Systematic Review
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Dec 7, 2017; 23(45): 8073-8081
Published online Dec 7, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i45.8073
Table 1 Descriptive analysis of the main variables in the studies
AuthorYear of publication# patients# patients undergoing dilatationsTotal # strictures dilatedAetiology strictureLength stricture (cm)FU (months)
Yamamoto et al[13]20042366MixedNRNR
Pohl et al[16]200619913CD≤ 416 (4-26)
Ohmiya et al[17]2009662247MixedNR16 (2-43)
Despott et al[18]201111918CD< 520.5 (2-41)
Hayashi et al[19]20081822NSAIDNRNR
Hirai et al[11]2014655252CD≤ 541.8 ± 24.9
Gill et al[20]2014321415MixedNR16 (3-60)
Irani et al[21]2012131217Mixed≤ 246
Nishimura et al[22]20118711Ischemic≤ 316
Fukumoto et al[23]20071563150MixedNR11.9 (1-40)
Sunada et al[24]20169985291CD< 541.9
Kita et al[25]2006NR (at least 45)4545MixedNRNR
Kroner et al[2]2015711616MixedNRNR
Table 2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria of the included studies
AuthorYear of publicationInclusion criteriaExclusion criteria
Yamamoto et al[13]2004- Retrospective review of all DBEs- NR
- Dilatation criteria NR
Pohl et al[16]2006- Known or suspected CD and proven or suspicious small bowel strictures- Strictures > 5 cm or including significant angulation or severe active inflammation with ulcerations
- Dilatation criteria NR
Ohmiya et al[17]2009- Patients with SBO- Acute obstruction with strangulation or suspected perforation
- The stricture was assumed to be restricted within narrow limits in the small bowel assessed by radiologic imaging- A stricture with a deep open ulcer
- A second dilation session was only performed if obstructive symptoms recurred
Despott et al[18]2011- CD patients with small bowel stricture- Strictures > 5 cm
- Dilatation criteria NR
Hayashi et al[19]2008- Retrospective case series of all patients who had undergone DBE-NR
- In the case of a diaphragm-like stricture, all the strictures were dilated
Hirai et al[11]2014CD patients with:- Stricture of the ileocolonic anastomosis
- Small bowel strictures causing obstructive symptoms- Post-dilatation observation period < 6 mo
- Stricture length ≤ 5 cm- Patients who did not meet dilatation criteria
- No associated fistula or abscess
- no deep ulcer
- No severe curvature of the stricture
Gill et al[20]2014- Retrospective review: All patients with suspected strictures in the small bowel undergoing DBE- Patients with severely ulcerated or inflamed strictures
- Dilatation criteria NR- Patients in whom the scope could not traverse the stricture
Irani et al[21]2012- Clinical and radiological evidence (CT or small bowel follow through) of small bowel obstruction- Malignant strictures and masses found either at video capsule endoscopy or DBE
Nishimura et al[22]2011- Patients with ischemic enteritis and a segment of intestine that could not be passed by the enteroscope- Deep ulcerations
- Dilation was indicated when there were symptoms of intestinal obstruction and evidence of caliber change by CT scan
Fukumoto et al[23]2007A stricture was defined by 1 or more of the following criteria:-Asymptomatic patient (even when the endoscope did not pass through the stricture)
- DBE showed the internal diameter of the bowel lumen to be < 10 mm or the endoscope could not pass through the lesion
- The patient complained of obstructive symptoms
- Stricture was suggested or identified by other modalities.
Sunada et al[24]2016- Retrospective review of all DBEs-NR
- Dilatation criteria NR
Kita et al[25]2006- Retrospective review of all DBEs-NR
- Dilatation criteria NR
Kroner et al[2]2015- Retrospective review of consecutive patients who were found to have small bowel stricture at the time of DBE- Malignant (appearance of) strictures
- Benign appearance of the stricture
Table 3 Technical details of dilatations
AuthorYear of publicationBalloon diameter (mm)Duration of dilatation per stricture (s)Type of balloonFluoroscopySedation CS/ GA
Yamamoto et al[13]2004NRNRBoston Scientific, CRENRCS
Pohl et al[16]2006Up to 20120Boston Scientific, CREYesNR
Ohmiya et al[17]20098-2060NRNRNR
Despott et al[18]201112-2060Boston Scientific, CRENoCS and GA
Hayashi et al[19]2008NRNRBoston Scientific, CRENRNR
Hirai et al[12]201412-1830-120Boston Scientific, CRENRCS
Gill et al[20]201410-16.5NRBoston Scientific, CRENoCS or propofol
Irani et al[21]201210-1830 or until waist effacementNRYesCS and GA
Nishimura et al[22]20118-1230 (and 30 s interval)Boston Scientific, CREYesCS
Fukumoto et al[23]2007NRNRNRYesNR
Sunada et al[24]20168-2030-60Boston Scientific, CREYesCS
Kita et al[25]2006NRNRNRNRNR
Kroner et al[2]201513NRNRNRGA
Table 4 Overview of endoscopic balloon dilation-associated complications per study
AuthorComplicationsType of complicationComplication rate per patientComplication rate per dilatationShort-term success2 (%)Long-term success avoiding surgery2 (%)Surgery2 (%)Re-Dilatations23 (%)
Yamamoto et al[13]NONA0%0%6/6 (100)NRNRNR
Pohl et al[16]NONA0%0%9/9 (100)6/9 (67)3/9 (33)2/9 (22)
Ohmiya et al[17]NO1NA0%0%22/22 (100)18/22 (82)4/22 (18)3/22 (14)
Despott et al[18]YESPerforation (n = 1)11%5.6%8/9 (89)8/9 (89)1/9 (11)2/9 (22)
Hayashi et al[19]NONA0%0%2/2 (100)NRNRNR
Hirai et al[12]YESHaemorrhage (n = 1)12%12%48/52 (92.3)44/52 (85)8/52 (15)26/52 (50)
Acute pancreatitis (n = 1)
Perforation (n = 1)
Hyperamylasemia (n = 3)
Gill et al[20]YESPerforation (n = 2)13%13%11/14 (79)11/14 (79)3/14(21)1/14 (7)
Irani et al[21]YESPerforation (n = 1)8%6%10/12 (83)10/12 (83)2/12 (15)2/12 (15)
Nishimura et al[22]NONA0%0%6/7 (86)4/7 (60)3/7 (43)1/7 (14)
Fukumoto et al[23]NONA0%0%NR27/31 (87)4/31 (13)5/31 (16)
Sunada et al[24]YESPerforations (n = 4)6%2%80/85 (94)64/85 (75)21/85 (25)64/85 (75)4
Bleeding (n = 1)
Kita et al[25]NONA0%0%45/45 (100)NRNRNR
Kroner et al[2]NONA0%0%16/16 (100)NRNRNR
TotalHaemorrhage (n = 1)4.8%3%263/279 (94.3)192/241 (80)49/241 (20)106/241(44)
Acute pancreatitis (n = 1)
Perforation (n = 9)
Hyperamylasemia (n = 3)
Bleeding (n = 1)