Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Sep 27, 2024; 16(9): 2748-2754
Published online Sep 27, 2024. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v16.i9.2748
Table 1 PNM status of the patients, n (%)[19]
PNM system for classification of human alveolar echinococcosis
Number of patients
PHepatic localization of the primary lesion
PXPrimary lesion cannot be assessed-
P0No detectable liver lesion-
P1Peripheral lesions without proximal vascular and/or biliary involvement14 (22.9)
P2Central lesions with proximal vascular and/or biliary involvement of one lobe32 (52.4)
P3Central lesions with hilar vascular and biliary involvement of both lobes and/or withinvolvement of two hepatic veins11 (18)
P4Any lesion with extension along the portal vein, inferior vena cava, or hepatic arteries and thebiliary tree4 (6.5)
NExtra hepatic involvement of neighboring organs or tissues
NXCannot be evaluated-
N0No regional involvement55 (90.1)
N1Regional involvement of contiguous organs or tissues6 (9.8)
MAbsence or presence of distant metastases
MXNot completely evaluated-
M0No metastasis57 (93.4)
M1Metastasis present4 (6.5)
Table 2 Mean apparent diffusion coefficient values for alveolar echinococcosis lesions, (mean ± SD)[19]
Kodama types
Mean apparent diffusion coefficient value (× 10-3 mm2/s)
Type 11.92 ± 1.01
Type 21.78 ± 0.86
Type 31.57 ± 0.11
Type 41.15 ± 0.21
Type 51.9 ± 0.18