Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 21, 2019; 25(27): 3634-3648
Published online Jul 21, 2019. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i27.3634
Table 1 Characteristics of bioartificial liver support system and subjects of clinical trials
IDPublication yearType of trialBAL system
TypeHybridCellMassSample No.SubtypeAgeSexDisease etiology
11994Non-controlled trialHepatAssistYesPorcine hepatocytes6 × 1097FHF 6 PNF 110-584M:3FPNF 1 ; Virus 1; AO 2; Indeterminate 3
21997Non-controlled trialHepatAssistYesPorcine hepatocytes5 × 10921FHF 1836.1 ± 3.47M:11FVirus 4; Indeterminate 8; AO 4; Ischemic 2
PNF 348.3 ± 11.21M:2FVirus 1; Indeterminate 1; Autoimmune 1
32010Non-controlled trialHepatAssistYesPorcine hepatocytes5 × 10918FHF 1510-5610M;5FIndeterminate 7; Virus 3; AO 4; Ischemic 1
PNF 326-581M:2FIndeterminate 1; Virus 1; Autoimmune 1;
42002Non-controlled trialHepatAssistYesPorcine hepatocytes5 × 10910FHF 10314M:6FIndeterminate 6; Virus 2; Wilson 1; Pyrazinamide 1
51994Non-controlled trialELADNoC3A cells200 g11FHF 10 PNF 138.5 ± 18.15M:6FIdiopathic 1; Virus 3; AO 2; INH 1; FIAU 3; Anhepatic 1
62002Non-controlled trialELADNoC3A cells300-400g5FHF 522.2 ± 9.42M:3Fasparaginase toxicity 1; Indeterminate 3; Autoimmune 1
72002Phase I trialAMC-BALNoPorcine hepatocytes11.9 × 1097FHF 734.3 ± 15.22M:5FVirus 4; AFLP 1; Indeterminate 2
82003Case reportAMC-BALNoPorcine hepatocytes10 × 1091FHF35FVirus 1
91996Non-controlled trialNRNoPorcine hepatocytes5 × 10912FHF 11 PNF 137.2 ± 15.56M:6FIndeterminate 4; AO 2; Virus 3; Ischemic Failure 1; Autoimmune 1; PNF 1
102003Phase I trialMELSYesPorcine hepatocytes; non-parenchymal cells(1.8-4.4) × 10108FHF 834.31M:7FRug-related 2; Virus 3; Indeterminate 3
112003Case reportMELSYesHuman hepatocytes470 g1PNF26FIntoxication with amanita phalloides
122002Case reportBLSSNoPorcine hepatocytes70-100 g1FHF41FIndeterminate 1
132002Non-controlled trialRFB-BALNoPorcine hepatocytes200-230 g7FHF 4 PNF 337.4 ± 18.45M:2FVirus 3; PNF 3; Liver trauma 1
142003Non-controlled trialHBALYesPorcine hepatocytes1.0 × 10912FHF 1241.8 ± 13.09M:3FVirus 12
151999Non-controlled trialHepatAssisYesPorcine hepatocytes5 × 1098FHF 833.4 ± 11.01M:7FAO 8
1612018Phase 1/2a TrialLifeLiver BALNRPorcine hepatocytes spheroidsNR8FHF 8NRNRNR
171996Pilot-Controlled TrialELADNoC3A cells400 gGroup-1 17FHF 17306M:3F vs 3M:5F2AO 5, Virus 3, ATB 5 vs AO 6, Virus 12; ATB 1
Group-2 7FHF 70M:3F vs 3M:1F2AO 3 vs AO 3, Virus 12
182004RCTHepatAssistYesPorcine hepatocytes7 × 109171FHF 147 PNF 243726M:60F vs 25M:60F2Known causes 83, Indeterminate 64
Table 2 Outcomes and adverse events after treating by bioartificial liver support system in clinical trials
IDTreating timeBridgingtimeOLT /totalSR of OLTSR of no OLTRecovery without OLTFollow-up timeHemodynamicsLiver and renal functionHematologic and coagulationEncephalopathy indexNeurologicAdverse eventsPERV test
