Original Article Open Access
Copyright ©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.
World J Cardiol. Jul 26, 2013; 5(7): 228-241
Published online Jul 26, 2013. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v5.i7.228
Initial clinical presentation of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy with-a focus on electrocardiographic changes: A literature review of cases
Erick Francisco Sanchez-Jimenez, Emergency Department, Hospital CIMA San Jose, Escazu, 5416-1000 San Jose, Costa Rica
Author contributions: Sanchez-Jimenez EF reviewed all the articles and designed the manuscript.
Correspondence to: Erick Francisco Sanchez-Jimenez, MD, Emergency Department, Hospital CIMA San Jose, Colegio de Medicos y Cirujanos de Costa Rica, Escazu, 5416-1000 San Jose, Costa Rica. erick_fsj@hotmail.com.
Telephone: +506-88-243537 Fax: +506-24-948231
Received: April 4, 2013
Revised: May 12, 2013
Accepted: June 1, 2013
Published online: July 26, 2013
Processing time: 119 Days and 23.6 Hours


AIM: To review the initial presentation and demonstrate the importance of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

METHODS: A PubMed search using the terms “Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC)” and “apical ballooning syndrome” yielded 211 publications. Only those that were relevant were fully reviewed. The gender, age, precipitating stressor, main complaint at presentation, electrocardiogram (ECG) at admission and serum cardiac markers of patients diagnosed with TC, were extracted as available. The data were organized in tables and graphics, and the incidence of the disorder was calculated and analyzed.

RESULTS: A total of 250 clinical cases were examined. The predominant gender that was affected was female, with a prevalence of 87.5%. The mean age of presentation was 64 ± 14 years. The cases were divided by age into 10-year intervals. The age interval of 60-69 years showed the highest frequency of TC, accounting for 79 cases. The most common precipitating stressor was physical (50% of cases). Chest pain was the primary complaint at presentation (58.8% of cases) followed by dyspnea (30% of cases). The ST segment changes category was the most common (60%), followed by T wave changes (39.6%). Of the 60% of cases with ST segment changes, 12% had concomitant T wave changes. This means that for 27.6% of the cases, the primary abnormality in the ECG was T wave changes; 87.6% of cases with TC had a change in the ST segment, in the T wave or in both. The percentage of ECGs presenting with changes in the anterior wall was 54.4% (35.6% of ST segment elevation + 1.6% of ST segment depression + 17.2% of T wave inversion). The percentage of patients presenting with changes in the lateral segment of the heart was 46.8%, while the percentage of patients with changes in the inferior heart was 21.6% and the percentage of patients with changes in the apical region was only 16%. The prevalence of elevated creatinine kinase and/or troponin on initial presentation was 89.3%.

CONCLUSION: It is essential that every physician consider Takotsubo cardiomyopathy as a possible differential diagnosis when a patient is classified with acute coronary syndrome. To do so, it is necessary to know the clinical presentation of this syndrome in its early stages.

Key Words: Apical ballooning syndrome; Broken heart syndrome; Stress cardiomyopathy; Takotsubo cardiomyopathy; Takotsubo syndrome

Core tip: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a syndrome that, while frequently not recognized, has a significant impact and represents a significant percentage of diagnosed acute coronary syndromes. The importance of its recognition by physicians should be stressed. There are no previously published articles that analyze a significant number of reported cases of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, nor are prior literature reviews available that examine all the points discussed by this author relative to the initial stages of the disease.


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC), apical ballooning syndrome and stress cardiomyopathy have all been used to refer to a syndrome that was described for the first time in 1991 in Japan. Five such cases were shown to have left ventriculograms with transient akinesis in the apical diaphragmatic and/or anterolateral wall but hyperkinesis in the basal wall of the heart[1].

Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the pathophysiology of TC, including multivessel coronary vasospasm, abnormalities of coronary microvascular function, and catecholamine-mediated cardiotoxicity[2]. Some authors consider estrogen an important factor because it changes the β1:β2 adrenoreceptor (AR) ratio in favor of the β2 AR-Gi protein, which protects the myocardium from catecholamines in stressful situations[3].

