©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Diabetes. Oct 15, 2016; 7(18): 470-480
Published online Oct 15, 2016. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v7.i18.470
Published online Oct 15, 2016. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v7.i18.470
Table 1 Incidence, types, timing, and causes of hypoglycemia in 336 patients
Variable | n (%) |
Hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo | 253 (75.3) |
Type of hypoglycemia | |
Severe treated in hospital | 34 (10.2) |
Sever confirmed hypoglycemia treated at home by family ( ≤ 70 mg/dL) | 49 (14.6) |
Severe unconfirmed hypoglycemia treated at home by family or blood glucose > 70 mg/dL | 100 (29.7) |
Mild confirmed hypoglycemia ( ≤ 70 mg/dL) | 72 (21.4) |
Mild unconfirmed hypoglycemia or blood glucose > 70 mg/dL | 168 (50.0) |
Total severe hypoglycemia treated at home by family | 149 (44.3) |
Total mild hypoglycemia | 240 (71.4) |
Timing of hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo | |
Nocturnal | 22 (8.7) |
Day time | 83 (32.8) |
Nocturnal and day time | 148 (58.5) |
Precipitating factors hypoglycemia | |
Missed meal, delayed meal, eating a less amount of food | 214 (84.6) |
Performing an exercise | 42 (16.6) |
Doctor change the dose of insulin recently | 12 (4.7) |
Insulin dose adjusted by the patient, errors in the dose of insulin | 7 (2.8) |
No obvious cause | 22 (8.7) |
Awareness of hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo | |
No | 19 (7.5) |
Table 2 Relation of hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo with age, gender, education, marital status and residence among 336 patients
Hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo | Total (n) | P value | ||
Yes | No | |||
Age (yr) | n (%) | n (%) | 27 | 0.944 |
29-39 | 22 (81.5) | 5 (18.5) | ||
40-49 | 48 (73.8) | 17 (26.2) | 65 | |
50-59 | 97 (75.8) | 31 (24.2) | 128 | |
60-69 | 70 (74.5) | 24 (25.5) | 94 | |
≥ 70 | 16 (72.7) | 6 (27.3) | 22 | |
Gender | ||||
Male | 93 (72.7) | 35 (27.3) | 128 | 0.776 |
Female | 160 (76.9) | 48 (23.1) | 208 | |
Education | ||||
Illiterate | 61 (76.2) | 19 (23.8) | 80 | 0.016 |
Just literate | 37 (75.5) | 12 (24.5) | 49 | |
Primary school | 83 (83.0) | 17 (17.0) | 100 | |
Intermediate school | 44 (77.2) | 13 (22.8) | 57 | |
Secondary school | 8 (50.0) | 8 (50.0) | 16 | |
College and more | 20 (58.8) | 14 (41.2) | 34 | |
Marital status | ||||
Single | 5 (83.3) | 1 (16.7) | 6 | 0.604 |
Married | 200 (74.3) | 69 (25.7) | 269 | |
Divorced | 3 (60.0) | 2 (40.0) | 5 | |
Widowed | 45 (80.4) | 11 (19.6) | 56 | |
Residence | ||||
Basrah city | 164 (72.6) | 62 (27.4) | 226 | 0.215 |
Northern Basrah | 40 (72.4) | 13 (27.65 | 53 | |
Southern Basrah | 5 (83.3) | 1 (16.7) | 6 | |
Eastern Basrah | 12 (100.0) | 0 (0.0) | 12 | |
Western Basrah | 32 (82.1) | 7 (17.9) | 39 |
Table 3 Relation of hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo with diabetes mellitus family history, duration of diabetes mellitus, duration of insulin treatment, type of insulin, frequency and total dose
Hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo | Total (n) | P value | ||
Yes n (%) | No n (%) | |||
Family history of DM | ||||
None | 85 (78.7) | 23 (21.3) | 108 | 0.601 |
One | 68 (73.1) | 25 (26.9) | 93 | |
More than one | 100 (74.1) | 35 (25.9) | 135 | |
Duration of DM (yr) | ||||
1-10 | 140 (75.7) | 45 (24.3) | 185 | 0.877 |
11-20 | 92 (76.0) | 29 (24.0) | 121 | |
21-30 | 18 (69.2) | 8 (30.8) | 26 | |
≥ 31 | 3 (75.0) | 1 (25.0) | 4 | |
Duration of insulin treatment (yr) | ||||
