Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Hepatol. Sep 27, 2024; 16(9): 1211-1228
Published online Sep 27, 2024. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v16.i9.1211
Table 1 Extracellular vesicle features and markers
Characteristics or definition
Classical exosomes40-150 nm[20]CD9, CD63, CD81[20,21]EVs originated in intracellular MVBs containing ILVs released into the extracellular space[20,21]Proteins, amino acids, metabolites, mRNA, and siRNA[20,21]
Non-classical exosomes40-150 nm[21]CD9-, CD63-, CD81-[21]Exosomes lacking CD9, CD63, and CD81 expression[21]Not yet determined
Microvesicles/ectosomes/microparticles/membrane particles50-2000 nm[22]ARF6, VCAMP3, Annexin A1[21]EVs originated by budding and detachment of cell membrane[22]Proteins, amino acids, metabolites, mRNA, siRNA, and DNA[22]
ARMM40-100 nm[21]ARRDC1, TSG101[23]Small microvesicles originated by budding and detachment of cell membrane, regulated by ARRDC1 and TSG101[23]Proteins, amino acids, metabolites, mRNA, siRNA, and DNA[23]
Large oncosomes1-10 μm[21]Myr-Akt1, HB-EGF, Cav-1, ARF6[24]Atypically large EVs originated by budding and detachment of cell membrane from advanced cancer disease cells[24]Proteins, enzymes, peptides, miRNA, mRNA, DNA, amino acids, metabolites, and lipids[24]
Apoptotic bodies50-5000 nm[21]TSP, C3b, ARF6 ANEXIN V[25]EVs originated during apoptotic events[25]DNA, miRNA, RNA, proteins, and lipids[25]
Table 2 Extracellular vesicle proteome in liver disease
Gene name and alias symbols
Role in liver disease
Vesicle source
Expression in disease
NAFLDApolipoprotein C-IIIApolipoprotein C3An increased expression leads to increased steatosis in NAFLD[53]EVs from human serum[53]↑ NAFLD patients[53]
Composition: 79 AAAPOC3
MW: 10.85 kDaApo-CIII
UA: P02656ApoC-III
Cytogenetic band: 11q23.3Apo-C3
Apolipoprotein C-IApolipoprotein C1An increased expression leads to increased steatosis in NAFLD[53]EVs from human serum[53]↑ NAFLD patients[53]
Composition: 83 AAAPOC1
MW: 9.33 kDa
UA: P02654
HGNC ID: 607
Cytogenetic band: 19q13.32
Retinol-binding protein 4Retinol bindingEnhances the M1-like polarization of Kupffer cells via promoting the activation of NOX2 and NF-κB and ROS accumulation[72]Serum exosomes from NAFLD patients[72]↑ NAFLD patients[72]
Composition: 201 AAprotein 4
MW: 23.01 kDa
UA: P02753RBP4b
HGNC ID: 9922
Cytogenetic band: 10q23.33
Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase gammaProtein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type GHepatic PTPRG mRNA increase proportionally to the severity of NAFLD[55]Exosomes from human plasma and murine plasma, serum, and tissue[73]↑ of plasmatic approximately 120 kDa protein isoform were associated with the occurrence of liver damage[73]
↑ NASH[55]
Composition: 1445 AAPTPRG
MW: 162.03 kDaRPTPG
UA: P23470
HGNC ID: 9671
Cytogenetic band: 3p14.2
C-X-C motif chemokine 10C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10Lipotoxic hepatocyte-derived EVs containing CXCL10 induce macrophage chemotaxis[74,75]EVs from Mlk3-/- mice[74,75]↑ NASH model[74,75]
Composition: 98 AA
MW: 10.88 kDaCXCL10
UA: P02778IFI10
HGNC ID: 10637IP-10
Cytogenetic band: 4q21.1crg-2
Fibulin-1Fibulin-1Correlate with fibrosis stage[54]EVs from human serum[54]↑ NAFLD patients[54]
Composition: 703 AA
MW: 77,214 kDaFBLN1
UA: P23142FBLN
HGNC ID: 3600
Cytogenetic band: 22q13.31
Fibulin-3EGF containing fibulin extracellular matrix protein 1Increase with liver fibrosis. Predictor of liver-related events[54]EVs from human serum[54]↑ NAFLD patients[54]
Composition: 493 AA
MW: 54.64EFEMP1
UA: Q12805S1-5
Cytogenetic band: 2p16.1MTLV
NASHAntithrombin-IIISerpin family C member 1Almost all of the downregulated proteins are produced in the liver[57]Exosomes from HCC human serum samples[57]↑ ATIII in liver cirrhosis and HCC[57]
Composition: 464 AA
MW: 52.6 kDaSERPINC1