The typical initial presentation pattern as chest pain and/or dyspnea, the electrocardiographic changes and elevated serum cardiac markers observed in TC patients often result in the misdiagnosis of TC as acute coronary syndrome (ACS). For the diagnosis of TC, it is necessary to perform echocardiography to observe the wall motion abnormality and coronary angiography to confirm the absence of significant stenotic lesions[2-4]. For some authors, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) (Figure 1) is very important due to its unique ability to assist diagnosis with noninvasive techniques; certainly, CMRI is very helpful in the differential diagnosis of TC and myocarditis, and with patient follow-up[5].

Figure 1
Figure 1 Graphic showing total cases grouped by age intervals.

Many authors mention that the electrocardiographic changes that are seen in the presentation of TC are similar to those of ACS, particularly ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI); the similarities may include ST segment changes, T wave changes and QT interval changes[6].

This article analyzes the initial clinical presentation of a large number of cases of TC that have been described in the literature and assesses various parameters with a focus on electrocardiographic changes.


The reviewed articles were found on PubMed using the search terms “Takotsubo cardiomyopathy” and “apical ballooning syndrome”. Three filters, namely “case reports”, “free text available” and “humans”, were used. After setting those filters, 211 articles were found. Of these, only those relevant to TC, which accounted for 197 articles, were fully reviewed. Of these, eight were eliminated because they did not include electrocardiograms or because the final diagnosis was not TC. Therefore, the study was conducted using 189 articles in total.

The criteria used to define TC, were those used by each author in each clinical case. One case of right ventricular Takotsubo[7] and several cases of reverse Takotsubo, broken-heart syndrome and stress cardiomyopathy were also included.

The following data were extracted upon availability: gender, age, precipitating stressor, main complaint at presentation, electrocardiogram (ECG) at admission and serum cardiac markers.

There was no age restriction for inclusion of cases in the study. Cases were classified by age using intervals of 10 years for better management of information. Two patients, a 16-year-old and a 90-year-old, fell outside the first interval of 20-29 years and the last interval of 80-89 years. The median and mean age of the patients and the standard deviations of these values were calculated.

The precipitating stressors were grouped into four categories: physical (physical effort, organic disease or medical condition); emotional (psychological, anxiety or family situation); undetermined (unclear whether the precipitating stressor was emotional, physical or both); no stressor (no identifiable stressor in the history); and not available (not available in the review article). The prevalence of each precipitating stressor was then calculated.

Due to the variable nomenclature assigned by the authors to the main complaint at presentation, it was decided that this nomenclature should be merged into single terms that described all patients who showed similar symptoms. The term “chest pain” was used to include chest discomfort, chest tightness and retrosternal discomfort. “Dyspnea” was used to include respiratory distress, shortness of breath, orthopnea and pulmonary congestion. “Hypotension” included hemodynamic instability, right heart failure and cardiogenic shock. “Loss of consciousness” included ventricular fibrillation and cardiopulmonary arrest, and “palpitations” included tachycardia. After all signs and symptoms were classified, they were listed and their prevalence was calculated based on the total number of cases.

The presence of a minimum of one ECG description was set when choosing the articles. The first ECG was extracted and was preferred for every case. If the time at which the test was taken was not specified, the test made available in the article was assumed to be the first and only test performed and was used in this study. If multiple tests were performed during the initial case presentation, the test that was performed first was extracted. All electrocardiographic descriptions of each case were obtained. The ECG data were grouped into the following categories: ST segment changes, T wave changes, Q wave changes, QT prolonged, normal category and others. If the ECG showed documented long-standing changes such as LBBB (left bundle branch block) or AV block, the cases were not considered in this study. The incidence of each of these categories in the ECG data was calculated (Table 1).

