Renato Pietroletti MD, PhD, hold academic position as Associate Professor of General Surgery in the University of L'Aquila, Italy, starting from 1989. He is affiliated in the Department of Clinical Sciences and Biotechnology and presently Clinical Director of the Surgical Coloproctology Unit in the Hospital "Val Vibrata" in the city of Sant'Omero (TE). Prof Pietroletti developed a wide scientific experience including basic science, clinical research and experimental surgery as research fellow in the Department of Histochemistry at the Hammersmith Hospital in London (1984-85), at the Department of Surgery of the Academisch Medisch Zentrum in Amsterdam (1988). Following that Prof Pietroletti continued his clinical work in the University General Surgery Unit of the Hospital of L'Aquila as staff surgeon, conducting elective, emergency surgery and endoscopy. Here, he started to run a clinical Service of Coloproctology. Colorectal surgery has been the main clinical and scientific interest of Prof Pietroletti and now he is fully dedicated to diagnosis (trans-anal ultrasound, anorectal manometry) and treatment of colo-rectum-anal diseases performing up to now a total of about 4000 surgical operations, including mini-invasive (TEM) and laparoscopic surgery.
Prof Pietroletti authored more than hundred publications, chapters in surgical books, congress reports. He participated to many national and international congresses as chairman or giving invited lectures. He his member of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR), and he has been elected Vice-President for the years 2023-2025. Professor Pietroletti is also member of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), of the Italian society of Emergency Surgery (SICUT).