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Professor Chen-Guo Ker, M D., MTM., M,PhD., FACS, was born in Taiwan 1947, and present title is Deputy Minister of E-Da Healthcare Group Excutive commitiee, Professor of Surgery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan since 2020. Before this position, he acted as Superintentent of Yuan's General Hospital 2012-2020. His medical education were M.D.(1966-1973) of School of Medicine, M.T.M.(1977-1980) of Institute of Tropical Medicine, and M.Ph.D.(1981-1985) of Institute of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Post Graduate Training were including; Reserch Fellow: Dept of Surgery 1, Teikyo University, Tokyo Japan in 1979, Clinical Observer: Dept of Surgry 1, Kyusu University, Kyusu,Japan,in 1981, Arddenbrook Hospital , University of Cambridge in 1990, and Department of Surgical Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, Boston, in 1994. His academic training of surgical science was in the Dept of Surgery, Kohsiung Medical University Hospital from 1974. Appointments of professional position were Professor, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital from 1987 and retired in 2011. His interests were GI Surgery and hospital management. Honors of professor Ker were including; Takeda Research Scholarship, Japan, in 1980, Taiwan Medical Resarch Scholarship in 1981, Award of Ministry of Education, New Design of Electric Biliary Stone Penetratimg Drill in 1981 and Award of Twaiwan Ecutive Yuan 3rd Service Class in 1989 and 2nd Class in 2011. In addition, Award of the Best of Taiwan National Council of Science in 1992 and Professor Kao T-C Memorial Special Award in 1993. His professinal activities had being a Member of Editorial Board of 4 Medical Journals and Publicationsincluding 8 charpters in Textbook, Editor in Textbook of 3 books and more 210 scientific publication papers in the medical journals.