Gastric Cancer
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2003.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 15, 2003; 9(10): 2154-2159
Published online Oct 15, 2003. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v9.i10.2154
Table 1 Ets1 expression in tumor and stromal cells
FactorsNo.Ets1 percentage1 (mean ± SD)P valueEts1 percentage2 (mean ± SD)P value
Total patients4035.0 ± 21.144.6 ± 17.5
Male3038.0 ± 22.50.11545.2 ± 17.30.704
Female1025.9 ± 13.142.7 ± 18.7
> 503235.9 ± 20.80.57246.3 ± 17.70.206
< 50831.1 ± 23.337.5 ± 15.7
Histological classification (WHO)
Ad3035.2 ± 19.90.26943.0 ± 15.40.647
Srcc643.3 ± 26.449.3 ± 15.2
Uc421.1 ± 19.648.8 ± 34.7
Grade (WHO)
I726.9 ± 26.70.36637.3 ± 18.30.486
II1939.5 ± 19.745.7 ± 11.6
III1432.8 ± 19.846.6 ± 23.2
T (tumor)
T1, 21517.2 ± 12.0< 0.00135.3 ± 17.70.008
T3, 42545.6 ± 17.950.1 ± 15.1
N (lymph node)
N01424.1 ± 17.40.01432.4 ± 13.80.001
N1, 2, 32640.8 ± 20.851.1 ± 15.8
M (metastasis)
M03934.0 ± 20.5< 0.00144.1 ± 17.5< 0.001
Clinical stage
I, II1821.8 ± 15.2< 0.00136.2 ± 18.10.005
III, IV2245.7 ± 19.251.4 ± 13.9
Table 2 Intensity of Ets1 staining in tumor cell and distribu-tion of patients
CompartmentNo.Weak (+)Moderate (++)Intense (≥ +++)P value
Tumor cells406 (15%)24 (60%)10 (25%)
T classification
T1, 2152 (13.3%)12 (80%)1 (6.7%)0.087
T3, 4254 (16%)12 (48%)9 (36%)
LN metastasis
Negative143 (21.4%)9 (64.3%)2 (14.3%)0.438
Positive263 (11.5%)15 (57.7%)8 (30.8%)
Distant metastasis
Negative396 (15.4%)24 (61.5%)9 (23.1%)0.214
Positive10 (0%)0 (0%)1 (100%)
Clinical stage
Stage I, II183 (16.7%)13 (72.2%)2 (11.1%)0.183
Stage III, IV223 (13.6%)11 (50%)8 (36.4%)
Table 3 Intensity of Ets1 staining in stromal cell and distri-bution of patients
CompartmentNo.Weak (+)Moderate (++)Intense (≥ +++)P value
Stromal cells403 (7.5%)21 (52.5%)16 (40%)
T classification
T1, 2153 (20%)7 (46.7%)5 (33.3%)0.066
T3, 4250 (0%)14 (56%)11 (44%)
LN metastasis*
Negative143 (21.4%)6 (42.9%)5 (35.7%)0.048
Positive260 (0%)15 (57.7%)11 (42.3%)
Distant metastasis
Negative393 (7.7%)21 (53.8%)15 (38.5%)0.463
Positive10 (0%)0 (0%)1 (100%)
Clinical stage
Stage I, II183 (16.7%)8 (44.4%)7 (38.9%)0.129
Stage III, IV220 (0%)13 (59.1%)9 (40.9%)