Table 1 Electrocardiographic findings organized by frequency in presentation.
Electrocardiogram descriptionCases (n)Incidence (%)
ST segment changes15060.00
T wave changes9939.60
Prolonged QT2610.40
Q wave114.40
AV block72.80
Ventricular bigeminy20.80

The ST segment category was also divided into four groups based on the following specific changes: ST segment elevation, ST segment depression, flattened ST segment and non-specific ST segment changes (Table 2). The incidence of each based on the ST segment changes category and on the total population was calculated.

Table 2 ST segment, T wave change categories organized by incidence.
Cases (n)Categoryincidence1 (%)Global inci-dence2 (%)
ST segment changes
ST segment elevation13590.0054.00
ST segment depression113 (214)7.304.40
ST segment non-specific changes32.001.20
ST segment flattened10.700.40
T wave changes
T wave inversion9191.9036.40
Hyperacute T wave44.001.60
Flattened T wave22.000.80
Non-specific T wave changes22.000.80

The analysis of the T wave changes was also divided into four groups: T wave inversion, hyperacute T wave, flattened T wave and non-specific T wave changes (Table 2), and the incidence of each based on both the T wave category and the total cases was calculated.

The ECG findings were classified by anatomical region of the heart into inferior, lateral, septal, anterior and non-specific, based on the altered leads[8]. The incidence of abnormalities in each region was calculated and further analyzed (Table 3).

Table 3 Incidence of electrocardiographic change categories shown by anatomical region.
Category and LocalizationCases (n)Category inci-dence1 (%)Global inci-dence2 (%)
ST segment elevation
Septal (apical)2417.809.60
Not specified2216.308.80
ST segment depression3
Septal (apical)00.000.00
Not specified218.200.80
T wave changes4
Anterior43 (25)43.4017.20
Lateral45 (15)45.5018.00
Septal (apical)1616.206.40
Not specified1515.206.00

The serum cardiac markers creatinine kinase (CK-MB) and/or troponin were classified as normal or elevated; the latter category included mild, moderate and severe elevation. The results extracted were the first test during the admission or the first test result after suspecting a case. The prevalence of each marker elevation was calculated.


One hundred and eighty-nine case report articles, each of which included one or more individual clinical cases, were analyzed; in total, 250 clinical cases were examined (Table 4).