HGNC ID: 775MGC22579
Cytogenetic band: 1q25.1
Von Willebrand factorVon Willebrand factorBiomarker of severe liver fibrosis diagnosis and HCC development predictor[76]Exosomal, from serum samples[57]↑ HCC[57]
Composition: 2813 AA
MW: 309.26 kDaVWF
UA: P04275
HGNC ID: 12726
Cytogenetic band: 12p13.31
HemopexinHemopexin↓ HPX protein develops inflammation and oxidative stress in the liver[77]Exosomal, from serum samples[57]↓ HCC[57]
Composition: 462 AA
MW: 51.67 kDaHPX
UA: P02790
HGNC ID: 5171
Cytogenetic band: 11p15.4
Galectin 3 binding proteinGalectin 3 binding proteinSignificant biomarker in liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and HCC in patients with hepatitis C[78]Exosomes from serum samples[57]↑ HCC[57]
Composition: 585 AA
MW: 65.33 kDa.LGALS3BP
UA: Q08380MAC-2-BP
HGNC ID: 656490K
Cytogenetic band: 17q25BTBD17B
CirrhosisTransforming growth factor beta 1Transforming growth factor beta 1Promotes HSC activation and ECM production, contributing NAFLD progression[79,80]Exosomal, from serum samples[57]↑ HCC[57]
Composition: 390 AAHepatoma cell lines, culture media[81]↑ Promote tumor metastasis[81]
MW: 44.32 kDaTGFB1Ascites derived exosomes, from hepatic cirrhosis patients[82]↑ Promote cancer[82]
UA: P01137CED
HGNC ID: 11766TGFbeta
Cytogenetic band: 19q13.2
Fibulin-4EGF containing fibulin extracellular matrix protein 2Increased levels in cirrhosis, correlated with progression of fibrosis[56]EVs from serum samples of patients with cirrhosis[56]↑ Cirrhosis[56]
Composition: 443 AA
MW: 49.4 kDaEFEMP2
UA: O95967
HGNC ID: 3219
Cytogenetic band: 11q13.1
HCCHaptoglobinHaptoglobinPatients with NAFLD with the Hp2-2 genotype had higher BMI, total cholesterol, and ferritin[83]Exosomal, from serum samples[57]↓ HCC[57]
Composition: 406AA
MW: 45.20 kDaHP
UA: P00738
HGNC ID: 5141
Cytogenetic band: 16q22.2
Hemoglobin subunit alphaHemoglobin subunit alpha 1Hemoglobin overexpression suppresses oxidative stress[57,84]Exosomal, from serum samples[57]↓ HCC[57]
Composition: 142 AALiver biopsies from NASH patients[84]↑ NASH[84]
MW: 15.258 kDaHBA1
UA: P69905HBA-T3
HGNC ID: 4823
Cytogenetic band: 16p13.3
Fibrinogen alpha chainFibrinogen alpha chainα chain fragments rapid alteration in early stages in liver fibrosis[85,86]Exosomal, from serum samples[57]↓ HCC[57]
Composition: 866 AA,
MW: 94.97 kDaFGA
UA: P02671
HGNC ID: 3661
Cytogenetic band: 4q31.3
Fibrinogen gamma chainFibrinogen gamma chainRare cases of hypofibrinogenemia are associated with liver disease[87]Exosomal, from serum samples[57]↓ HCC[57]
Composition: 453 AA
MW: 51.51 kDaFGG
UA: P02679
HGNC ID: 3694
Cytogenetic band: 4q32.1
Fibrinogen beta chainFibrinogen beta chainRarely, hypofibrinogenemia can present with HFSD[88]Exosomal, from serum samples[57]↓ HCC[57]
Composition: 491 AA
MW: 55.928 kDaFGB
UA: P02675
HGNC ID: 3662
Cytogenetic band: 4q31.3
Carboxypeptidase ECarboxypeptidase EPromotes tumor metastasis and predicts tumor recurrence in early-stage HCC[58]Exosomes from supernatant culture and human serum[57]↑ HCC Promote tumor metastasis[57]
Composition: 476 AA
MW: 53.15 kDaCPE
UA: P16870
HGNC ID: 2303
Cytogenetic band: 4q32.3
Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein AVAMP associated protein AFacilitates bone-tropic metastasis of HCC by promoting osteoclastogenesis[41]Large oncosomes from liver cancer mouse model[41]↑ HCC[41]
Composition: 249 AA
MW: 27.89 kDaVAPA
UA: Q9P0L0hVAP-33
Cytogenetic band: 18p11.22
BasiginBasigin (Ok blood group)Induces angiogenesis by stimulating VEGF production and invasiveness by stimulating MMPsMicrovesicles from SMMC-7721 cell line (Hepatocellular carcinoma)[89]↑ HCC in vitro model[89]
Composition: 385 AABSGPromotes the invasion and metastasis of human hepatoma cells by stimulating both tumor cells and peritumoral fibroblasts to produce elevated levels of MMPs[89]
UA: P35613CD147
Cytogenetic band: 19p13.3