Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Diabetes. Oct 15, 2019; 10(10): 490-510
Published online Oct 15, 2019. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v10.i10.490
Table 1 Myocardial triglyceride content in type 2 diabetes
Study details (Author,Year)Sample populationExclusionResults
Jankovic et al[92], 2012n = 18Previous MI, CAD, HF, digitalis use or thiazolidinediones, previous insulin use or T1DBaseline IT myocardial lipid content 0.42% ± 0.12% vs 0.80% ± 0.11% water signal, (aP = 0.034).
IT (n = 10)
Mean age 56 ± 2Patients on insulin must have had insufficient control on oral, HbA1C > 8% and on oral therapyMyocardial lipid content decreased by 80% after 10 d IT (P = 0.008). No significant change in hepatic lipid content. After 181 ± 49 d, myocardial lipid content returned to baseline (0.37 ± 0.06, P = 0.692) Hepatic lipid content decreased by 31% (bP < 0.001)
DM duration 9 ± 2 yr
6 males
HbA1c 11.1 ± 0.4
Oral therapy (OT) (n = 8)
Mean age 53 ± 2
DM duration 3 ± 1 yr
4 males
HbA1c 9.8% ± 0.7%
Korosoglou et al[119], 2012n = 58Unstable condition, clinical signs of heart failure or angina contraindications for CMR, insulin useSignificant association between myocardial triglyceride content and mean diastolic strain rate (r = -0.71, cP < 0.001) and no association was found between triglyceride content and perfusion reserve (r = -0.08, P = NS)
T2D (n = 42)
Mean age 62 ± 6 yr
26 male
Mean BMI 31.6 ± 4.8 kg/m2
HV (n = 16)
Mean age 62 ± 3 yr
10 male
Mean age 62 ± 3 yr
Mean BMI 23.9 ± 2.5
Van der Meer et al[101,155], 2009n = 72 T2DBP > 150/85 mmHg, previous insulin or thiazolidinedione use, previous positive stress echo or arrhythmia, diabetes related complications or significant medical problemsNo significant change in myocardial fatty acid uptake at follow up on either arm. Metformin arm showed a significant decrease in fatty acid oxidation and myocardial glucose uptake. No significant change in myocardial triglyceride content in Pioglitazone or Metformin arm after therapy however there was a decrease in hepatic triglyceride content in the Pioglitazone arm
All males
Pioglitazone (n = 39)
Metformin (n = 39)
Baseline age 45-65
HbA1C 6.5%-8.5%
BMI 25-32
Rijzewijk et al[83], 2008n = 66Females, HbA1C > 8.5%, BP > 150/80, hepatic impairment or history of liver disease, substance abuse, known CVD, DM complications, contraindication to MRI, use of lipid lowering therapy.Myocardial triglyceride content  in T2D vs controls (0.96% ± 0.07% vs 0.65% ± 0.05%). Hepatic triglyceride content  in T2D vs controls (8.6% vs 2.2%). Both cases, dP < 0.05 On univariate analysis, myocardial triglyceride content correlated with age, visceral adipose tissue, cholesterol, plasma glucose and insulin and hepatic triglyceride content (eP < 0.05 for all). E/A independently associated with myocardial triglyceride content on multivariate analysis (inverse correlation)
T2D (n = 38)
All males
mean age 57 ± 1 yr
BMI: 28.1 ± 0.6
Controls (n = 28)
All males
Mean Age: 54 ± 1
BMI: 26.9 ± 0.5
McGavock[82] 2007n = 134Age > 70 yr, known CAD, Previous MI, contraindications to MRI, thiazolidinedione treatment↑Subcutaneous, visceral fat and hepatic triglyceride in O,I and T2D vs L, ↑myocardial triglyceride content in I and DM vs L (0.95 ± 0.60 vs 1.06 ± 0.62 vs 0.46 ± 0.30 fat/water content, fP < 0.05), this remained significant after adjusted for serum triglyceride, BMI, age and gender. In multiple regression model, Subcutaneous and visceral fat both independent determinants of myocardial triglyceride content (gP < 0.05) however myocardial triclyceride unrelated to hepatic triglyceride or diastolic function
Lean(L) (n = 15)
Age 35 ± 3 yr, 47% males
BMI 23 ± 2, non T2D
Overweight/Obese(O): (n = 21) Age 36 ± 12, BMI 32 ± 5, 48% males , non T2D
Impaired glucose tolerance(I): (n = 20)
Age 49 ± 9, 25% males, BMI 31 ± 6,
T2D (n = 78),
Age 47 ± 10, 47% males BMI 34 ± 7
Table 2 Magnetic resonance imaging studies looking at left ventricular mass and concentric remodelling in diabetes
Study details (Author, Year)Sample populationExclusion criteriaMain findings
Ng et al[91], 2012n = 69Age < 18 yr, arrhythmia, CAD, MI, RWMA, segmental LGE, EF < 50%, valve diseaseNo difference between groups for LVEDVI, LVESVI, LVMI, LVEF.
