Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 21, 2016; 22(39): 8790-8797
Published online Oct 21, 2016. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i39.8790
Table 1 Patient characteristics and final diagnosis of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (n = 102)
Median age (range), yr53 (19-82)
Sex, male:female, n67:35
Median tumor size (range), mm34 (8-89)
Endoscopist, endoscopist 1:endoscopist 2, n45:57
Location, uncinate or head:body or tail, n59:43
Median number of passes, n3 (1-5)
Final diagnosis, n
Pancreatic cancer53
Neuroendocrine tumor, malignant2
Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm, malignant3
Chronic pancreatitis23
Autoimmune pancreatitis7
Nonspecific inflammation10
Cystadenoma, benign2
Neuroendocrine tumor, benign1
Benign lymphangioma1
Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the different suction techniques
Slow-pull5-mL10-mL20-mLP value1
(n = 31)(n = 19)(n = 34)(n = 18)
Median age (range), yr56 (20-82)54 (38-71)51 (19-77)49 (26-73)0.949
Sex, male:female, n17:1411:825:914:40.238
Median lesion size (range), mm25 (8-72)38 (10-65)36 (17-89)35 (16-62)0.0312
Endoscopist, endoscopist 1:endoscopist 2, n13:1811:811:2310:80.223
Location, uncinate or head:body or tail, n19:1211:816:1813:50.348
Median number of passes, n3 (1-4)3 (2-5)3 (1-5)3 (2-5)0.280
Table 3 Cytological diagnostic capacity and specimen quality of the different suction techniques
Slow-pull (n = 31)5-mL (n = 19)10-mL (n = 34)20-mL (n = 18)P value1
Cytological diagnostic capacity
Accuracy28/31 (90.3%)12/19 (63.2%)20/34 (58.8%)10/18 (55.6%)0.0192
Sensitivity15/17 (88.2%)5/12 (41.7%)8/20 (40.0%)4/11 (36.4%)0.0092
Specificity13/14 (92.9%)7/7 (100%)12/14 (85.7%)6/7 (85.7%)0.914
PPV15/16 (93.8%)5/5 (100%)8/10 (80.0%)4/5 (80.0%)0.542
NPV13/15 (86.7%)7/14 (50.0%)12/24 (50.0%)6/13 (46.2%)0.079
Cytological specimen quality
Cellularity score ≥ 222/31 (71.0%)11/19 (57.9%)20/34 (58.8%)13/18 (72.2%)0.598
Blood contamination score ≥ 29/31 (29.0%)10/19 (52.6%)24/34 (70.6%)13/18 (72.2%)0.0032
Table 4 Comparisons between the slow-pull technique and conventional suction techniques in terms of cytological diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and blood contamination
vs slow-pull, P value1
Blood contamination score ≥ 20.1350.00120.0072
Table 5 Univariate and multivariate analyses of factors affecting cytological diagnostic accuracy
P value1P value2OR (95%CI)
Lesion size ≤ 30 mm74.4% (32/43)0.2820.6031.29 (0.50-3.36)
> 30 mm64.4% (38/59)
EndoscopistEndoscopist 271.9% (41/57)0.4190.3671.52 (0.61-3.74)
Endoscopist 164.4% (29/45)
LocationBody or tail69.8% (30/43)0.8320.6871.21 (0.48-3.04)
Uncinate or head67.8% (40/59)
Needle passes ≤ 369.7% (46/66)0.7530.2331.81 (0.68-4.79)
> 366.7% (24/36)
Suction techniquesSlow-pull90.3% (28/31)0.01930.00531.91 (1.21-3.00)
5-mL63.2% (12/19)
10-mL58.8% (20/34)
20-mL55.6% (10/18)