Basic Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Gastroenterol. May 14, 2018; 24(18): 2009-2023
Published online May 14, 2018. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v24.i18.2009
Table 1 Comparison of modified Swerdlow et al[21,27,28] and Park/Chiu et al[22,26] systems for grading of histological damage on the intestine
GradeModified SwerdlowPark/Chiu
0No pathological changeNormal mucosa
1Focal loss of surface epitheliumSubepithelial space at villus tips
2Mucosal infarction (extensive loss of surface epithelium, loss of variable amounts of lamina propria, sparing of basal glands, intact muscularis mucosae)Extension of subepithelial space with moderate lifting
3Submucosal infarction (variable necrosis of submucosa, complete mucosal necrosis, intact muscularis mucosae)Massive lifting down the sides of the villi, some denuded tips
4Mural infarction (loss of muscularis mucosae, complete necrosis of mucosa and submucosa)Denuded villi, dilated capillaries
5Mural infarction (involvement of inner layer of muscularis propria, complete necrosis of mucosa and submucosa)Disintegration of lamina propria
6Transmural infarction (complete necrosis of the bowel wall)Crypt layer injury
7Transmucosal infarction
8Transmural infarction
Table 2 Clinical parameters during ischemia/reperfusion in porcine jejunum
Ischemia (h)Observations on the ischemic jejunumMinutes after reperfusion before color has returned (mean ± SD)Observable peristalsis in No. of pigsReperfusion (h)Observations on the reperfused jejunumNo. of pigs
0Normal color15
1Purple0.9 ± 0.115 of 158Edema15
2Darker purple2 ± 0.12 of 28Edema, slight fibrinous coating2
3Darker purple4 ± 0.313 of 138Edema, fluid droplets, slight fibrinous coating13
4Darker purple6 ± 0.74 of 48Edema, fluid droplets, fibrinous coating, darker internal hue4
5Darker purple15 ± 1.611 of 118Edema, fluid droplets, fibrinous coating, darker internal hue11
6Darker purple26 ± 3.33 of 48Edema, fluid droplets, fibrinous coating, deeper red color, darker internal hue4
8Black49 ± 910 of 48Edema, fluid droplets, fibrinous coating, deeper red color, darker internal hue4
12Patches of paler color4
Table 3 Summary of main findings from light microscopy of 128 biopsies from 5 pigs at selected intervals of ischemia/reperfusion time
Ischemia1 h isc, 8 h rep2 h isc, 8 h rep3 h isc, 8 h rep4 h isc, 8 h rep6 h isc, 8 h rep8 h isc, 8 h repControl
I-1: Early loss of SE1I-1: Early loss of SE1I-2: Total loss of SE2I-3: Early loss of CE, congestion and bleeding LP2I-4: Total loss of SE, focal damage to outer layer of MP2I-6: Total loss of CE, damage to LP, MM. Bacteria in LP2I-8: Damage to all components3N-0: Normal1
I-2: Total loss of SE2I-1/R-1: Total loss of SE, apoptosis in CE, light N2I-2/R-1: Apoptosis in CE, light N, congestion and focal bleeding in LP2I-3/R-1: Apoptosis in CE, N, wavy myocytes in MP2I-4/R-1: Focal damage to both layers of MP (most to outer layer)2I-6/R-1: Damage to all components3I-8/R-1: Damage to all components3N-6: Few instances of apoptosis in CE, light N and light edema in MP1
I-3: Early loss of CE2I-1/R-3: Focal damage to outer layer of MP2I-2/R-3: Early regeneration of SE, congestion, bleeding and necrosis in LP, apoptosis in CE, interstitial inflammation in MP2I-3/R-3: Edema, inflammation, and focal necrosis in outer layer of MP2I-4/R-3: Total loss of CE, NGR, cell disintegration in MM and MP3I-6/R-3: Damage to all components3I-8/R-3: Damage to all components3N-12: Few instances of apoptosis in CE, light N and light edema in MP1
I-4: Focal damage to outer layer of MP2I-1/R-6: SE regenerated. Focal damage to outer layer of MP1I-2/R-6: Regeneration of SE, wavy myocytes and focal necrosis in MP2I-3/R-6: Most of CE is lost, wavy myocytes and focal necrosis in MP2I-4/R-6: Total loss of CE, NGR, loss of myocytes, disintegration3I-6/R-6: Damage to all components3I-8/R-6: Damage to all components3
I-5: Damage to inner layer of MP2I-1/R-8: SE regenerated. Focal damage to outer layer of MP1I-2/R-8: Regeneration of SE with focal loss and erosion, focal damage to the MP with wavy myocytes and necrosis2I-3/R-8: Most of CE is lost, wavy myocytes and focal necrosis in both layers of MP2I-4/R-8: Damaged SE, CE, MM, submucosa, MP, PM3I-6/R-8: Damage to all components3I-8/R-8: Damage to all components3
I-6: Total loss of CE, damage to LP, MM and bacteria in LP3
I-7: Hemorrhage in subserosa, peritonitis, and damage to all components3
I ≥ 8: Damage to all components3
Table 4 Summary of main findings from transmission electron microscopy of porcine jejunum at selected intervals of mesenteric occlusive ischemia and reperfusion
Ischemia (h)ObservationsIschemia/reperfusion (h/h)Observations
0Intact musculature. Some variation in the electron density in the muscle cells, focal swollen mitochondria’s with vacuolized matrixes1
1Intact musculature. Discrete intercellular edema. Lymphocytes in the interstitial space. Increased variation in the electron density in the muscle cells. Some cells have increased electron density (darker). Some of the mitochondria are more prominent. Some minimal fat vacuoles are visible21-3Inflammation, cell death, sparse fine-vacuolization of the sarcoplasm, slightly swollen mitochondria2
2More prominent variation in electron density between muscle cells. Increased number of vacuoles, some of them are fat vacuoles. Focal edema, thickening of the mitochondrial cristae. Some lysosomes with membrane fragments22-3Inflammation, cell death, more comprehensive fine-vacuolization of the sarcoplasm, slightly swollen mitochondria2
3Same results as at 2 h, but a few more interstitial immune response cells are visible. Monocytes, macrophages, and a few granulocytes. Vacuoles in the sarcoplasm. Slightly swollen mitochondria23-3Inflammation, cell death, more comprehensive fine-vacuolization of the sarcoplasm, slightly swollen mitochondria, focal single cell necrosis, swollen cell nuclei2
4Same changes as at 3 h, but the changes are more prominent as the cells with higher electron density are more condensed, and there are more vacuoles around the mitochondria24-3Pronounced cell shrinking/cell death, swollen cell nuclei, loss of cohesion, interstitial edema3
5Focal edema, variations in electron density, thickening of the mitochondrial cristae, vacuoles in the sarcoplasm, swollen mitochondria, interstitial lymphocytes/monocytes/granulocytes, loss of plasma-membrane and coherence, focal single cell necrosis35-3Increased cell shrinking/cell death, swollen cell nuclei, loss of cohesion, interstitial edema3
6Necrosis, focal large vacuoles in some mitochondria36-3Increased cell shrinking/cell death, swollen cell nuclei, loss of cohesion, interstitial edema3
7Necrosis with macrophages. Non-necrotic cells appear like the cells at time intervals 3-6 h3
8Like the results at 7 h3