1-10 | 238 (74.8) | 80 (25.2) | 318 | 0.578 |
> 10 | 15 (83.3) | 3 (16.7) | 18 | |
Type of insulin | ||||
Premix | 75 (72.1) | 29 (27.9) | 104 | 0.239 |
Regular | 6 (75.0) | 2 (25.0) | 8 | |
NPH | 24 (64.9) | 13 (35.1) | 37 | |
Combination of 2 or 3 insulin types | 148 (79.1) | 39 (20.9) | 187 | |
Frequency of insulin administration/d | ||||
Once | 3 (30.0) | 7 (70.0) | 10 | 0.001 |
Twice | 107 (74.3) | 37 (25.7) | 144 | |
Thrice | 126 (84.0) | 24 (16.0) | 150 | |
≥ Four times | 17 (53.1) | 15 (46.9) | 32 | |
Total dose of insulin (unit/d) | ||||
< 20 | 3 (37.5) | 5 (62.5) | 8 | 0.007 |
21-40 | 46 (75.4) | 15 (24.6) | 61 | |
41-60 | 121 (79.1) | 32 (20.9) | 153 | |
61-80 | 59 (81.9) | 13 (18.1) | 72 | |
81-100 | 17 (56.7) | 13 (43.3) | 30 | |
> 100 | 7 (58.3) | 5 (41.7) | 12 |
Table 4 Relation of hypoglycemia during the last 3 mo with dose of insulin, family/social support, mobility, source of medications and knowledge of hypoglycemia symptoms
Hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo | Total (n) | P value | ||
Yes n (%) | No n (%) | |||
Regular dose (unit) | ||||
1-10 | 7 (100.0) | 0 (0.0) | 7 | 0.347 |
11-20 | 84 (80.2) | 21 (19.8) | 105 | |
21-30 | 57 (77.0) | 17 (23.0) | 74 | |
> 30 | 5 (62.5) | 3 (37.5) | 8 | |
Total | 153 (79.0) | 41 (21.0) | 194 | |
Premix dose (unit) | ||||
1-10 | 2 (100.0) | 0 (0.0) | 2 | 0.45 |
11-20 | 78 (78.8) | 21 (21.2) | 99 | |
21-30 | 86 (77.3) | 25 (22.7) | 111 | |
> 30 | 10 (62.5) | 6 (37.5) | 16 | |
Total | 176 (77.1) | 52 (22.9) | 228 | |
NPH dose (unit) | ||||
1-10 | 4 (100.0) | 0 (0.0) | 4 | 0.528 |
11-20 | 37 (73.1) | 14 (26.9) | 51 | |
21-30 | 27 (66.7) | 14 (33.3) | 41 | |
> 30 | 6 (85.7) | 1 (14.3) | 7 | |
Total | 74 (72.4) | 29 (27.6) | 103 | |
Family/social support | ||||
Self | 190 (74.8) | 64 (25.2) | 254 | 0.914 |
Others | 51 (76.1) | 16 (23.9) | 67 | |
Self and others | 12 (80.0) | 3 (20.0) | 15 | |
Vision | ||||
Good | 203 (74.6) | 69 (25.4) | 272 | 0.560 |
Poor | 50 (78.1) | 14 (21.9) | 64 | |
Mobility | ||||
Mobile alone | 223 (75.6) | 72 (24.4) | 295 | 0.698 |
Mobile with assistance or use wheel chair | 9 (81.8) | 2 (18.2) | 11 | |
Walk on stick | 21 (70.0) | 9 (30.0) | 30 | |
Source of medications | ||||
FDEMC1 | 63 (75.0) | 21 (25.0) | 84 | 0.507 |
Public clinic | 7 (58.3) | 5 (41.7) | 12 | |
Private sector | 13 (72.2) | 5 (27.8) | 18 | |
More than one source | 170 (76.6) | 52 (23.4) | 222 | |
Knowledge of hypoglycemia symptoms | ||||
Yes | 246 (76.9) | 74 (23.1) | 320 | 0.003 |
Table 5 Relation of hypoglycemia during the last 3 mo with availability, frequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose, common co-morbidities, and concomitant medication use (other than OHD)
Hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo | Total (n) | P value | ||
Yes n (% ) | No n (% ) | |||
Availability of SMBG | ||||
Available and used | 124 (75.2) | 41 (24.8) | 165 | 0.996 |
Not available | 102 (75.6) | 33 (24.4) | 135 | |
Available and not used | 27 (75.0) | 9 (25.0) | 36 | |
Frequency of SMBG use | ||||
Once/mo | 19 (79.2) | 5 (20.8) | 24 | 0.164 |
1-2 times/wk | 48 (67.6) | 23 (32.4) | 71 | |
Once daily | 23 (74.2) | 8 (25.8) | 31 | |
Twice daily | 8 (88.9) | 1 (11.1) | 9 | |
Thrice daily | 2 (50.0) | 2 (50.0) | 4 | |
According to patients condition | 25 (89.3) | 3 (10.7) | 28 | |
Common co-morbidities | ||||
HTN | 106 (72.1) | 41 (27.9) | 147 | 0.232 |
IHD | 50 (86.2) | 8 (13.8) | 58 | 0.034 |
CVA | 15 (75.0) | 5 (25.0) | 20 | 0.975 |
Amputation | 7 (70.0) | 3 (30.0) | 10 | 0.693 |
