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With a medical degree obtained in Romania, he became a resident in General Surgery after National Contest for Residency. Soon afterwards, he started his academic and research career at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova. As a surgeon he embraced immediately the laparoscopic surgery which was under continuous and fast development, and surgical oncology. He completed his knowledge and skills by attending many courses and scientific events organized in different EU countries, especially in France, became a member of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery and of International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists. He completed his PhD thesis, on the topic of laparoscopic treatment of colorectal cancer. He studied many aspects of natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), a newly emerged approach in minimally invasive surgery, especially the perioperative systemic inflammatory response. In this purpose he managed to organize a laboratory for experimental surgery. Results were published many papers in journals indexed in SCI with significant impact factor. Other important researches were in the field of matrix-metalloproteinases in colo-rectal surgery. Recently, he became involved in investigating, with a complex team of bariatric surgeons, gastroenterologists and endoscopists the possibility of using endoscopic approach and devices to perform gastroenteral bypasses, a method that could be applied also to digestive obstructions from distal gastric or pancreatic head inoperable cancers. He was a member of the organizing and scientific board of many national and international congresses, peer-reviewed for ISI indexed high-impact or other academic journals from Romania and abroad.