Table 4 Total number of cases analyzed tables.
No.Age (yr)Ref.No.Age (yr)Ref.No.Age (yr)Ref.
130Muller et al[8]8569Haghi et al[70]16968Lisi et al[140]
267Yaoita et al[9]8669Haghi et al[70]17071Rotondi et al[141]
373Izumi et al[10]8743Haghi et al[70]17182Kawano et al[142]
462Kobayashi et al[11]8869Haghi et al[70]17279Hutchings et al[143]
565Ker et al[12]8952Di Valentino et al[71]17355Hutchings et al[143]
678Lau et al[13]9068Stähli et al[72]17482Zuhdi et al[144]
762Hayashi et al[14]9165Vivo et al[73]17545Stout et al[145]
865Peraira Moral et al[15]9281Sacha et al[74]17676Daly et al[146]
981Wedekind et al[16]9353Fiol et al[75]17778Daly et al[146]
1081Davin et al[17]9461Oberson et al[76]17865Saito et al[147]
1179Teo[18]9529Magno et al[77]17975Silberbauer et al[148]
1251Arroyo et al[19]9682Kim et al[78]18047Biteker et al[149]
1379Consales et al[20]9771Kume et al[79]18174Merli et al[150]
1464Maruyama et al[21]9878Kume et al[79]18272Merli et al[150]
1580Nguyen et al[22]9977Kume et al[79]18371Merli et al[150]
1684Nishikawa et al[23]10074Kume et al[79]18475Merli et al[150]
1753Sakihara et al[24]10178Kume et al[79]18557Virani et al[151]
1866Ono et al[25]10278Ahn et al[80]18664Virani et al[151]
1948Daly et al[26]10355Mahida et al[81]18744Virani et al[151]
2076Iengo et al[27]10453Bianchi et al[82]18864Virani et al[151]
2144Pison et al[28]10561Hwang et al[83]18969Chia et al[152]
2252Pison et al[28]10655Ikeda et al[84]19057Yazdan-Ashoori et al[153]
2381Desmet et al[29]10775Ikeda et al[84]19178Shah et al[154]
2478Desmet et al[29]10864Suzuki et al[85]19224Volman et al[155]
2565Desmet et al[29]10988Teraoka et al[86]19368Salemi et al[156]
2671Desmet et al[29]11060Hara et al[87]19450Coutance et al[157]
2748Desmet et al[29]11189Kurisu et al[88]19566Parker et al[158]
2866Desmet et al[29]11277Kurisu et al[88]19681Oe et al[159]
2952Desmet et al[29]11373Verberne et al[89]19768Fazal et al[160]
3048Desmet et al[29]11460Subramanyam et al[90]19846Afonso et al[161]
3145Desmet et al[29]11541Sanchez-Recalde et al[91]19938Afonso et al[161]
3266Desmet et al[29]11641Barriales-Villa et al[92]20052Afonso et al[161]
3357Desmet et al[29]11760Fuse et al[93]20154Sacco et al[162]
3460Desmet et al[29]11880Kawano et al[94]20273Daly et al[163]
3569Desmet et al[29]11963Wong et al[95]20355Jabiri et al[164]
3641Manivannan et al[30]12054Kimura et al[96]20458Madaria Marijuan et al[165]
3760Prasad et al[31]12177Varela et al[97]20550Traullé et al[166]
3865Chandrasegaram et al[32]12255Elkhateeb et al[98]20632D’Amato et al[167]
3984Wang et al[33]12359Kaushik et al[99]20744Artukoglu et al[168]
4073Wani et al[34]12453Uechi et al[100]20885Shah et al[169]
4154Wani et al[34]12567To et al[101]20961Cruvinel et al[170]
4263Wani et al[34]12672To et al[101]21055Lateef[171]
4370Schmidt et al[35]12746Mehta et al[102]21170Potter et al[172]
4446Zaman et al[36]12863Oomura et al[103]21273Agarwal et al[173]
4573Meimoun et al[37]12927Volz et al[104]21372Opolski et al[174]
4622Sasaki et al[38]13079Miyazaki et al[105]21467Y-Hassan et al[175]
4786Surapaneni et al[39]13183Akashi et al[106]21587Kurisu et al[176]
4824Park et al[40]13281Wissner et al[107]21678Kurisu et al[176]
4985Cherian et al[41]13347Papanikolaou et al[108]21770Gotyo et al[177]
5041Lee et al[42]13462Bonnemeier et al[109]21879Singh et al[178]
5130Lee et al[42]13560Haghi et al[110]21944Núñez et al[179]
5289Korlakunta et al[43]13678Rau et al[111]22062Núñez et al[179]
5369Magri et al[44]13753Dahdouh et al[112]22152Núñez et al[179]
5465Rahman et al[45]13869Moriya et al [113]22269Núñez et al[179]
5563Khallafi et al[46]13944Hasdemir et al[114]22369Núñez et al[179]
5675Demirelli et al[47]14053Mariano et al[115]22429Jayaraman et al[180]
5775Latib et al[48]14136Sun et al[116]22571Carxvalho et al[181]
5858Altman et al[49]14275Dandel et al[117]22678Guttormsen et al[182]
5965Bagga et al[50]14365Ionescu et al[118]22753Mrdovic et al[183]
6061Buchholz et al[51]14416Maruyama et al[119]22884Auer et al[184]
6161Zhou et al[52]14570Sato et al[120]22964Auer et al[184]
6274Mittal et al[53]14663Shah et al[121]23064Auer et al[184]
6347Kim et al[54]14762Lee et al[122]23182Auer et al[184]
6460Doesch et al[55]14867Merchant et al[123]23263Arslan et al[185]
6566Lopes et al[56]14986Merchant et al[123]23366Arslan et al[185]
6664Lopes et al[56]15076Merchant et al[123]23470Arslan et al[185]
6776Lopes et al[56]15142Merchant et al[123]23571Arslan et al[185]
6858Lopes et al[56]15276Nault et al[124]23676Barriales Vila et al[186]
6951Lopes et al[56]15362Nault et al[124]23778Barriales et al[186]
7063Sealove et al[57]15471Novo et al[125]23870Barriales et al[186]
7182Inoue et al[58]15568Blázquez et al[126]23974Guardado et al[187]
7225Maréchaux et al[59]15674Ramanath et al[127]24045Cho et al[188]
7377Arias et al[60]15770Biswas et al[128]24168Gallego Page et al[189]
7476Vasconcelos Filho et al[61]15861Preti et al[129]24264Sousa et al[190]
7561Margey et al[62]15959Selke et al[130]24368Jakobson et al[191]
7667Purvis et al[63]16074Alves et al[131]24449Jakobson et al[191]
7759Biłan et al[64]16183Yeh et al[132]24574Otomo et al[192]
7853Lentschener et al[65]16268Kurisu et al[133]24675Otomo et al[192]
7961Kyuma et al[66]16357Rotondi et al[134]24755Gomes et al[193]
8076Kyuma et al[66]16484Guevara et al[135]24861Furushima et al[194]
8176Kyuma et al[66]16569Ukita et al[136]24984Sakai et al[195]
8281Figueredo et al[67]16673van de Donk et al[137]25064Hakeem et al[196]
8360Naganuma et al[68]16766Mawad et al[138]
8461Laínez et al[69]16890Xu et al[139]

