Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Hepatol. Nov 27, 2021; 13(11): 1584-1610
Published online Nov 27, 2021. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v13.i11.1584
Table 1 Non-invasive tests of hepatic fibrosis and potential confounding factors
Biomarker panel
Prognostic ability
Confounding factors/limitations
APRIAST, plateletGoodFairLarge number of individuals fall in the indeterminate range
Fibrosis-4 indexAge, AST, ALT, plateletVery goodVery goodPoor performance in patients aged ≤ 35 yr
Low specificity in patients aged ≥ 65 yr
Less sensitive in South Asian Population
NAFLD fibrosis scoreAge, BMI, IFG or diabetes, AST, ALT, platelet, albuminVery goodGoodDifferent cutoff values needed for younger or older participants
Albumin may decrease in chronic illnesses, malnutrition, nephrotic syndrome and protein-losing enteropathy
Less sensitive in South Asian Population
Enhanced liver fibrosis panelPIIINP, HA, TIMP1GoodVery goodPIIINP is increased in other fibrotic diseases or bone fracture
TIMP1 is increased in cancer and inflammation
Not as widely available as non-patented scores and more expensive
FibroMeter NAFLDAge, weight, prothrombin index, ALT, AST, ferritin, fasting glucoseFairNAProthrombin index affected by anti-coagulants
Ferritin is an acute phase protein
Glucose is affected by anti-diabetic treatment
More validation needed
NIS4miR-34a-5p, α2-M, YKL-40, and glycated hemoglobinFairNANot as widely available as non-patented scores and more expensive
More validation is needed
Table 2 Liver-targeted therapies in development for the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Treatment targets
Mechanism of action
Agent (oral/injectable)
Current status
MetabolismFXR agonismObeticholic acidInterim analysis of a phase 3 RCT (REGENERATE) showed significant histological improvement[141]
Tropifexor (LJN452)A phase 2 study recently completed (NCT02855164)
Cilofexor A phase 2 study in patients with NASH showed a decrease in hepatic fat[142]
PPAR agonismElafibranor Interim analysis a phase 3 trial (RESOLVE-IT) failed to show any treatment effect
Lanifibranor (IVA337)A phase 2 study in patients with T2DM and NAFLD is actively recruiting (NCT03459079)
SaroglitazarA phase 2 RCT (EVIDENCES IV) in participants with NAFLD/NASH has shown significant improvement in ALT, LFC, and IR[143]
Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase inhibitionPF-05221304Improved liver chemistry and liver fat in an RCT[144]
GLP-1 agonismLiraglutideOnly data from small studies have been published and the relative contribution of weight loss and improvement in glycemic control to the observed benefits in NASH are yet to be determined[145-147]
SemaglutideIn a phase 2 trial, the primary endpoint (resolution of NASH with no worsening in fibrosis), was met[148]
FGF21 agonismPegbelfermin (BMS-986036)A series of phase 2b trials of pegbelfermin are underway
MCP2 antagonismMSDC-0602 KThe EMMINENCE phase 2b trial didn’t meet the primary end point[149]
THRβ agonismResmetirom (MGL-3196)A phase 3 study is actively recruiting (NCT03900429)
Cell stress and apoptosisAntioxidantVitamin EResolution of NASH in some studies, but not all; no impact on fibrosis[150]
Pan-caspase inhibitionEmricasanPhase 2b clinical trials for NASH failed to meet their primary efficacy end points[151]
ASK1 inhibitionSelonsertibPhase 3 STELLAR trials discontinued due to lack of efficacy
InflammationCCR2/CCR5 inhibitionCenicrivirocPhase 3 trial AURORA terminated due to lack of efficacy
Inflammasome inhibitionSGM-1019A phase 2 study is terminated due to a safety event (NCT03676231)
FibrosisLOXL2 inhibitionSimtuzumabNo benefit on histological analysis or on clinical outcomes[152]
Gut–liver signaling axisFGF19 agonismAldafermin (NGM282)In a phase 2 trial of patients with NASH, aldafermin reduced liver fat and produced a trend toward fibrosis improvement[153]