Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 21, 2019; 25(31): 4405-4413
Published online Aug 21, 2019. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i31.4405
Table 1 Variables considered in the initial evaluation of pancreatic cystic neoplasms
Imaging based cyst characteristicsMain pancreatic duct dilation> 10 mm AI 5-10 mm RI> 5 mm HRHR> 10 mm HR 5-10 mm WF> 10 mm HR 7-10 mm WF
Associated massHRHRHRHR
Mural nodule> 5 mm AI < 5 mm RIHRHR> 5 mm HR < 5 mm WFWF
Cyst size≥ 4 cm RI≥ 3 cm HR> 3 cm WF> 3 cm WF
Parenchymal atrophyWF
Serum basedCA19-9RIHRWF
New onset diabetesRI
Table 2 Approach to surveillance of pancreatic cysts without high risk or worrisome features at diagnosis
SizeIAP (Fukuoka) 2012IAP (Fukuoka) 2017ACG 2018ACR 2018European 2018AGA 2015
< 1 cmCT/MRI in 2-3 yrCT/MRI in 6 mo then every 2 yrMRI q 2 yr (lengthen after4)MRI/CT q1 year for cysts < 1.5 cm and q6 mo for cysts 1.5-2.5 cm × 4 and then lengthen interval; stop after stability over 10 yr1Surveillance q 6 mo × 2 with MRI and/or EUS, CA19-9; if stable lifelong surveillance is recommended with annual MRI/EUS, CA19-9MRI in 1 yr, then every 2 for 5 yr Stop if stable
1-2 cmCT/MRI annually × 2 yr, then lengthen interval if stableCT/MRI in 6 m × 1 yr A Annually × 2 yr, then lengthen interval if stableMRI q 1 yrs FOR 3 yr Then q 2 yr FOR 4 yr
2-3 cmEUS in 3-6 mo, then lengthen interval, alternate MRI with EUS as appropriateEUS in 3-6 mo, then lengthen interval, alternate MRI with EUS as appropriateEUS/MRI q 6mo for 3 yr then yearly for 4 yrFor cysts > 2.5 cm q6 mo MRI/CT and then stop if stable for over 10 yr; for patients > 80 yr of age, q2 year imaging1
> 3 cmAlternate MRI/EUS every 3-6 moAlternate MRI/EUS every 3-6 moEUS/MRI q 6mo for 3 yr then yearly for 4 yr
Table 3 Comparison of performance between pancreatic cyst guidelines
Sighinolfi et al[21], 2017Fukouka, AGA, and Sendai Criteria1Pancreatic Cyst with invasive cancerAGA ROC 0.76, Fukouka ROC 0.78, Sendai ROC 0.65 (P < 0.001)AGA and Fukuoka guidelines with higher diagnostic accuracy for neoplastic cysts compared to Sendai
Xu et al[20], 2017AGA, Fukouka, and American College of Radiology1Advanced neoplasia (HGD or cancer) in resected pancreatic cysts(Sen, Spec, PPV, NPV) AGA; 7.3%, 88.2%, 10%, and 84.1% Fukouka: 73.2%, 45.6%, 19.5%, 90.4% ACR: 53.7%, 61%, 19.8%, and 88%AGA with higher specificity, but lower sensitivity than Fukuoka and ACR
Ma et al[22], 2016AGA and Fukouka2Advanced neoplasia (HGD or cancer) in resected pancreatic cystsFukouka: 28.2%, 95.8%, 74.1%, 75.9% AGA: 35.2.%, 94%, 71.4%, 77.5%No significant difference between the two guidelines
Singhi et al, 2016AGAAdvanced neoplasia (HGD or cancer)AGA: 62%, 79%, 57%, 82%Low accuracy of AGA guidelines and continued surveillance of benign lesions (i.e., SCAs)
Lekkerkerker et al[23], 2017Fukuoka, AGA, European GuidelinesAdvanced neoplasia (in patients with suspected IPMN)Accuracy Fukuoka: 54% AGA: 59% European: 53%AGA guidelines would have rec’d against surgery in most patients with benign lesions and would have missed significantly more HGD/CA