DMs (n = 50, 35 T1DM) Mean age 51 ± 10 yr, 54% males. BMI 26.3 ± 3.7
Controls (n = 19), matched for age (45 ± 15), sex (63.2% males) an BMI 26.1 ± 4.4
Wilmot et al[93], 2014T2D n = 20, mean age 31.8 ± 6.6, BMI 33.9 ± 5.8 kg/m2Weight > 150 kg, contraindications to MRI. In diabetic group BMI > 30 (> 27.5 in South Asians)↑ LVM (85.2 vs 80.8 g, jP = 0.002) and LVM/Volume (0.54 vs 0.45 g/m2, kP = 0.029) in participants with diabetes compared to lean controls. No significant difference in LVMI
Lean Controls: n = 10, Mean age 30.9 ± 5.6, Mean BMI 33.4 ± 2.4, 60% males
Obese Controls: n = 10, Mean age 30.0 ± 6.7, Mean BMI 21.9 ± 1.7, 50% males
Larghat et al[10], 2014T2DM: n = 19 Mean age 59 ± 6, 68% males, BMI 30.81 ± 4.6Coronary artery Stenosis > 30% luminal narrowing on angiography, previous MI, significant heart disease, contraindications to MRI or adenosine↑ LVM (112.8 ± 39.7 vs 91.5 ± 21.3 g, lP = 0.01) in participants with diabetes. Participants with diabetes also showed an increase in LVEDV and SV, but non indexed
Pre-DM: n = 30 Mean age 57 ± 8, 43% males, BMI 30.1 ± 5.0
Non DM: n = 46, Mean age 57 ± 7, 41% male, BMI 29 ± 4.9
Levelt et al[62], 2016T2DM: n = 39, Mean age 55 ± 9, 58% males, BMI 28.7 ± 5.6History of CVD, chest pain, smoker, uncontrolled hypertension, contraindications to MRI, ischaemia on ECG, renal dysfunction, insulin use, significant CAD on CTCAEF, LVM, LVMI, no significant difference between groups.
Controls: n = 17, Mean age 50 ± 14 yr← LVM/Volume (0.98 ± 0.21 vs 0.70 ± 0.12, mP < 0.001), LVDEV (125 ± 30 mL vs 161 ± 39 mL, nP = 0.001) and lower SV in diabetes
53% males, BMI 27.1 ± 5.0
Table 3 Studies on left ventricular function and myocardial strain in diabetes
Publication and imaging modalityGroup and baseline characteristicsExclusionMain findings
Ernande et al[107], 2010T2DM: n = 119, 69 malesLVEF < 56%, age < 35 or > 65, signs, symptoms or history of heart disease, no RWMA, valve disease, renal disease, T1DM, poor DM control (HbA1C > 12%)↓GLS (-19.3% ± 3% vs -22% ± 2%) and GRS (50% ± 16% vs 56% ± 12%, nP < 0.003) in participants with diabetes vs participants without diabetes
EchocardiographyControls: n = 39, 30 malesMultivariate analysis showed DM (t = 3.9, P < 0.001) and gender (t = 3.4, P = 0.001) independent determinants of GLS, DM only independent determinant of GRS.
Ng et al[91], 2012n = 69Age < 18 yr, arrhythmia, CAD, MI, RWMA, segmental LGE, EF < 50%, valve disease↓GLS DM vs controls (-16.1% ± 1.4% vs 20.2% ± 1.0% pP < 0.001)
MRIDMs (n = 50, 35 T1DM) Mean age 51 ± 10 yr, 54% males. BMI 26.3 ± 3.7↓GLS DM T2DM vs T1DM (-15.3% ± 1.2% vs 16.4% ± 1.4%, qP = 0.009)
Controls (n = 19), matched for age (45 ± 15), sex (63.2% males) an BMI 26.1 ± 4.4
Khan et al[11], 2014T2D n = 20, Mean age 31.8 ± 6.6, BMI 33.9 ± 5.8 kg/m2Weight > 150 kg, contraindications to MRI. In diabetic group BMI > 30 (> 27.5 in South Asians)↓PEDSR in DMs vs Lean controls vs obese controls (1.51 ± 0.24 vs 1.97 ± 0.34 vs 1.78 ± 0.39 s-1) and PSSR (-21.20 ± 2.75 vs -23.48 ± 2.36 vs -23.3 ± 2.62s-1)
MRILean Controls: n = 10, Mean age 30.9 ± 5.6, Mean BMI 33.4 ± 2.4, 60% males.
Obese controls: n = 10, Mean age 30.0 ± 6.7, Mean BMI 21.9 ± 1.7, 50% males
Levelt et al[62], 2016T2D: n = 39, Mean age 55 ± 9, 58% males.History of CVD, chest pain, smoker, uncontrolled hypertension, contraindications to MRI, ischaemia on ECG, renal dysfunction, insulin use, significant CAD on CTCA↓GLS (-9.6 ± 2.9 vs -11.4 ± 2.8 rP = 0.049) and  mid ventricular (-14.2 ± 2 vs -19.3, sP < 0.001) systolic strain (PCr/ATP ratio at rest and exercise, correlated with reduced systolic strain results; there was also a negative association between the myocardial lipid levels and systolic strain in this cohort)
MRIControls: n = 17, Mean age 50 ± 14 yr