Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Feb 27, 2012; 4(2): 36-40
Published online Feb 27, 2012. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v4.i2.36
Table 1 Final diagnosis in patients1 (n = 270)
n% agen% agen% age
1Calculus group4115.189234.0713349.26
2OCH group3914.444215.558130.00
3B.B. Strictures/ligatures2903.331706.292609.63
Table 2 Post-operative complications in cases (n = 270) (%)
ComplicationsCalculusgroupOCH groupStricture groupOthers groupTotalP value
Infection9 (6.76)6 (7.4)1 (3.84)1 (3.33)17 (6.2)> 0.05
Dehiscence---1 (3.33)1 (0.3)> 0.05
Hernia1 (0.7)----> 0.05
Post-op. fever5 (3)10 (12)1 (3)1 (3)17 (6)> 0.05
Septicaemia-4 (5)1 (3)2 (6)7 (3)> 0.05
Atelectasia6 (4)3 (3)2 (7)1 (3)12 (4)> 0.05
Pneumonia1 (0.75)2 (2)--3 (1)> 0.05
Bile drainage1 (0.75)2 (2)1 (3)-4 (2)> 0.05
Arrhythmia-2 (2)--2 (0.74)> 0.05
Total63 (23.3)NS
Table 3 Incidence of long-term complications (n = 225) (%)
ComplicationsCalculusGroup n = 106OCH group n = 81Stricture group n = 22Others group n = 16TotalP value
Alkaline gastritis6 (5.67)4 (5.4)1 (4.5)-11 (4.88)> 0.05
Cholangitis-5 (6.8)1 (4.5)1 (3.84)7 (3)> 0.05
Liver abscess-3 (3.7)--3 (1)> 0.05
Stenosis of anastomosis1 (0.96)-1 (4.5)-2 (0.8)> 0.05
Table 4 Clinical classification of the patients (n = 225)
ResultsPatient complaintUltrasonographyLiver function testEGDHIDA scanTotal
ExcellentNoneNormalNormal--116 (51.55%)
GoodOccasionally dyspepticNormalNormal+/--93 (41.33%)
ModerateEvident dyspepsia, nausea, bilious vomiting or fever rigoursNormal or IHD dilatedNormal or slightly derangedAlkaline gastritisPatent anastomosis evidence of gastric reflux11 (4.88%)
BadSeptecemia/cholangitis, anastomotic stenosisLiver abscessesGrossly deranged+/-Patent anastomosis, dilated IHD with slow transit5 (2.22%)
Table 5 Demographics, diagnosis and cause of death of 7 patients who died after choledochoduodenostomy
No.Age ( yr)SexTimeInitial daignosisCause of death
155M1st PODSuppurative cholangitisSeptic shock/DIC
232F2nd PODBiliary peritonitisSepticaemia with arrhythmia
365M12th PODInfected liver hydatid with intra-biliary ruptureWound dehiscence with septicaemia with ARDS
454M8 moOCH with right lobe liver abscess with cholangitisSepticaemia with MODS
546F13 moOCH with multiple liver abscessSepticaemia with MODS
658F15 moSuppurative cholangitisArrhythmia
745M10 yrOCH with multiple liver abscess with sepsisSepticaemia with MODS