Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 21, 2016; 22(39): 8779-8789
Published online Oct 21, 2016. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i39.8779
Table 1 Clinicopathological features of the patients
Clinicopathological features
Patientsn = 77
Gendermale : female = 38 : 10
Age (yr)mean = 66.6 (44-85)
Virus infectionHCV : HBV : NBNC = 72 : 4 : 1
UICC-TNM classificationI : II : IIIA : IIIB = 41 : 32 : 3 : 1
Tumor numbersingle : multiple : unknown = 48 : 28 : 1
Tumor size (cm)mean = 3.0 (1.0-9.5)
Portal vein invasionyes : no : unknown = 7 : 68 : 2
Tumor differentiationwell : mod : poor : unknown = 18 : 44 : 13 : 2
Number of platelet (× 104)mean = 13.4 (3.8-28.1)
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (U/L)mean = 50.9 (16-207)
Total bilirubin (mg/dL)mean = 0.9 (0.3-1.9)
Prothrombin activity (%)mean = 77.1 (33.0-104.0)
Indocyanine green R15 (%)mean = 19.1 (6.0-44.4)
Alpha-fetoprotein (ng/mL)mean = 389.6 (1.8-602.6)
Table 2 Univariate and Multivariate analyses of factors associated with recurrence and survival
FactorsTime to recurrence
Overall survival
P valueHazard ratio95%CIP valueP valueHazard ratio95%CIP value
Age: ≥ 60 yr vs < 60 yr0.240NA0.523NA
Gender: female vs male0.760NA0.111NA
Indx of α-SMA: ≥ 12 vs < 120.751NS0.423NS
Indx of CD163: ≥ 26 vs < 26< 0.0014.5171.879-10.8570.001< 0.0011.0861.039-1.135< 0.001
M-CSF density: ≥ 36 vs < 36< 0.0014.8262.045-11.389< 0.0010.037NS
Indx of CD31: ≥ 20 vs < 200.002NS0.020NS
AFP: ≥ 100 vs < 1000.232NA0.785NA
AFP-L3%: ≥ 10 vs < 100.827NA0.900NA
PIVKA-II: ≥ 100 vs < 1000.841NA0.325NA
Tumor size: ≥ 2 cm vs < 2 cm0.185NA0.847NA
Tumor number: multiple vs single0.447NA0.038NS
Tumor differentiation:0.379NA0.745NA
well vs mod. vs poor
Fibrosis score: 1, 2, 3 vs 40.755NA0.0150.002
TNM stage: I vs II vs IIIa0.020NS0.173NA