Original Article
©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. Sep 16, 2014; 6(9): 419-431
Published online Sep 16, 2014. doi: 10.4253/wjge.v6.i9.419
Table 1 Search terms and results obtained from different databases
Search terms Database 1 Pubmed Overlapping Pubmed articles Total number of articles from Pubmed Database 2 Cochrane Database 3 Medline Gastric electrical stimulation and obesity 145 0 145 51 91 TANTALUS® and obesity 12 7 5 11 61 Enterra® and obesity 6 6 0 01 21 Transcend® and obesity 13 5 8 01 41 Implantable gastric stimulator and obesity 22 12 10 31 21 Retrograde gastric electrical stimulation and obesity 13 3 10 01 21 Gastric pacing and obesity 26 20 6 11 81 Neural gastric electrical stimulation and obesity 6 6 0 01 31 Total number of articles after duplicate removal 184
Table 2 Summary of TANTALUS® trials
Ref.1 Sample size (n ), enrolled/completed Mean age (yr) Mean weight, (kg)/mean BMI (kg/m2 ) Follow-up (mo) Lifestyle change (required/advice given) Co-morbidities Lebovitz et al [38 ], 2013 40/40 NR 110.5 ± 3.5/NR NR NR/NR NR Sanmiguel et al [70 ], 2009 14/11 42 107.3 ± 20.1/39 ± 1 6 N/Y T2DM Bohdjalian et al [39 ], 2009 24/21 50.0 ± 1.6 123.7 ± 4.5/41.9 ± 1.0 12 NR/NR T2DM Policker et al [37 ], 2009 50/50 NR NR/NR 6+ NR/NR T2DM Bohdjalian et al [71 ], 2009 13/13 53.8 ± 2.6 104.4 ± 4.4/37.2 ± 1.1 3 N/Y T2DM Policker et al [69 ], 2008 12/12 50.8 ± 2.2 130 ± 6.5/NR 9 N/Y T2DM Sanmiguel et al [43 ], 2007 12/11 39.1 ± 8.9 NR/41.6 ± 3.4 1.5 N/NR T2DM Bohdjalian et al [72 ], 2006 12/9 36.1 ± 2.8 128.8 ± 5.2/43.2 ± 2.7 12 N/Y HTN
Table 3 Implantable gastric stimulator Transcend® : Studies summary
Ref. Type of research Sample size, (enrolled/completed) Mean age (yr) Mean weight, (kg)/mean BMI (kg/m2 ) Follow-up (mo) Lifestyle change (required/advice given) Baroscreen® Korner et al [28 ], 2011 Randomized + D, PC (SHAPE) 13/13 48.8 113.1/40.6 24 Y/Y Y Shikora et al [21 ], 2009 Randomized + P, D, M, PC (SHAPE) 190/180 43.9 NR/41 12 Y/Y Y Hoeller et al [73 ], 2006 Non-randomized 8/7 48.1 112.5/41.3 23 NR/NR N Champion et al [29 ], 2006 Non-randomized + O 24/21 43 92/33 6 Y/Y Y Miller et al [30 ], 2006 Non-randomized + P, M (LOSS trial) 91/25 41 116/41 24 N/Y Y Shikora et al [20 ], 2005 randomized + D, PC 103/34 40 129/46 29 NR/NR N (O-01 trial) Shikora et al [20 ], 2005 Non- randomized + O, M (DIGEST) 30/23 39 NR/42 24 Y/Y N1 Cigaina et al [32 ], 2004 Non- randomized 65/NR 39.4 ± 3.4 132.7 ± 27.3/46.9 ± 7.07 962 Y/Y NR1 Favretti et al [74 ], 2004 Non- randomized 20/20 40 115/40.9 10 N/Y NR De Luca et al [36 ], 2004 Non- randomized + P (LOSS trial) 69/20 41 115/41 15 NR/NR NR Cigaina et al [75 ], 2003 Non- randomized 11/11 39.4 ± 3.4 121.7 ± 5.1/46.0 ± 2.5 8 N/Y NR McCallum et al [35 ], 2002 randomized + D 103/NR 40 NR/46 12 NR/NR NR D'Argent et al [76 ], 2002 Non- randomized + P, O 12/NR 40.6 122.2/42.7 9 NR/NR NR
Table 4 Retrograde gastric electrical stimulation-studies summary
Ref.1 Sample size (enrolled/completed) Mean age(yr) Mean weight, (kg)/mean BMI (kg/m2 ) Zhang et al [41 ], 2013 16/16 39 NR/32.1 Yao et al [44 ], 2005 12/12 29.4 ± 8.6 62.62 ± 8.29/23.2 ± 2.6 Yao et al [77 ], 2005 12/12 29.4 ± 8.6 62.62 ± 8.29/23.18 ± 2.62
