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Prof. Bing Han’s researches focus on craniofacial growth and development, digital diagnosis and treatment of malocclusion, development of efficient orthodontic appliances and development and clinical translation of oral-maxillofacial tissue engineering and biomaterials. His work elucidated mechanisms of alveolar bone remodeling, periodontal inflammation and aging, while he is also developing systems of tissue repair. As the corresponding author, Prof. Bing Han has published over 100 papers in Dentistry, Orthodontics, biomaterials and interdisciplinary research in Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Communications, Journal of Dental Research (cover article), Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Bioactive Materials (Highly cited/Annual paper), Advanced Science, Prog. Orthod. , Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. , Angle Orthod. , etc.