The predominant gender was female; it accounted for 219 cases with a prevalence of 87.5%.


The age of the patients ranged from 16-90 years. The mean age at presentation was 64 ± 14 years, with a 95%CI of 64 ± 2 years and a median of 66 years. Figure 1 shows the number of cases grouped by 10-year intervals with respect to age. The age interval with the highest number of cases is 60-69 years; it includes 79 cases.

Precipitating stressor

Figure 2 shows the distribution of precipitating events among all cases. The 6 (2%) cases listed as “undetermined” were difficult to categorize. For example, a patient who had an operation was very stressed and anxious about the surgery results[9]. In the cases where the stressor was not available, the author did not mention whether there was a precipitating factor.

Figure 2
Figure 2 Graphic showing precipitating stressors grouped in categories for all cases studied.
Main complaint at presentation

Table 5 shows the frequency of presentation of all cases grouped with respect to symptoms and signs. Chest pain and dyspnea together were encountered in only 49 (20%) cases.

Table 5 Frequency of the main complaints reported in the cases studie.
Main complaintPresentation frequency (%)
Chest pain58.80
Nausea and/or vomiting8.00
Loss consciousness5.20
Epigastric pain2.00
Back pain1.60
Pedal edema1.20
Electrocardiogram at admission

Table 1 shows the incidences of various types of electrocardiographic abnormalities in the TC cases. Of the 60% of cases with ST segment changes, 12% had concomitant T wave changes, indicating that the main abnormality in the ECG for 27.6% of cases was T wave changes and that 87.6% of cases with TC had a change in the ST segment, in the T wave or both. Slow R progression was found in 3 cases, and tachycardia was found in 17 cases; one case of an anterior infarct of indeterminate age[10] was classified into the normal category.

Table 2 shows the incidence of specific ST segment changes. The incidence of ST segment depression in the total population (250 cases) and in the ST segment category (150 cases) was 4.4% and 7.3%, respectively. These calculations are based on 11 cases that presented with ST segment depression alone without concomitant ST segment elevation. The total number of cases regarding ST segment depression was 21; thus, 10 cases had concomitant ST segment elevation changes in the ECG. Table 2 shows the incidence of the T wave changes by group.

Table 3 shows the relative frequency at which various anatomical regions were affected in the electrocardiogram. The percentage of ECGs that showed changes in the anterior wall was 54.4% (35.6% of ST segment elevation + 1.6% of ST segment depression + 17.2% of T wave inversion), and the percentage that showed changes in the lateral segment of the heart was 46.8%. The percentage of ECGs showing changes in the inferior heart was 21.6%, while the percentage that showed changes in the apical region was only 16%.

