Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Diabetes. Sep 15, 2024; 15(9): 1862-1873
Published online Sep 15, 2024. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v15.i9.1862
Table 1 Summary of peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis survival-related research information
Year of publication
Literature source
Research methods
Sample size
Follow-up time
2007Couchoud et al[9]Nephrology Dialysis TransplantationFranceRegister for research35122002-2005Within 2 years, patients undergoing PD and HD had similar death outcomes
2010Weinhand et al[16]J Am Soc NephrolUnited StatesPropensity matching study126742003-2008The overall intention-to-treat risk of mortality after dialysis initiation was 8% lower in the PD group than in matched HD patients
2012Yeates et al[18]Nephrology Dialysis TransplantationCanadaRegister for research468391991-2007Among patients with diabetes, the mortality rate of PD patients is higher than that of HD patients
2015Waldum-Grevbo et al[13]BMC NephrologyNorwayPropensity matching study13642005-2012Five-year all-cause or cardiovascular mortality in PD as an initial dialysis modality is similar to HD
2015Wang et al[19]International Urology and NephrologyTaiwan, ChinaRetrospective cohort study19502000-2010Among ESKD patients with a history of stroke, mortality in patients with diabetic PD is higher than that in patients with diabetic HD
2016Lee et al[15]MedicineKoreaProspective cohort study9022008. 8-2013. 12Among diabetic dialysis patients, the overall survival rate of PD patients is significantly higher than that of HD patients
2017Kim et al[21]The Korean Journal of Internal MedicineKoreaRegister for research322802005. 1. 1-2008. 12. 31PD mortality rate is higher than HD in diabetic ESKD patients
2018Wang et al[20]European Journal of Internal MedicineTaiwan, ChinaRetrospective cohort study531032005. 1. 1-2011. 12. 31Icodextrin mitigates the survival disadvantage of PD relative to HD in patients with diabetes
2021Liu et al[10]International Urology and NephrologyChinaPropensity matching study2682012. 1-2017. 12In patients with type 2 diabetes, mortality rates are similar between PD and HD
2023Xu et al[11]Ther Apher DialChinaRetrospective cohort study2812012. 1-2019. 12Survival rates are similar in patients with diabetes and end-stage kidney disease treated with HD and PD
Table 2 Comparative summary of studies on peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis in end-stage kidney disease patients with diabetes
Randomized controlled study
Array research
Survival rate×
Glucose metabolism disorder× ×
Infectious complications× × ×
Cardiovascular events×
Residual renal function× ×
Quality of life×
Economic benefits× ×
Malnutrition× ×
Fluid overload× × ×