Wall Thickening of Cirrhotic Patients Increase the Risk of Formation of Gallstones? Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 2013;29(2):55-57.
26.Wu Size, Chen Shuhuan, Liu Guangqing. Sonographic Patterns of Testicular Torsion. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 2011; 27(6)):282-287.
27. Wu Size, Zhang jianhui, Liu Guangqing. Comparison of Decompensated Cirrhosis With and Without Patent Paraumbilical Vein. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 2010; 26(3): 143-146.
28.Wu Size, Chen Shuhuan, Liu Guangqing. Impact of Hypertension-Induced Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on the Left Atrial Structure and Function. High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Prevention. 2009;16(2):98-101.
29.Wu Size, Tu Rong, Nan Ruixia, Liu G,uangqing Cui Xiaojing, Liang Xian. Impact of variations in fatty liver on sonographic detection of focal hepatic lesions originally identified by CT. Ultrasonography. 2016;35(1):39-46.
30. Wu Size, Nan Ruixian, Li Yueping, Cui Xiaojing, Liang Xian, Zhao Yanyan. Measurement of elasticity of normal placenta using the Virtual Touch quantification technique. Ultrasonography. 2016; 35(3):253-257.
31. Wu Size, Liang Xian, Cui Xiaojing, Zuo Dongsheng, Hong Lian, Chen Kailiang. Evaluating the Endometrial Hyperechoic Zone in Early Postpartum Women May Be Deceptive When Utilizing Transcutaneous Sonography. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 2018; 34(3): 181-186.
32. Wu Size, Zuo Dongsheng, Hong Yamin. The Prevalence of Hyperechoic Rim in Solid Focal Liver Lesions and Its Implication. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 2019;35(1)3-8.
33. Wu Size*, Lin Xiyuan, Cui Xiaojing. Effect of Liposome-Encapsulated Zoledronic Acid on Microenvironment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma May Depend on the Ratio Between M1 and M2 Polarized Macrophages. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2020 ; 170(1): 69-74.
34. Sun Wenbing, Fu Shuqi, Wu Size*, Tu Rong. Growing Evidence of Exosomal MicroRNA-Related Metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. BioMed Research International, vol. 2020, ID 4501454, 6 pages, 2020.
35. Wu Size* Trials in developing a nanoscale material for extravascular contrast-enhanced ultrasound targeting hepatocellular carcinoma. Peer J. 2020
36. Wu Size* Curated findings and implications in duplex ultrasound interrogation of the scrotum or varicoceles. DOI : 10.1038/s41598-020-78619-1