Table 5 Vagal nerve electrical stimulation studies summary
Ref. Type of research Sample size (enrolled/completed) Mean age (yr) Mean weight, (kg)/mean BMI (kg/m2 ) Follow-up (mo) Lifestyle change (required/advice given) Co-morbidities Sarr et al [34 ], 2012 Randomized, Prospective 294/253 46 NR/41 12 Y/Y T2DM [EMPOWER study] Double blind, Multicentre HTN Camilleri et al [78 ], 2009 Prospective1 , Multicentre, O 27/25 40.1 ± 1.8 NR/39.3 ± 0.8 6 NR/NR N Camilleri et al [79 ], 2008 Prospective, Multicentre, O 31/NR 41.4 ± 1.4 NR/41.2 ± 0.7 6 NR/NR T2DM
Table 6 Gastric Pacing studies summary
Ref.1 Sample size (enrolled/completed) Mean age (yr) Mean weight, (kg)/mean BMI (kg/m2 ) Follow-up (mo) Lifestyle change (required/advice given) Cigaina et al [40 ], 2007 11/11 39.4 ± 3.4 121.7 ± 5.1/46.0 ± 2.5 8 N/Y Liu et al [45 ], 2006 12/12 29.9 ± 12.3 58.6/21.4 3 d NR/NR Yao et al [42 ], 2005 12/12 29.4 ± 8.6 62.6 ± 8.3/23.18 ± 2.62 3 d NR/NR Cigaina et al [33 ], 2002 4/3 (1995/6 cohort) 31 ± 10 146 ± 25/55.9 ± 3 60 N/Y Cigaina et al [33 ], 2002 10/10 (1998 cohort) 34.8 ± 8.6 142 ± 23.75/47.9 ± 5.8 30 N/Y Cigaina et al [33 ], 2002 10/7 (2000 cohort) 41.8 ± 11.9 131.9 ± 33.1/51.41 ± 9.2 12 N/Y
Table 7 Comparison of stimulation variables by different devices
Device (total number of studies) Operation technique Electrode implanted layer Device active after n weeks Type of pulse Endoscopy Postop image L O E NR M SM Mus SMus SS V NR 0 ≤3 (1 ≤) 4 ≤NR Lo T NR UC Y N NR XR E-US B NR TANTALUS® (8) 8 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 6 1 0 0 6 2 3 0 5 1 0 0 7 IGS-Transcend® (13) 121 21 0 1 0 0 2 4 1 52 (14 ) 0 43 93 0 0 9 3 (14 ) 0 7 5 (14 ) 0 5 15 15 7 (14 ) RGES (3) 0 0 3 0 36 36 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 27 27 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 Vagal (3) 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 Pacing (4) 21 21 2 0 26 16 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 28 18 1 1 4 0 0 2 0 0 2 Total (33) 25 4 5 1 8 4 4 4 5 3 6 (14 ) 5 9 16 2 4 12 10 (14 ) 6 17 5 (14 ) 8 10 1 1 20 (14 )
Table 8 Comparison of outcomes of different devices (statistically significant outcomes only)
Device (total number of studies) Significant weight loss achieved ≤ 12 mo (number of trials) Follow-up beyond 12 mo and significant weight loss maintained from the first 12 mo (number of trials)1 Appetite reduction/satiety increase (number of trials) Food and/or water intake reduction, comparing study group to control (number of trials) Changes in gastric emptying (number of trials) Biochemistry changes reported (number of trials)4 TANTALUS® (8) 62 None (maximum of 12 mo follow-up) 2 (25%) Increased (1) 45 IGS-Transcend (13) 103 5 3 (23%) 1 Vagal stimulation (3) 2 None (maximum of 12 mo follow-up) 3 (100%) 1 Gastric Pacing (6) 4 2 2 Delayed (26 ) 1 Total (30) 22 7 8 (26.6%) 3 5 7
Table 9 TANTALUS® studies significant outcomes
