Case Control Study
Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Cardiol. Dec 26, 2014; 6(12): 1278-1284
Published online Dec 26, 2014. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v6.i12.1278
Table 1 Frequency of the symptoms at the time of diagnosis of Whipple’s disease
Patient group IPatient group IIPatientgroup III
Patients (n)41611059
Therapy with TNFI+--
Therapy with non- biological DMARD++-
Signs or symptoms
Weight loss36.6%42.6%80%-96%
Table 2 Summary of cases treated with tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor and later diagnosis of Whipple’s disease
Patients (n)(sex, age, yr)TNFI/time from treatment start of TNFI to diagnosis of WDOther DMARDsClinical picture at the time of diagnosis of WD (after TNFI treatment)Therapy for WD/outcomeRef.
1 (F, 33)Etarnecept; 6 moNSAID, MTXChronic inflammation, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, diarrhea, fever, weight lossCFA + CTM; resolution[12]
1 (M, 57)Etarnecept; “mo“Leflunomide, MTXEndocarditis, aortic valve replacementDCN, HCQ; resolution[13]
1 (M)Etanercept; not statedSteroids, others not specifiedArthralgia, diarrhea, others not specified, IRIS after AbxLong-term steroids, resolution[14]
1 (M, 70)Etarnecept; 19 moNSAID, sulfasalazine, MTXAnkylosing sacroiliitis, endocarditis, dyspnea, fever, aortic valve replacementDCN, CTM, HCQ; resolution[15]
3 (M, 51-76)Infliximab/2, etarnecept/2 “yr“Steroids, MTX, gold, leflunomide, cyclophos-phamide, cyclosporineIRIS after Abx, fever, 3 arthritis, pseudotumor orbitae3 long-term steroids; 1 blindness; 1 jejunal perforation; 1 death after 3 yr[16]
1 (M, 46)Infliximab, adalimumab; 28 moMTX, steroidsAnkylosing sacroiliitis, fever, T. whipplei septicemia, diarrheaCFA + CTM; resolution[17]
1 (M, 35)Etarnecept; 2 moNonePurpura, scurvy, diarrhea, pancolitis, granulomas, T. whipplei septicemia, arthritisCTM; resolution[18]
5 (4 M, 1 F, 38-67)Etarnecept/4, infliximab/2, adalimu-mab/2; 2, 4, 9, 26, 85 moNSAID, MTX, abatacept, rituximab, chloroquine, steroids, leflunomideAortic endocarditis, 4 arthritis, 3 T. whipplei in blood or septicaemia, 3 weight loss, 2 diarrhea, 2 pericarditis, 2 meningitis, diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, lymphadenopathy1 DCN 4 DCN + HCQ All with favorable outcome[19]
1 (M, 34)Infliximab; 0, 5 moNSAID, steroids, azathioprine, MTXErythema nodosum, diarrhea, weight loss, fever, sigmoido-vesical fistula, arthritis, lymphadenopathyCTM; resolution[20]
1 (M, 47)Adalimumab; “mo“MTX, steroids, leflunomideArthritis, recurrent fever, cough, weight lossCFA + CTM; resolution[21]
16TNFI not specified; time not statedMost had other immuno-suppressantsImmunosuppressants: 43% deterioration, 32% temporary relief, then deterioration, 25% ineffectiveness; TNFI: 2 patients with endocarditisNot specified[22]
1 (M, 62)Etarnecept; “short“NSAID, steroids, MTXPolyarthritis, pericarditis, cutaneous lesions; T. whipplei septicaemiaPenicilllin G, CTM; persisting cutaneous lesions; DCN + HCQ; resolution[27]
1 (F, 58)Not specified; 24 moNo data availableArthritisNo data available[28]
1 (M, 53)Not specified; 12 moNo data availablePericarditis, polyarthritis, lower limb edemaNo data available[29]
1 (M, 67)Etarnecept; “short“MTX, steroids, sulfasalazine, leflunomidePericarditis, pulmonary hypertension, arthritis, candida esophagitis, segmental ulcerative intestinal lesions, episcleritis, feverCFA + CTM; Stopped because of diarrhea; Cefixim, steroids, resolution[23]
1Etarnecept; not statedNo data availableNo data availableNo data available[30]
2 (M, 42, 53)Etarnecept/2, adalimu-mab/2; 13, 14 moNSAIDDeterioration of arthritis, spondylising arthritis, diarrhea, weight loss1 DCN + HCQ, Sulfadiazin; 1 DCN + HCQ; 2 resolution[24]
1 (M, 64)Etarnecept; 6 moSteroids, MTXSpondylising arthritis, multisegmental spondylitis, arthritis, weight loss, Giardia lamblia infectionCFA + CTM; Persistent inflamma-tion, then DCN +HCQ; resolution[25]
1 (M, 52)Etarnecept, adalimumab, infliximab; 24 moSteroids, MTXRash, hemiplegia, dysarthria, facial palsy, cognitive sequelae, headache, decrease of executive functions, arthritis, diarrhea, weight loss, lymphadenopathyCFA + CTM, amelio-ration, but remaining cognitive sequelae, headache[26]
Table 3 Whipple’s disease related symptoms and outcome after therapy with tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor
Sign or symptom1Patients (n)
Total number of severe complications49 (1.88 complications per patient)
Total number of affected patients26 out of 41 patients (63%)
Fever, septic temperatures16
T. whipplei septicaemia, T. whipplei in blood6
Endocarditis (many with valve replacement)5
Spondylitis (multisegmental)4
Colitis, fistula, perforation4
Neurologic symptoms, meningitis3
Severe skin manifestation3
Severe eye complications, blindness2
Ankylosing sacroiliitis2
Pulmonary hypertension1
Severe sequelae or death3/19
Neurological symptoms
(cognitive sequelae, dysfunction)1
Resolution or favorable outcome16/19
Not specified/no data22
Table 4 Lack of reliability of standard diagnostic procedures in patient group I: Different situations ("settings") of the diagnostic procedures
SettingDiagnostic procedurefor suspected WDbefore TNFI therapyDiagnostic procedurefor suspected WDafter TNFI therapyPatients (n) (reference)
1Duodenal biopsy PAS negDuodenal biopsy PAS neg PCR pos3 [19,21,25]
2Duodenal biopsy PAS negDuodenal/small bowel biopsy PAS pos (PCR not performed )3 [19,20,25]
3“Duodenal mucosa normal“Duodenal/jejunal PAS pos PCR pos1 [23]
4Duodenal biopsy PAS negExplanted heart valve PCR pos1 [13]
5Duodenal biopsy PAS neg PCR negExplanted heart valve PCR pos1 [15]
6None performedDuodenal biopsy PAS pos PCR pos3 [17,24,26]
7None performedDuodenal biopsy PAS neg PCR pos2 [12,27]
8None performedColonic biopsy PAS pos Stool, blood, CSF PCR pos1 [18]
Total9/9 PAS negative or mucosa normal5/13 intestinal biopsies PAS neg15 patients,
1/1 PCR negative8/13 intestinal biopsies PAS pos 10/10 intestinal PCR pos13 reports
Table 5 Lack of reliability of standard diagnostic procedures in patient group I: Summary of all diagnostic tests n (%)
False negativeFalse negative
Before TNFI therapy9/9 (100)1/1 (100)
After TNFI therapy5/13 (38.4)0/10 (0)
Total14/22 (63.6)b1/11 (9.1)
True positiveTrue positive
Before TNFI therapy0/9 (0)0/1 (0)
After TNFI therapy8/13 (61.6)10/10 (100)
Total8/22 (36.4)b10/11 (90.9)