My first published research was about the prevalence of NASH in Iranian general population (2008). The project was conducted in NAFLD Research Center at Digestive Disease Research Institute in Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). My latter researches were the determination of serum biomarkers for distinguishing NASH. These experimentations were performed with the collaboration of Kashan University of Medical Sciences. My especial focus was on the serum adipocytokines. Meanwhile, I have conducted clinical trials regarding NASH treatment. The first one was a head to head comparison of pioglitazone and metformin effect in liver function tests and the metabolic profile in NAFLD (IRCT201105026361N1).The other trials were evaluating the effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on the same variables in diabetic (NCT01712711) and non-diabetic (NCT01654549) NASH. Moreover, I investigated the effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication in liver fat content (NCT01876108). In another trial I assessed the effect of Pentoxifylline on liver function tests and metabolic profile in NASH (NCT02283710). Besides my academic responsibilities at TUMS, I was a member of the Iranian Hepatitis Scientific Board (IHSB). IHSB is the scientific arm of the Iran Hepatitis Network ( The main mission of the organization is the promotion of knowledge regarding Iranian hepatitis burden and providing updated guidelines about hepatitis management based on Iranian culture. Finally, I wrote a book for patient education entitled “Fatty liver”. The electronic version of the book is available in my Persian cite at TUMS (