Diabetic foot | 72 (79.1) | 19 (20.9) | 91 | 0.322 |
CKD | 66 (73.3) | 24 (26.7) | 90 | 0.614 |
PNP | 235 (77.6) | 68 (22.4) | 303 | 0.004 |
Insulin use by other family members | ||||
At home | 21 (80.8) | 5 (19.2) | 26 | 0.764 |
Outside home | 42 (76.4) | 13 (23.6) | 55 | |
Non | 190 (74.5) | 65 (25.5) | 255 | |
Concomitant medication use (other than OHD) | ||||
Yes | 215 (74.1) | 75 (25.9) | 290 | 0.216 |
Table 6 Relation of hypoglycemia during the last 3 mo with body mass index, systolic blood pressure; diastolic blood pressure; hemoglobin A1c; serum creatinine; urine for albumin
Variables | Hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo | Total (n) | P value | |
Yes n (%) | No n (%) | |||
BMI (kg/m2) | ||||
Thin or normal (< 25.00) | 46 (83.6) | 9 (16.4) | 55 | 0.123 |
Overweight (25.0-29.9) | 95 (77.2) | 28 (22.8) | 123 | |
Obese (30.00-39.99) | 93 (68.9) | 42 (31.1) | 135 | |
Morbid obesity (≥ 40) | 18 (81.8) | 4 (18.2) | 22 | |
Total | 252 (75.2) | 83 (24.8 ) | 3351 | |
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) | ||||
Normal (< 130) | 91 (79.8) | 23 (20.2) | 114 | 0.157 |
Prehypertension (130-139) | 62 (79.5) | 16 (20.5) | 78 | |
Stage 1 hypertension (140-159) | 76 (71.0) | 31 (29.0) | 107 | |
Stage 2 hypertension (≥ 160) | 24 (64.9) | 13 (35.1) | 37 | |
Total | 25 (375.3) | 83 (24.7) | 336 | |
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) | ||||
Normal (< 80) | 63 (78.8) | 17 (21.2) | 80 | 0.792 |
Pre-hypertension (80-89) | 148 (74.4) | 51 (25.6) | 199 | |
Stage 1 hypertension (90-99) | 38 (74.5) | 13 (25.5) | 51 | |
Stage 2 hypertension (≥ 100) | 4 (66.7) | 2 (33.3) | 6 | |
Total | 253 (75.3) | 83 (24.7) | 336 | |
HbA1c (%) | ||||
< 7.0 | 10 (83.3) | 2 (16.7) | 12 | 0.117 |
7.0-10.0 | 136 (79.1) | 36 (20.9) | 172 | |
10.1-13.0 | 85 (73.3) | 31 (26.7) | 116 | |
> 13.0 | 22 (61.1) | 14 (38.9) | 36 | |
Total | 253 (75.3) | 83 (24.7) | 336 | |
Serum creatinine (mg/dL) | ||||
< 0.7 | 66 (72.5) | 25 (27.5) | 91 | 0.632 |
0.7-1.4 | 167 (75.9) | 53 (24.1) | 220 | |
> 1.4 | 3 (100.0) | 0 (0.0) | 3 | |
Total | 236 (75.2) | 78 (24.8) | 3142 | |
Urine for albumin (positive) | 65 (75.6) | 21 (24.4) | 86 | 0.947 |
Total | 235 (75.3) | 77 (24.7) | 3123 |
Table 7 Results of logistic regression showing significant predictors of hypoglycemia in the last 3 mo
B | Sig. | Exp (B) | |
Significant predictors | |||
Residence | -0.247 | 0.030 | 0.782 |
Knowledge of hypoglycemia symptoms | 1.133 | 0.044 | 3.104 |
Availability of SMBG | -0.599 | 0.030 | 0.550 |
Frequency of SMBG | -0.228 | 0.031 | 0.796 |
PNP | -1.391 | 0.002 | 0.249 |
Diastolic blood pressure | -0.046 | 0.013 | 0.955 |
Systolic blood pressure | 0.020 | 0.053 | 1.020 |
HbA1c | 0.153 | 0.021 | 1.165 |
Non-significant predictors | |||
Age | 0.002 | 0.960 | 1.002 |
Gender | -0.425 | 0.200 | 0.654 |
Education | 0.067 | 0.505 | 1.069 |
Duration of DM | -0.019 | 0.42 | 0.981 |
Frequency of insulin administration/d | -0.381 | 0.259 | 0.683 |
Dose of regular insulin | -0.021 | 0.215 | 0.979 |
Dose of premix insulin | -0.027 | 0.305 | 0.974 |
Dose of NPH | -0.022 | 0.429 | 0.979 |
A total dose of insulin | 0.018 | 0.148 | 1.018 |
Mobility | 0.117 | 0.440 | 1.124 |
HTN | 0.594 | 0.117 | 1.811 |
IHD | -0.758 | 0.081 | 0.469 |
CKD | 0.307 | 0.614 | 1.359 |
BMI | 0.033 | 0.208 | 1.033 |
- Citation: Nassar DT, Habib OS, Mansour AA. Predictors of hypoglycemia in insulin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Basrah. World J Diabetes 2016; 7(18): 470-480
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