Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Diabetes. Mar 15, 2023; 14(3): 147-158
Published online Mar 15, 2023. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v14.i3.147
Table 1 Summary of a wide variety of studies suggesting a beneficial or detrimental role of selenium in different diseases and physiological processes
Type of study
Number of participants
Effects on Se intake
Hu et al[16], 2021Longitudinal study (6 mo)90 with HT; 36 healthy subjectsReductions in thyroid autoantibodies and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in HT patients
Karimi and Omrani[17], 2019Longitudinal study (3 mo)102 with AITDecreased antithyroid peroxidase antibody levels
Karunasinghe et al[18], 2016Longitudinal study (6 mo)572 malesImproved leukocyte DNA integrity through increased homeostatic apoptosis when folate intake levels were low and methionine intake levels were high
Kočan et al[19] 2014Longitudinal study (6 d)65 septic patientsImprovement of patients with acute lung injury and elevated oxidative stress
Guo et al[20], 2019Longitudinal study (21 d)76 severe septic patientsNeutral effect
Vinceti et al[21], 2018Review-Se had no effect in preventing cancer overall, including in patients with low Se levels
Rocourt and Cheng[22], 2013Review-Supplementing Se to people with Se deficiency improved cancer prevention due to elimination of such deficiency
Radomska et al[23], 2021Review-Se species as coadjuvant agents in cancer treatment due to their lower toxicity, higher selectivity and efficacy in inducing cell apoptosis
Wu et al[14], 2018Cross-sectional study8011 participantsHigher incidence of hypertension in the group with higher serum Se concentration
Xie et al[24], 2021Longitudinal study (20 yr)10025 participantsProtective factor for blood pressure in low-Se regions
Rayman et al[25], 2011Longitudinal study (6 mo)501 people aged 60 yr to 74 yrSe supplementation decreased total and non-HDL cholesterol
Chen et al[26], 2015Longitudinal study (7 yr)2000 aged 65 and olderDecrease in total cholesterol and an increase in HDL in relation with increasing Se
González-Estecha et al[27], 2017Cross-sectional study372 participantsPositive association of Se with total and LDL cholesterol
Fülöp et al[28], 2013Study population81 hyperlipidemic patients; 43 healthy volunteersHigher Se levels in hyperlipidemic patients
Park and Seo[29], 2017Cross-sectional study501 participantsDecreased lipid dysregulation caused by elevated toenail levels of mercury
Berger et al[30], 2008Longitudinal study (5 d)2000 cardiac surgery or major trauma or subarachnoid hemorrhage patientsCorrection of initial alterations and restoration of antioxidant defenses
Fink and Busch[31], 2018Longitudinal study (24 h)28 resuscitated patientsImprovement in neurological outcome and survival rate with early Se treatment in patients after cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Colangelo et al[32], 2014Study population5115 participantsHigh Se levels were associated with a greater probability of having depressive symptoms
Czernichow et al[33], 2009Longitudinal study (7.5 yr)5220 participantsNo benefit or adverse effect of multiple antioxidant supplementation on the incidence of metabolic syndrome
Wang et al[34], 2021Cross-sectional study3827 participantsOnly positive associations when serum Se level > 130 μg/L in patients with NAFLD
Table 2 Summary of evidence showing an association between elevated selenium levels and increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Type of study
Number of participants
Evidence for T2DM risk
Vinceti et al[35], 2021Dose-response meta-analysis-Non-linear dose-response association. Dramatically increase from 80 μg of daily Se intake and above
Wang et al[36], 2016Dose-response meta-analysis-Non-linear dose-response association with T2DM at low and high Se concentrations
Duntas and Benvenga[37], 2015; Rocourt and Cheng[22], 2013Reviews-U-shaped risk response. An excess of Se promotes hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia
Rayman and Stranges[38], 2013Review-Increased selenoprotein levels in T2DM patients were reduced by the characteristic inflammatory response of T2DM
Wang et al[39], 2017Cross-sectional study2420 participantsNegative associations were found between Se dose and insulin resistance
Wongdokmai et al[40], 2021Cross-sectional study655 menAbnormal metabolism in adipocytes by excessive release of fatty acids and/or hormones
Vinceti et al[41], 2021Prospective study24325 participantsHigh Se intake increased the risk of hospitalization for T2DM
Galan-Chilet et al[42], 2017Cross-sectional study1452 participantsPositive association between plasma Se with prevalent and incident diabetes
Hoque and Shi[43], 2022Cross-sectional study18932 participantsPositively associated with diabetes but inversely associated with all-cause mortality
Faghihi et al[44], 20143 mo60 T2DM patientsSe supplementation in T2DM patients with deficient Se levels resulted in adverse effects on blood glucose homeostasis