Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 28, 2016; 22(4): 1701-1710
Published online Jan 28, 2016. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i4.1701
Table 1 Outcome, diagnostic accuracies, and risk of pancreatitis for major trials investigating role of endoscopic ultrasound-guided needle based confocal laser endomicroscopy needle based confocal laser endomicroscopy in diagnosis of pancreatic cystic lesions
StudyOutcomePatients, nSurgery, n (%)SNSPPPVNPVAccuracyPancreatitis rate (%)
INSPECT[21]Neoplastic cystic lesionsTotal: 6614 (21.2)5910010050713.0
DETECT[17]Mucinous cystic lesionTotal: 302 (6.0)8010010080896.62
High certainty: 181
CONTACT[22]Serous cystadenomaTotal: 317 (22.5)6910010082873.2
Table 2 Developing role of endoscopic ultrasound guided needle based confocal laser endomicroscopy in diagnosis of pancreatic cystic lesions: Review of recently presented abstracts at international gastroenterology conferences (Digestive Disease Week and American College of Gastroenterology scientific meeting)
Study objectivesPatient, nPancreatitis and other complicationsAccuracy dataConclusions
Napoleon et al[23]To evaluate feasibility and assess complication rate of nCLE in CPLsTotal: 141Minor pancreatitis: 2 (1.45%)NAMain technical limitation observed when cyst interrogation requires approach through second part of the duodenum
CONTACT studyTechnical feasibility: 93% (131 patients)
DDW 2015Intracystic bleeding without extravasation - 10%
Prospective study
Kadayifci et al[28]To assess the safety, feasibility and diagnostic value of EUS guided nCLE for CPLsTotal: 11No pancreatitis reportedThe sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for mucinous cyst (findings of papillae) were 57%, 100%, and 70% respectivelynCLE for pancreatic cysts was safe and feasible. nCLE has low sensitivity but high specificity for mucinous cysts
DDW 2015Procedure successful: 10
Bertani et al[26] DDW 2015To validate prior described nCLE findings typical of IPMN lesionsTotal: 9No pancreatitis reportedFinger-like projections were observed in 7 of 7 IPMN lesionsnCLE imaging identified common criteria for diagnosis of IPMN
Krishna et al[25]To validate prior described diagnostic nCLE imaging patternsTotal: 32Pancreatitis: 3.1% (1 patient)Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for IPMN were 89%, 100%, and 96% respectivelyPromising technology providing diagnosis of mucinous cysts
DDW 2015Inclusion: 26
Surgery: 7 (27%)
Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for SCA were 90%, 100%, and 96% respectively
Sejpal et al[27]To validate prior described nCLE findings for diagnosis of pancreatic cystsTotal: 19No pancreatitis reportedSensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for IPMN were 80%, 100%, and 95% respectivelyPossibly treating pseudocysts after nCLE examination bypass fluid analysis
DDW 2015
Joshi et al[36]To validate available nCLE criteria for diagnosis of CPLsTotal: 16No pancreatitis reportedImproved confidence in diagnosing type of cyst in 80% of patientsCan impact in management and avoiding unnecessary surgeries for pancreatic cysts
ACG 2014
Napoleon et al[37]To investigate and describe nCLE characteristics of CPLsTotal: 31No pancreatitis reportedNAnCLE images could help in the differentiation of IPMNs, MCN and SCA
CONTACT studyInclusion: 16
DDW 2014
Table 3 Summary of endoscopic ultrasound-guided needle based confocal laser endomicroscopy findings: INSPECT[21], DETECT[17], and CONTACT[22] trials
Parenchymal structures
Blood vesselsThin or thick white bands; networking of blood vessels
Acinar cellsDark lobular structures
Adipose cellsGrey oval structures
Pancreatic ductal epitheliumThin grey bands
Fibrous strandsUltrathin bright bands
Epithelial structures
Villous structuresFinger-like papillary projections, dark ring with white core (cross section)
Wall (fibrous)Paucicellular, avascular wall
NeoplasiaDark aggregates of cells
Cyst luminal structures
Inflammatory cellsClusters of bright, floating, heterogeneous particles
Red blood cellsSmall black particles
DebrisBright white fixed spots or large dark round floating particles with varying sizes
Table 4 Proposed criteria for diagnosis of pancreatic cystic lesions and correlative histology
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (Figure 1A)
Finger like projectionsCentral fibrovascular core and overlying epithelium viewed in parallel
Dark ringsCentral fibrovascular core and overlying epithelium viewed in transection
Parallel thick bandsAlternating papillae with central fibrovascular core and overlying epithelium
Absence of “superficial vascular network”
Absence of “bright, floating, heterogeneous particles”
Serous cystadenoma (Figure 1B)
“Superficial vascular network”Dense and tortuous appearing network of multiple blood vessels under cuboidal epithelium. Observed in both macrocystic and septa separating microcysts
Multiple blood vessels
Absence of finger like projections
Pseudocyst1 (Figure 1C)
Clusters of bright, floating, heterogeneous particles
Absence of finger like projections
Mucinous cystadenoma1 (Figure 1D)
Solitary epithelial bandsEpithelium (columnar, tall cells) lining the cysts
Large caliber blood vessels
Clusters of bright particlesEpithelial cells and inflammatory elements