©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Hepatol. Mar 27, 2015; 7(3): 392-405
Published online Mar 27, 2015. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v7.i3.392
Published online Mar 27, 2015. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v7.i3.392
Table 1 Diseases potentially resulting in cirrhosis in children and adolescents
Biliary obstruction |
Biliary atresia |
Choledochal cysts |
Gallstones |
Bile duct stenosis |
Familial intrahepatic cholestasis |
Alagille syndrome |
FIC1 deficiency (ATP8B1) |
BSEP deficiency (ABCB11) |
MDR3 deficiency (ABCB4) |
Defects of bile acid synthesis |
Hepatotropic viral infections |
Hepatitis B and D |
Hepatitis C |
Hepatitis E |
Inherited genetic-metabolic diseases |
α-1-antitrypsin deficiency |
Glycogenosis type III and IV |
Galactosemia |
Fructosemia |
Tyrosinemia type 1 |
Wilson’s disease |
Mitochondrial hepatopathies |
Late cutaneous porphyria |
Cystic fibrosis |
Hemochromatosis |
Wolman disease |
Drugs and toxins |
Total parenteral nutrition |
Isoniazid |
Methotrexate |
Vitamin A intoxication |
Autoimmune diseases |
Autoimmune hepatitis |
Primary sclerosing cholangitis |
Vascular alterations |
Budd-Chiari syndrome |
Veno-occlusive disease |
Congenital cardiopathy |
Congestive heart failure |
Constrictive pericarditis |
Other: Fatty liver disease, Neonatal hepatitis, Zellweger disease |
Table 2 Characteristics of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
Disease | Relevant clinical aspects | Laboratory findings | Chromosome |
PFIC1 | Early jaundice and increasing pruritus. Extrahepatic clinical manifestations: chronic diarrhea, pancreatitis, deafness. Early cirrhosis and liver transplantation in the first years of life | GGT: Normal ALP: high Cholesterol: ↑ | 18q21-q22 |
PFIC2 | Early jaundice. Progression to cirrhosis and ductopenia in the first years of life. Frequent cholelithiasis. Possible complications include liver and bile duct cancer. No extrahepatic symptoms. Liver transplantation in the first years of life | GGT: Normal ALP: v. high Cholesterol: ↑ | 2q24 |
PFIC3 | Variable phenotype and progression to cirrhosis in adolescence. Cholelithiasis. Liver transplantation in the first years of life. No extrahepatic symptoms | GGT: High ALP: v. high Cholesterol: normal | 7q21 |
Table 3 Evaluation of children and adolescents with cirrhosis
Clinical history |
Age, sex, ethnicity |
Pregnancy and birth data: Adverse events during pregnancy, maternal serologies, birthweight, neonatal cholestasis, surgery, TPN |
Signs and symptoms of systemic disease: anorexia, fatigue, muscle weakness, failure to thrive |
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia |
Jaundice, pruritus, discoloration of urine and feces |
Abdominal distension |
Peripheral edema |
Bleeding - nose, gums, skin, gastrointestinal tract |
Bone pain, fractures |
Adolescence: Menstrual history |
Previous medical history: Jaundice, hepatitis, drug use, blood transfusions, inflammatory bowel disease |
Social behaviors (adolescence): Use of alcohol or other drugs, tattoos, piercings |
Family history: Consanguinity, liver disease, autoimmune disease |
Physical examination: |
General: Anthropometric data (malnutrition or obesity), fever |
Skin and extremities: jaundice, flushing or pallor, spider nevi, telangiectasias, palmar erythema, clubbing of the nails, xanthoma, Terry’s nails |
Abdomen: Distension, prominent blood vessels, liver and spleen alterations (reduced liver size, splenomegaly) |
Neurological alterations: Academic performance, sleep, asterixis, positive Babinski sign, mental status changes |
Miscellaneous: Pubertal delay, gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, feminization |
Table 4 Investigation of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in childhood and adolescence
Hematology |
Hemoglobin, leukocyte and platelet count, prothrombin time (INR) |
Coombs test, blood type, Rh factor |
Biochemistry |
Bilirubins |
Transaminases |
Alkaline phosphatase |
Gamma-glutamyl transferase |
Albumin and globulin |
25-OH vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium |
Urea, creatinine |
Lactic acid, fasting blood glucose, uric acid |
Serum transferrin and ferritin saturation |
Serum ceruloplasmin and copper, 24 h urinary copper (if age > 3 yr) |
Alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotype |
If ascites present |
Paracentesis (in case of fever or sudden-onset ascites): |
Cell count, albumin, total protein, neutrophil count |
Amylase, cytology, PCR and mycobacterial culture (according to clinical suspicion) |
Serum sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, urea and creatinine |
Urinary sodium excretion |
Immunology |
Smooth muscle, mitochondrial, anti-nuclear, anti-LKM-1 antibodies |
Hepatitis B antigen |
Anti-HCV |
α-fetoprotein |
Immunoglobulins |
HIV serology |
Genetic-metabolic diseases |
Metabolic screen (urine and serum amino acids, urine organic acids) |
Genetic tests (if alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, Alagille syndrome, etc., suspected) |
Sweat electrolytes test |
Urine and serum analysis for bile acid and acid precursors (if PFIC suspected) |
Bone marrow examination and skin fibroblast culture (if glycogen storage disease suspected) |
Other: |
Endoscopy (if prophylactic treatment is considered) |
Abdominal ultrasound (computed tomography or MRI in selected cases) |
Needle liver biopsy (if blood coagulation permits) |
EEG (if neuropsychiatric changes present) |
- Citation: Pinto RB, Schneider ACR, Silveira TRD. Cirrhosis in children and adolescents: An overview. World J Hepatol 2015; 7(3): 392-405
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