Serum cardiac markers

The prevalence of elevated serum cardiac markers or normal cardiac markers was calculated from the extracted data. The “not available” data cases were not considered in the calculation. The prevalence of elevated CK-MB and/or troponin in patients initially presenting with TC was 89.3%, and the prevalence of negative or normal levels of these cardiac enzymes at presentation was 10.7%.


After an exhaustive search of articles describing clinical cases of TC, with emphasis on those that provided the minimum electrocardiographic data, a large number of articles and cases were found. These were analyzed to obtain the data required for this research.

The data obtained in this study indicate a pyramidal trend in age of occurrence of TC. The peak of TC incidence occurs in the 60 s; from this point, there is a gradual decrease in TC incidence as age increases or decreases, with a steeper slope in the direction of the younger population. The high female prevalence of the disease and the age distribution of its occurrence provide support for at least one hypothesis of its pathophysiology, i.e., that lack of estrogen is an important causal factor of this syndrome[11].

A newly diagnosed disease, an upcoming operation, the induction of anesthesia, a new medication, a stress test or a major physical effort are only some of the physical stressors that can cause TC. This research show that a physical stressor is by far the most common stressor reported in TC patients. Emotional stressors are reported in a quarter of all cases and can be as serious as the death of a relative[12]; they may also be less serious, such as watching a soccer team losing[13]. The asymptomatic presentations include patients undergoing anesthesia[14] and/or medical procedures, for example, tracheal intubations[15]. In these cases, the lack of symptoms can occur due to the sedation.

The chief complaint of the TC patients varied, depending on the causative factor, the trigger stressor and the presentation of each case. TC presents as an ACS; in the latter, the most common clinical presentation is chest pain and the second is dyspnea; this suggests that chest pain and dyspnea will be the most common presentation of stress cardiomyopathy[16]. In this study, chest pain was the most common initial symptom of the cases presented, and dyspnea was the second most common symptom. Hypotension and cardiopulmonary arrest were relatively common findings, most likely because of the severity of presentation in those patients. Furthermore, the initial symptoms of TC are often related to the factors causing stress cardiomyopathy. For example, a patient with a seizure[17,18] or a stroke[19] can only present neurological signs and symptoms.

A very important tool used by physicians in emergency departments and hospital settings to evaluate chest pain, ACS and preoperative patients is the electrocardiogram, which is very easy to perform and is associated with very low cost. Although percutaneous coronary intervention and CMRI are also sometimes useful tools, and the initial suspicion of the TC is usually confirm by echocardiography; it is very important for physicians to know how the TC present in terms of electrocardiography because these findings, together with the patient’s clinical characteristics, should orient the physician to consider this syndrome as a differential diagnosis.

Notably, the definitive diagnosis of TC is confirmed by echocardiographic follow-up performed days or weeks after the initial presentation and showing normalization of the wall motion and left ventricular abnormalities. The CMRI has demonstrated value in the evaluation and follow-up of patients with TC; however, the test of choice is the echocardiography due to its low cost and accessibility[20,21](Figure 3).

Figure 3
Figure 3 Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. A: Diastole: both ventricles are distended and full of blood; B and C: Systole: both ventricles contracting; D: End of systole: the right ventricle shows a normal pattern, while the left ventricle has a ballooning shape.

Changes in the ST segment of the ECG were the most common finding in all cases; these changes are typical of the presentation of ACS and are most likely the reason for the initial management of most TC cases as ACS[22,23]. Changes in the T wave are the second most common finding in the study population. Again, changes in the T wave are very common in acute myocardial ischemia and infarction[23], explaining the frequent initial diagnosis of ACS in patients with TC. Notably, for some authors, T wave changes are the most common findings among TC patients[24]. The QT interval is prolonged in approximately 10% of patients, a substantially high incidence. There is perhaps a relationship between the QT interval measurement and TC; there is a need for more research into this possibility. The ischemic heart can present with increased QT dispersion, but this observation has not yet been proven to have any practical usefulness[25]. For the physician, it is important to know that a small percentage (approximately 6%) of TC cases present with a normal ECG during admission. There were also a few cases of multiple presentations in the study; ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, for example, can hide the expected electrocardiographic changes.