Weight, kg Average Weight loss, kg (%) HbA1c (%) Average HbA1c reduction, % (% change) Other statistically significant or important negative results3 Baseline At 3 mo ± 2 wk At 6 mo ± 2 wk At 12 mo ± 3 mo Baseline At 3 mo ± 2 wk At 6 mo ± 2 wk At 12 mo ± 3 mo T1[38 ] 110.5 ± 3.5 -5.38 (-4.87%), P < 0.01 8.3% ± 0.12% -1.0 (-12.0%), P < 0.001 Lower BP (S/D) T2[70 ] 107.7 ± 21.1 (n = 11) -3.00 (-2.79%), P < 0.05 -5.30 (-4.92%), P < 0.05 8.5% ± 0.7% -1.0 (-11.8%), P < 0.05 -0.9 (-10.6%), P < 0.05 Lower BP (S) Lower total cholesterol Lower LDL T3[39 ] 123.7 ± 4.5 -5.80 (-4.70%), P < 0.05 at 5 mo -4.50 (-3.70%) [P < 0.05] 8.0% ± 0.2% -0.6 (-7.5%), P < 0.05 at 5 mo -0.5 (-6.3%), P < 0.05 Lower FBG Lower ghrelin4 Higher adiponectin4 Reduced appetite2 (P < 0.05) T4[37 ] NR -5.50 (P < 0.01) 8.4% ± 0.1% -1.1 (-12.1%), P < 0.01 Lower BP if hypertensive at baseline T5[71 ] 104.4 ± 4.4 -4.70 (-4.52%), P < 0.001 8.0% ± 0.2% -1.1 (-12.8%), P < 0.001 Lower BP (S/D) Lower FBG T6[69 ] 130 ± 6.5 -4.70 (-3.62%) (P value NR) at 37 wk 8.2% ± 0.2% -1.0 (-12.2%) (P value NR) at 37 wk T7[43 ] NR Increased GE Reduced gastric retention (No significant changes in Ghrelin) T8[72 ] 128.8 ± 5.2 -8.90 (-6.91%), P < 0.05 at 5 mo -16.4 (-12.7%) (P value NR)1 Lower BP if hypertensive at baseline Reduced appetite (P < 0.05)
Table 10 Implantable Gastric Stimulator Transcend® outcomes
Weight, kg Average Weight loss, kg (%)-In the treatment group compared to baseline weight Hunger reduction/ Reduced appetite Other statistically significant or important negative results3 Baseline At 3 mo ± 2 wk At 6 mo ± 2 wk At 12 mo ± 3 mo Beyond 12 mo I1[28 ] 113.1 -7.0 (-6.2%), P < 0.05 -5.5 (-4.9%), P < 0.05 -2.1 (-1.9%), P < 0.05 at 24 mo In control group, weight gain despite IGS activation from 12 to 24 mo No significant change in fasting ghrelin or Peptide YY levels I2[21 ] NR No significant weight loss observed I3[73 ] 112.5 -2 (-1.8%) NS +3.5 (+3.1%) NS No significant weight loss observed I4[29 ] 92 %EWL = 5.9% I5[30 ] 116 %EWL = 14% %EWL = 19% %EWL = 20% %EWL = 25% I6[20 ] 129 %EWL = 1.3% (study group); 2.4% (control) NS Mean %EWL = 2.5% %EWL = 20% at 29 mo1 Only a subset (23%) of patients lost significant amount of weight (> 5% EWL) (P value NR) I7[20 ] NR %EWL > 10% in 54% of subjects; > 20% in 23% %EWL = 23% at 16 mo Yes2 , P = 0.0433 Satiety increased between and at the end of meals I8[32 ] 132.7± 27.3 %EWL for 2 yr period for each cohort = 20%-40% Lower blood pressure I9[74 ] 115 %EWL = 16.3% %EWL = 16.9% %EWL = 23.8% at 10 mo Yes Satiety increased between and at the end of meals -8.2 (-7.11%), P = 0.0011 -8.4 (-7.29%), P = 0.0310 -11.7 (-10.1%), P = 0.0112 I10[36 ] 115 %EWL = 15.8% %EWL = 17.8% %EWL = 21.0% at 10 mo %EWL = 21.0% at 15 mo Yes Satiety increased between and at the end of meals No significant change in ghrelin level I11[75 ] 121.7± 5.1 -10.4 (-8.5%), P < 0.01 Reduced meal-related CCK response Lower basal and meal-related somatostatin level Lower basal GLP-1 level (Not meal-related) Lower basal leptin level (Not meal-related) I12[35 ] NR -2.7%, P = 0.03 Significant weight loss at 12 mo was observed after procedural corrections I13[76 ] 122.2 %EWL = 17.8% %EWL = 18.6 %EWL 30.2 at 9 mo -9.4 (-7.7%) -10.0 (-8.2%) -16.0 (-13.1%) (P value NR) (P value NR) (P value NR)