Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. May 16, 2012; 4(5): 157-161
Published online May 16, 2012. doi: 10.4253/wjge.v4.i5.157
Table 1 The causes of occluded self-expandable metallic stent
Tham et al 1998Buenoet al 2003Togawa et al 2008Rogart et al 2008Ridtitid et al 2010Cho et al 2011
No. of patients1525929590154583
No. of patients with SEMS occlusion (uncovered/covered)44 (44/0)34 (34/0)40 (40/0)27 (23/4)32 (22/10)77 (30/47)
Tumor ingrowth (%)28 (63.6)20 (58.8)36 (90)19 (70.4)25 (78.1)53 (68.8)
Tumor overgrowth (%)3 (6.8)9 (26.5)3 (7.5)3 (11.1)3 (9.4)9 (11.7)
Sludge/debris (%)8 (18.2)5 (14.7)1 (2.5)5 (18.5)51 (15.6)8 (10.4)
OthersHyperplasia 3---Migration 4Compression/blood clot/migration 7
Undefined 2
Table 2 The patency time of second drainage and patient survival
Tham et al 1998Bueno et al 2003Togawa et al 2008Rogart et al 2008Ridtitid et al 2010Cho et al 2011
No. of SEMS occlusion443440273277
Type of initial SEMS (patients)
Covered SEMS00041047
Uncovered SEMS443440232230
Initial stent patency (d): total118a60-150a
Uncovered SEMS102125153NANA132
Type of second drainage (patients)
Covered SEMS00269440
Uncovered SEMS194751026
Plastic stent2024711111
Mechanical cleaning560200
Second drainage patency (median, d)
Covered SEMSNANA220e214bNA138c
Uncovered SEMS75192141e54100109
Plastic stent909058e666088
Mechanical cleaning3421NA43NANA
Survival (d)
Covered SEMSNANANA227NA440d
Uncovered SEMS70NANA389230f243
Plastic stent98NANA188130296
Mechanical cleaning34NANA194NANA
Table 3 Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio analysis of a second self-expandable metallic stent vs plastic stent
StudiesnApproximate cost of each procedure (US $)Mean number of ERCPsICER (US $)
Tham et al[14] 199838104419561.441.317015
Rogart et al[17] 200827228938071.270.891518
Ridtitid et al[18] 201032460150022.452311