My research focus is to demonstrate the impact of inflammatory mediators on the pathogenesis of diabetic complications: neuropathy, cardiomyopathy and gastroparesis. My research is focused on determining the impact of inflammatory mediators on the pathogenesis of diabetic complications including peripheral neuropathy, cardiomyopathy and gastroparesis. The lab is investigating the novel early biomarkers of inflammation and epigenetic modulators (histone modifications) involved in the progression of peripheral neuropathy, cardiac dysfunction and gastroparesis in diabetic animals and human subjects. I am also evaluating whether inhibiting inflammation or epigenetic modifications will alter the progression of these complications. I have been funded by NSF, NIH, ADA and other foundations, published more than 45 peer reviewed manuscripts. I have served on many institutional committees at including Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee as a Chair and served as an editorial board member in peer reviewed journals as well as panel member in several grant review committees including NIH, NSF, ADA and DoD. My Google Scholar's H-index is 26. I have published more than 45 peer reviewed manuscripts. I have served on many institutional committees at including Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee as a Chair and served as an editorial board member in peer reviewed journals. I would like to consider new perspectives and approaches to advance my research and proceed my research towards translational approaches. I successfully led multiple projects, and published peer-reviewed papers from the them. Many of my papers had been highlighted in editorial comments. I have been funded by federal grants. In summary, I have demonstrated successful and productive research projects in areas of high relevance for diabetic complications, and space health. Love to listen to music, exercise and talk to the community members about healthy lifestyle and food choices.