11.6 × 6 h24 h7/7100%NANANRStableDecreased: ammonia; transaminasesDecreased: FibrinogenImprovedDecreased: ICP Increased: CPPNoneNR
22.1 × 6 h45.3 h16/18100%50%1NRStableDecreased: ammonia; ALB; transaminases; bilirubin; BUN; creatinine Increased: glucoseNot improvedImprovedDecreased: ICP; Increased: CPP; GCS; CLOCSTransient hypotensionNR
1.6 × 6 h83.0 h3/3100%NANANRStableDecreased: transaminases; bilirubin; ALB Increased: glucoseNot improvedNot improvedNot improved
31.8 × 6 h38.6 h14/15100%100%12-62 mStableDecreased: ammonia; bilirubin; transaminases; ALB; BUN; creatinine; Increased: GlucoseNot improvedImprovedDecreased: ICP; Increased: CLOCSNoneNegative (5 y)
1.7 × 6 h21 h-8 d3/3100%NANA2-62 mStableNot improvedNot improvedImprovedNot improved
41.9 × 6 h46 h10/1080%NANA24.5mStableDecreased: bilirubin; transaminasesDecreased: Platelets; FibrinogenImprovedIncreased: GCS; CLOCSBleeding; transitory hypotensionNegative
552.6 h40.8 h4/11100%14%110 dStableImprovedNRImprovedImprovedTransitory hypotensionNA
650.8 h50.8 h5/580%NANA30 dStableImprovedNRNot improvedNot improvedNoneNA
718.9 hNR6/7100%100%118 mStableDecreased: bilirubin; ammoniaNRNRImprovedTransitory hypotensionNegative -18 m
835 h35 h1/1100%NANA15 mStableDecreased: bilirubin; ammonia; lactateNot improvedNRImprovedNRNegative 12 m
91.7 × 6 h39.3 h12/12100%NRNRNRStableDecreased: bilirubin; ammonia; transaminases; Increased: glucoseNot improvedImprovedDecreased: ICP; Increased: CPP; CLOCSNoneNR
1027.3 hNR8/8100%NRNR3yStableDecreased: bilirubin; ALBDecreased: plateletsImprovedNADecreased body temperatureNegative 3 y
1179 h79 h1/1100%NRNR1yStableDecreased: lactate; BUN; creatinineImprovedImprovedImprovedDecreased body temperatureNA
1212 h7 dNA1NA1NA1NA17dStableDecreased: lactate; ammonia; transaminasesImprovedNRNot improvedHypoglycemiaNR
1311.7 h11.7 h6/783%0%0NAStableDecreased: bilirubin; transaminase; ammonia; lactate; ureaImprovedNRImprovedNoneNegative 180 d
141.1 × 6 hNRNA2NA2NRNR1 mStableDecreased: bilirubin; transaminase; ammoniaImprovedNRImprovedNoneNR
152.9 × 6 hNR3/8100%100%5NRStableDecreased: ammonia; bilirubin; transaminases; BUN; creatinineImprovedImprovedDecreased: ICP Increased: CLOCSNoneNR
16NRNR2/6100%75%3NRNRDecreased: ammoniaNot improvedNRImprovedCoagulopathy pneumonia, sepsis, and diseased progressionNegative
1772 (3-168) hNR2/9 vs 2/8350% vs 50%36/7 vs 5/636 vs 53NRStableDecreased ammoniaImprovedNRNRTachypnoeic; tachycardic; pyrexial; disseminated intravascular coagulationNA
1/3 vs 1/43100% vs 100%30% vs 0%30 vs 03
1817.4 h5 d vs 3 d45/85 vs 49/86389% vs 80%350% vs 38%320 vs 14330 dStableDecreased bilirubinNot improvedNRNot improvedNoneNegative 12 m
Table 3 Characteristics of preclinical experiments on large animals in past 10 years
BAL system
Test for PERV
SpeciesNoSexWeight(kg)InducerTypeCellMassBioreactorTreatment timeSurvivalOther
192011Pig30M10-15D-galactosamineFBBALAlginate-chitosan encapsulated primary porcine hepatocytes5 × 109Choanoid fluidized bed bioreactor6 hSurvival time: BAL 72.9 ± 4.72 h Sham BAL 54.6 ± 4.09 h Control 54.8 ± 3.98 hDecreased: lactate; glucoseNR
