Dr. Bouare is a distinguished Scientist Researcher in National Institute of Research in Public Health, Mali. Having received his Pharmacy Doctor degree from Bamako National School of Medicine and Pharmacy in 1994, Dr. Bouare worked in two Regional Hospitals before to undertake his post graduate inter-universitary training (Immunology-Hematology-Transfusion field) at Louvain Universitary Hospital in a one academic year (2004 to 2005). Having again attended successively advanced training (molecular technics field) at Cape Town UCT in 2006 and HIV/HCV epidemiology training at Liege Universitary Hospital (ULiege) in 2007, Dr. Bouare became official Researcher in National Institute of Research in Public Health in 2007. From 2009, Dr. Bouare pursued a fellowship research (HCV/HIV field) at Liege University under the instruction of Professor Andre Gothot and Dr. Christiane Gerard and was graduated Dr.Sc (PhD degree) in Jun 2013. He was promoted as Researcher in charge of Biological Sciences in National Institute of Research in Public Health in 2017. His ongoing research interests are viral hepatitis (primarily HCV and HBV) and HIV. He is author of both two peer–reviewed articles and four conference papers. He was awarded C-Hep Best poster for young investigators in 2012, Berlin, and certified by Editage Insights Publication Success Academy on completing the advanced course on "Become a great peer reviewer: Essential training for new and established peer reviewers" in 2017. Currently he is an official member of the editorial board of World Journal of Hepatology.