Case Control Study
Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Hepatol. Nov 27, 2014; 6(11): 818-824
Published online Nov 27, 2014. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v6.i11.818
Table 1 Demographic parameters of patients
HCC (n = 30)Cirrhosis (n = 30)CH (n = 30)Normal (n = 10)P value
Age (yr) Mean ± SD60.27 ± 8.20C55.07 ± 7.35B38.20 ± 8.21A40.89 ± 16.85A ≤ 0.001
Gender (male)25 (83.3)21 (70)22 (73.3)6 (66.7)0.6
Hb (g/dL )11.44 ± 2.85B10.53 ± 2.00B14.23 ± 1.58A14.03 ± 2.48A< 0.001
WBC × 103/mm35.73 ± 2.56A7.08 ± 3.77A6.15 ± 2.13A7.38 ± 2.72A0.217
Platelets 10/mm3D126.00 ± 74.05B116.10 ± 68.94B228.80 ± 59.74A271.3 ± 116.7A< 0.001
Total bilirubin (0.1-1.2 mg/dL)1.88 ± 2.01A4.29 ± 6.75B0.74 ± 0.26A0.79 ± 0.36A< 0.001
ALT (0-42 IU/L)66.59 ± 44.59B32.15 ± 23.59A66.78 ± 36.56B29.16 ± 19.96A< 0.001
AST (0-42 IU/L)119.99 ± 56.12B63.81 ± 39.49A59.67 ± 45.04A45.64 ± 54.32A< 0.001
ALP (0-290 IU/L)D394.8 ± 282.28A304.89 ± 191.85A203.58 ± 82.37AB198.8 ± 139.1B0.003
Albumin (3.5-5.5 g/dL)D3.16 ± 0.40C2.49 ± 0.54B4.22 ± 0.36A4.09 ± 0.92A< 0.001
PC %69.63 ± 16.25C51.58 ± 17.12B88.24 ± 10.89A97.63 ± 11.77A< 0.001
AFP log10 ng/dL2.50 ± 1.19B0.79 ± 0.54A0.59 ± 0.38ANA< 0.001
Table 2 Tumor-related characteristics (n = 30)
ParameterNumber (%)
AFP level (0-10)Normal4 (13.4%)
Elevated26 (86.6%)
PSPS 024 (80)
PS 1-24 (13.4)
PS > 22 (6)
BCLCStage 00 (0)
Stage A1 (3.8)
Stage B19 (73.1)
Stage C4 (15.4)
Stage D2 (7.7)
Number of focal lesionsSingle17 (56.7)
Multiple13 (43.4)
Site of focal lesionsRight lobe18 (60)
Left lobe5 (16.7)
Both7 (23.3)
Tumor size by CT< 3 cm1 (3.3)
3-5 cm12 (40)
> 5 cm17 (56.7)
Portal vein invasionYes7 (23.3)
No23 (76.7)
Table 3 MiR-122 serum levels in the different groups
Fold of change comparing to normal
HCCn = 30
Cirrhosisn = 30
CHn= 30
P value
miR-122 (IQR)2.15 (7.3)0.8 (3.7)2.1 (9)< 0.01
GroupHCC n = 30Non HCC (CH + cirrhosis) n = 60P value
miR-122 (IQR)2.15 (7.3)1.75 (6.8)0.21 (NS)
Table 4 MiR-221 serum levels
Fold of change in comparison to normal
HCCn = 30
Cirrhosisn = 30
CHn = 30
P value
miR-221 (IQR)0.92 (0.88)3.4 (19.2)1.7 (2.6)> 0.01
0.92 (0.88)1.81 (7.75)0.03 (S)
Table 5 Diagnostic performance of miR-221 for discriminating patients with hepatocellular carcinoma from those without
AUCP valueBest cutoffSensitivitySpecificityPPVNPV
0.6550.03< 1.820.870.400.470.83