Randomized Controlled Trial
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Cardiol. Oct 26, 2016; 8(10): 615-622
Published online Oct 26, 2016. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v8.i10.615
Table 1 Society of thoracic surgery definitions for peri-operative outcomes
StrokeIf the patient had a central neurological deficit persisting postoperatively for > 72 h
Peri-operative MI0-24 h post-operative: The CK-MB (or CK if MB not available) must be greater than or equal to 5 times the upper limit of normal, with or without new Q waves present in two or more contiguous ECG leads No symptoms required > 24 h post-operative: Indicate the presence of a peri-operative MI (> 24 h post-op) as documented by at least one of the following criteria: (1) Evolutionary ST-segment elevations (2) Development of new Q-waves in two or more contiguous ECG leads (3) New or presumably new LBBB pattern on the ECG (4) The CK-MB (or CK if MB not available) must be greater than or equal to 3 times the upper limit of normal
Table 2 Baseline characteristics between control group and remote ischemic preconditioning group
CharacteristicControl (n = 51)RIPC (n = 51)P
Mean age (± SD)68.9 (± 9.8)69.4 (± 9.9)0.77
Male % (n)62.8 (32)76.5 (39)0.20
Caucasian % (n)88.2 (45)90.2 (46)1.00
Mean BMI (± SD)30.4 (± 7.6)28.4 (± 5.2)0.13
Diabetes mellitus % (n)39.2 (20)62.7 (32)0.029
Hypertension % (n)84.3 (43)82.4 (42)1.00
Dyslipidemia % (n)90.2 (46)90.2 (46)1.00
Heart failure % (n)21.6 (11)23.5 (12)1.00
Atrial fibrillation % (n)0.0 (0)0.0 (0)NA
AICD % (n)0.0 (0)2.0 (1)1.00
CVA % (n)3.9 (2)5.9 (3)1.00
TIA % (n)2.0 (1)7.8 (4)0.36
PAD % (n)9.8 (5)21.6 (11)0.17
CKD % (n)23.5 (12)23.5 (12)1.00
Dialysis % (n)2.0 (1)2.0 (1)1.00
Mean creatinine (± SD)1.2 (± 1.1)1.2 (± 0.7)0.89
COPD % (n)5.9 (3)0.0 (0)0.24
Tobacco use % (n)17.6 (9)27.5 (14)0.34
Table 3 Baseline medications and clinical presentation in the control group and remote ischemic preconditioning group
CharacteristicControl (n = 51)RIPC (n = 51)P
Medications % (n)
Alpha blockers7.8 (4)2.0 (1)0.36
Beta blockers78.4 (40)80.4 (41)1.00
ACE-inhibitors37.3 (19)41.2 (21)0.84
Aspirin90.2 (46)90.2 (46)1.00
Statins84.3 (43)86.3 (44)1.00
Clinical presentation % (n)
Stable angina23.5 (12)23.5 (12)1.00
Unstable angina25.5 (13)25.5 (13)1.00
Positive stress test27.5 (14)25.5 (13)1.00
Non-STEMI19.6 (10)17.6 (9)1.00
STEMI0.0 (0)2.0 (1)1.00
Valve without CAD17.6 (9)27.5 (14)0.34
Table 4 Clinical outcomes in the control group vs remote ischemic preconditioning group
CharacteristicControl (n = 51)RIPC (n = 51)P
Primary endpoint
POAF % (n)41.2 (21)54.0 (27)0.23
Secondary endpoints
Other arrhythmia % (n)13.7 (7)11.8 (6)1.00
MI % (n)3.9 (2)0.0 (0)0.50
Stroke % (n)0.0 (0)3.9 (2)0.24
Mean EF (± SD)53.1 (± 14.8)50.5 (± 16.9)0.43
Bleeding % (n)21.6 (11)28.0 (14)0.50
Mean cross-clamp time (± SD)88.7 (± 44.8)93.0 (± 38.5)0.61
In-hospital mortality % (n)0 (0)3.9 (2)0.50
30-d mortality (after discharge) % (n)0 (0)0 (0)1.0
30-d readmission % (n)11.8 (6)16.3 (8)0.57
Mean LOS (± SD)13.7 (± 7.8)14.0 (± 7.7)0.87