©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Hepatol. Aug 18, 2016; 8(23): 994-998
Published online Aug 18, 2016. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v8.i23.994
Published online Aug 18, 2016. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v8.i23.994
Figure 1 Suprapancreatic mass.
The left panel (A) shows an axial post contrast T1 fat suppressed sequence that demonstrates an arterial phase enhancing mass medial to the liver; the right panel (B) shows an axial T2 HASTE sequence demonstrating a mass with increased T2 signal medial to the liver. T: Tumor.
Figure 2 Initial hepatic lobectomy.
On the left-hand set of H and E-stained quarter panel images, the upper left two-image combination quarter panel (A) shows the trabecular architecture, the trabeculae as “T”; the upper right H and E quarter panel (B) shows L-V; the lower H and E quarter panels show high power views of solid pattern tumor with focal geographic necrosis [lower left (F) as “N”] and numerous mitoses [lower right (G) with “M” times 4]; on the right-hand set of IHC-stained split full-height images, the mass, along the bottom (H-J) show negative G3 (H), CK19 (I), HP1 (J); the L-V, along the top (C-E) with a similar pattern, but with weak but convincing HP1 positivity. Both HP1 stains are inset with 100 × high power images (100 ×). Arrows on the L-V IHC (C and D) stains indicate the tumor (opposite vessel wall). L-V: Lymph-vascular tumor; Mass: Main mass; LN: Lymph node; G3: Glypican 3; CK19: Cytokeratin 19; HP1: Hepatocyte paraffin 1; T: Tumor.
Figure 3 Resected recurrence.
A: The H and E-stained shows a tiny area of likely LN at one end; B: Shows obvious tumor cells nests; On the right-hand set of IHC stained split full-height images, both the main mass (F-H); and obvious nodal tumor (LN2) (C-E), are strongly positive on G3 (C), CK19 (D), and HP1 (E) stains. Mass: Main mass; LN: Lymph node; G3: Glypican 3; CK19: Cytokeratin 19; HP1: Hepatocyte paraffin 1.
- Citation: Caparelli ML, Roberts NJ, Braverman TS, Stevens RM, Broun ER, Allamaneni S. Metastatic recurrence to a solitary lymph node four years after hepatic lobectomy for primary hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Hepatol 2016; 8(23): 994-998
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