Among the ST segment changes, ST segment elevation was the most common finding, accounting for 90% of the ST changes. It is the most common presentation of a STEMI, and in this study it occurred in more than half of all cases. Although it was present in almost 10% of incidences, ST depression was not very prominent finding; in half of the cases in which it occurred, it was accompanied by other major findings such as ST segment elevation. Other ST segment presentations, such as flattened ST segments, were not commonly found in the initial ECG at admission.

T wave changes showed a distribution similar to that of ST segment changes. The incidence of the T wave inversion was very high, approximately 92% of all T wave changes. This pattern is very common in the ischemic heart. In fact, in this study, overall T wave presentation occurred in almost one third of the patients, a very significant number. When this type of electrocardiographic change is present, TC should be considered a probable diagnosis. Other T wave presentations, such as hyperacute T wave, flattened T wave and nonspecific changes, very uncommonly presented as the only finding in the ECG.

The anatomical site most commonly affected by stress cardiomyopathy is the left ventricle, but there have been cases with right ventricular akinesis[7] and even cases in which both ventricles are affected[10]. Electrocardiographic presentations of this syndrome are highly variable. In this study, it was documented that in TC the ECG changes in frequency starting from the anterior region as the most commonly affected, followed by the lateral, the inferior and finally the septal region. The clinician must remember these patterns when making a differential diagnosis and never rule out the possibility of a TC based on the ECG.

During the initial presentation of TC patients, there is a very high prevalence of serum cardiac marker elevation, making this diagnosis consistent with ACS (specifically STEMI and NSTEMI). Some authors have indicated that the distinction between TC and ACS is reflected in the level of cardiac enzyme elevation[26,27]. These finding contain important information that should raise the physician’s clinical suspicions regarding this syndrome.


Takotsubo syndrome has the same presentation as acute coronary syndrome (ACS) but is usually associated with history of a trigger stressor, which can be emotional or physical. Although a number of ideas have been proposed to explain its pathophysiology, there is evidence that catecholamines and estrogen play an important role. Many physicians do not readily think of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC) when presented with a patient with cardiac chest pain or even with a ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), and other physicians are not even aware of the existence of the syndrome. For this reason, it is likely that many patients are misdiagnosed. The presentation similarities of TC with ACS include symptoms, electrocardiogram (ECG) changes and serum cardiac marker levels.

Research frontiers

In some health facilities, the initial management of a STEMI is based on intravenous fibrinolysis, which is performed without confirmation of coronary artery obstruction using percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Takotsubo patients can have the same presentation as STEMI patients but normal or clean coronary arteries. This and other evidence makes the PCI management of choice in STEMI patients.

Innovations and breakthroughs

Although this article does not focus on patient prognosis, it is important that future research addresses the relationship between initial presentation/initial electrocardiographic changes and prognosis. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is a new tool that may prove useful in both initial diagnosis and noninvasive follow-up of this syndrome.


The results of the study are important in clinical practice. They can help inform physicians to include TC in the differential diagnosis of patients who present to the emergency department with cardiac chest pain.


TC is a condition that has acquired many names over time; these include Takotsubo syndrome, stress cardiomyopathy, apical ballooning syndrome and TC. ACS is a term applied to situations in which the blood supplied to the heart muscle is suddenly blocked; it includes unstable angina, STEMI and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Troponin and creatinine kinase (CK-MB) are cardiac markers used to classify and assist with the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. CK-MB is an isoenzyme composed of a muscle portion and a brain portion; it is very specific for myocardial muscle.

Peer review

It is necessary for every physician to know the clinical presentation of TC in its early stages. As mentioned above, this entity should be included in the differential diagnosis of “ACS” patients. The present work represents an interesting examination of value for clinical practice and stresses an important issue in the field of cardiology.


P- Reviewers Hung MJ, Sakabe K, Xanthos T S- Editor Gou SX L- Editor A E- Editor Lu YJ

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