Topic Highlight
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Biol Chem. Apr 26, 2012; 3(4): 73-92
Published online Apr 26, 2012. doi: 10.4331/wjbc.v3.i4.73
Table 1 Examples of proteins and peptides administered subcutaneously[10]
INN/BAN (description)Trade nameMW (kDa)Absolute bioavailability1SC animal models used in drug development
Buserelin acetate (LH-releasing hormone analog)Suprefact1.30Human: 70%Pharm: rat, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, dog and monkey Tox: mouse, rat, rabbit and dog
Pramlintide acetate (amylin analog)Symlin3.95Human: 30 to 40%Pharm: rat and dog PK: mouse, rat, rabbit and dog Tox: mouse, rat, rabbit and dog
Insulin lispro (insulin analog)Humalog5.81Human: 55 to 77%Pharm: rat, rabbit, dog and pig PK: rat and dog Tox: rat, rabbit and dog
Insulin glulisine (insulin analog)Apidra5.82Human: about 70% Dog: 42% Rat: 96%2Pharm: rat and dog PK: rat and dog Tox: mouse, rat, rabbit and dog
Insulin glargine (insulin analog)Lantus6.06Precipitates in skin-slow uptake in human, dog and ratPharm: mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit and dog PK: rat and dog Tox: mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit and dog
Mecasermin (IGF-1)Increlex7.65Human: about 100% Rabbit: 47% Rat: 38 to 57%Pharm: mouse, rat, rabbit and monkey PK: rat, rabbit, dog and monkey Tox: rat, dog, rabbit and monkey
IFNβ-1b (cytokine)Betaseron18.5Human: 50% Monkey: 31 to 44%Pharm: monkey PK: monkey Tox: rabbit and monkey
Somatropin (GH)Nutropin22Human: 81%Pharm: rat PK: rat and monkey Tox: mouse, rat, dog and monkey
IFNβ-1a (cytokine)Rebif22.5Human: 6 to 62% Monkey: 12 to 38% Rat: 16%Pharm: mouse and monkey PK: rat and monkey Tox: monkey
PEG-IFNα-2b (cytokine variant)PEG-Intron31Monkey: 57 to 89% Rat: 43 to 51%Pharm: rat and monkey PK: rat and monkey Tox: mouse, rat, rabbit and monkey
Pegfilgrastim (PEG-G-CSF)Neulasta39Monkey: 49 to 68% Rat: < 10% to 30%Pharm: mouse, rat and dog PK: mouse, rat and monkey Tox: rat and monkey
Pegvisomant (PEG-GH)Somavert42, 47 and 523Human: 49 to 65% Monkey: 70 to 81% Mouse: 45 to 73%Pharm: mouse and monkey PK: mouse, rat, rabbit and monkey Tox: mouse, rat, rabbit and monkey
PEG-IFNα-2a (cytokine variant)Pegasys60Human: 61 to 80%Pharm: mouse PK: rat and monkey Tox: mouse, rat and monkey
Certolizumab pegol (PEG-anti-TNFα Fab' fragment)Cimzia91Human: 76 to 88% Rat: 24 to 34%PK: rat and monkey Tox: monkey
Canakinumab (anti-IL-1β mAb)Ilaris145Human: 63 to 67% Monkey: 60%Pharm: mouse, rat and monkey (marmoset) PK: mouse and monkey Tox: mouse and monkey
Adalimumab (anti-TNF mAb)Humira148Human: 64% Monkey: 96%PK: monkey Tox: rabbit and monkey
Omalizumab (anti-IgE mAb)Xolair149Human: 53 to 71% Monkey: 64 to 104% Mouse: 90%Pharm: monkey PK: mouse and monkey Tox: monkey
Golimumab (anti-TNF mAb)Simponi150Human: 53% Monkey: 77%PK: monkey Tox: mouse and monkey
Ustekinumab (anti-p40 mAb)Stelara150Human: 24 to 95% Monkey: 97%Pharm: monkey PK: monkey Tox: monkey
Etanercept (TNF receptor-Fc-IgG1 fusion protein)Enbrel150Human: 76% Monkey: 73% Mouse: 58%Pharm: mouse PK: mouse, rat and monkey Tox: mouse, rat, rabbit and monkey
Rilonacept (IL-1 inhibitor, fusion protein)Arcalyst251Human: 43% Monkey: 70% Rat: 60% Mouse: 78%Pharm: mouse and monkey PK: mouse, rat and monkey Tox: monkey
Table 2 Transport mechanisms for proteins from systemic circulation across capillary endothelia[22]
Type of capillary endotheliumBarrier/transport mechanismParticle size subject to passageTypical tissues
Continuous (non-fenestrated)Basal lamina membrane supported by collagen50-110 nmMuscle, central nervous system, bone, skin, cardiac muscle
FenestratedLarge pores, open fenestrae, intracellular junctions, basal lamina50-800 nmRenal glomeruli, intestinal villi, synovial tissue, endocrine glands, choroid plexus (brain)
Discontinuous (sinusoidal)Large pores (fenestrae), pinocytotic vesicles1000-10  000 nmLiver, spleen, bone marrow, postcapillary venules of lymph nodes
Table 3 Bioanalytical methods applied to absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion studies of therapeutic proteins
MethodsCapability to assay forCurrent throughputCurrently useCurrent sensitivity
ImmunoassayTotal, free, intactHigh for serum, low for tissues, requires homogenizationMostly serum/plasma, physiological fluids (e.g., synovial and bronchoalveolar lavage )Usually high for serum/plasma
BioassayActivity of targets, biomarker, ex vivo efficacyMedium to low, may require fresh samples for certain assaysSerum/plasma and tissuesVaries depending on individual assay
Radioactivity countingTotal, intact and degradantsHigh, requires probe preparation and characterizationSerum/plasma, tissues, biological fluids, and excretaUsually high, depending on specific activity of labeled materials
MSTotal, free, intact and degradantsHigh for peptides in serum/plasma, requires homogenization for tissuesSerum/plasma, tissues, biological fluids, and excretaUsually high for peptides
Medium to low for proteins in plasma/serum, requires purification (e.g., immunocapture) and digestion for large MW biologicsLow for large proteins
ImagingTotal, intact and degradantsMedium to low, requires probe preparation and characterizationLive animals, clinical studies in humans, cells and tissuesVaries, depending on probes used and study settings
Auto-radiographyTotal, intact and degradantsLow, requires tissue slicing and film developingTissuesVaries, depending on specific activity of labeled materials