202012Canine32NR10-15D-galactosamineHBALCo-cultured porcine hepatocytes and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells1x 1010Multi-layer flat-plate bioreactor + anionic resin adsorption column3 h7 day survival: HBAL 7/8 BAL 5/8 NBAL 4/8 Control 3/8Decreased: transaminases; LDH; ammonia; bilirubin; PT Increased: ALBNegative (7 d)
212013Pig13F25-30Hepaticartery ligationNAAlginate-encapsulated HepG2cell-spheroids5 × 1010Fluidised-bed bioreactor7 hSurvival time: BAL 10.5 ± 20.7 h SBAL 8.6 ± 21.4 hDecreased: ICP; ammonia; Increased: bilirubin; acidosisNR
222014Cynomolgus monkey15M6.5-7.0D-galactosamineHBALSSHuman hepatic CL-1 cells grown in microgravity culture4 × 109Perfusion bioreactor6 hSurvival time: 128 h BAL 5/10 Control 0/5Decreased: bilirubin; TBA; BUN; Cr; ammonia; Fischer indices Increased: ALBNR
232015Canine8NR10-13D-galactosamineHBALCo-cultured porcine hepatocytes and bone marrow mesenchymal cells1 × 1010Multi-layer flat-plate bioreactor + anionic resin adsorption column6 h1 year survival: 7/8Decreased: transaminases; PT; bilirubin; LDH; ammonia; Increased: ALBNegative (1 year)
242015Pig18F45D-galactosamineSRBALPorcine hepatocytes spheroids200 gSpheroid reservoir24 hSurvival 90 h (%) ST 0/6, 0% ST + Non-cell 1/6,17% ST + SRBAL 5/6, 83%Decreased: ammonia; ICP; brain water contentNR
252016Pig21M10-15D-galactosamineFBBALAlginate-chitosan encapsulated porcine hepatocytes5 × 109Choanoid fluidized bed bioreactor6hSurvival time: FBBAL 70.4 ± 11.5 h Sham FBBAL 51.6 ± 7.9 h Control 49.3 ± 6.6 hDecreased: PCs; LPCs; FAs; SM; Increased: CBAsNR
262016Pig20NR15-25D-galactosamineHiHep-BALHiHeps3 × 109Multi-layer radial-flow bioreactor3hSurvival 7 d: hiHep-BAL 7/8 Empty-BAL 1/6 No-BAL 0/6Decreased: transaminase ammonia; bilirubin; PTNR
272017Pig25F30-35Surgical ligation of all blood flow to the liverUCLBAL3-dimensional (3D) HepG2-cell spheroids7.3 × 1010Fuidised bed bioreactor6hSurvival time: Control-BAL 7.04 ± 1.9h, n = 15 Cell-BAL 8.21 ± 2.3 h, n = 13Decreased: PT; INR; ICP; ammoniaNR
282017Pig15M45-55Complete hepatic inflow devascularizationNACa-alginate-immobilized hepatocyte spheroids2 × 1010Packed-bed bioreactor12hMedian survival time: Control 21 h n = 5 BAL 28.5 h n = 5 Cell-free BAL 21 h n = 5Decreased: ammonia; creatinine ICP; BP Increased: urineNR
292018Rhesus monkey30M10-20α-amanitin and lipopolysaccharideSRBALPig hepatocyte-HUVEC organoids2.6 × 1010Spheroid reservoir6 hMedian survival time: SRBAL 12 h 336 h n = 6 SRBAL 24 h 248 h n = 6 SRBAL 36 h 132 h n = 6 Sham no-cell SRBAL 12 h 90 h n = 6 Control 60.5 h n = 6Decreased: ammonia; bilirubin Increased: albuminNegative (6 h)
302019Pig18F20-3085% hepatectomySRBALPorcine hepatocyte spheroids200gSpheroid reservoir24 hSurvival rate at 90 h: SMT 0/6 SMT plus no-cell SRBAL 0/6 SMT plus SRBAL (200 g) 5/6Decreased: ammonia; ICP; INR Increased: volume regenerationNR