Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 21, 2016; 22(39): 8698-8719
Published online Oct 21, 2016. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i39.8698
Table 1 Abundance of bacterial species in various sections of the human intestine
IntestineAbundance of BacteriaBacteria
Small intestine
DuodenumAbout 103 (bacteria/mL)Lactobacillus1
JejunumAbout 104 (bacteria/mL)Lactobacillus1
Ileum106-108 (bacteria/mL)Enterobacteri1
Large intestineAbout 1011 (bacteria/g)Bacteroides12
Table 2 Composition of human biliary and fecal bile acids
Bile acidsBiliary bile acids composition (% of total)Fecal bile acids composition (% of total)
Cholic acid (CA)35%2%
Chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA)35%2%
Deoxycholic acid (DCA)25%34%
Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)2%2%
Lithocholic acid (LCA)1%29%
12-oxo-Lithocholic acid (12-oxo-LCA)-3%
Table 3 Bile acids present in human serum. Based on data presented in[110]
Primary bile acidsSecondary bile acids
Cholic acid (CA)Lithocholic acid (LCA)
Chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA)Deoxycholic acid (DCA)
Glycocholic acid (GCA)Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)
Glycochenodeoxycholic acid (GCDCA)Hyodeoxycholic acid (HDCA)
Taurocholic acid (TCA)Glycolithocholic acid (GLCA)
Taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCDCA)Glycodeoxycholic acid (GDCA)
Glycoursodeoxycholic acid (GUDCA)
Taurolithocholic acid (TLCA)
Taurodeoxycholic acid (TDCA)
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA)
Taurohyodeoxycholic acid (THDCA)
Table 4 Effects of various bariatric procedures on diabetic parameters and serum bile acid concentrations
PatientsType of bariatric procedureTime interval from surgery to examinationEffect of surgery on diabetic parametersEffect of surgery on serum bile acid concentrationsRef.
Morbidly obese, n = 10LAGBVarious (after losing 20% of body weight)Not presentedDecreased fasting BAs; no change in postprandial BAs[28]
Morbidly obese, n = 6, preoperative BMI = 44Gastric banding42 dNot presentedNo change[138]
Morbidly obese, n = 28, BMI = 46.0Gastric banding6-28 moDecreased serum glucoseDecreased primary BAs[145]
Decreased serum insulinNo change in deoxycholic BAs
Morbidly obese, n = 7, BMI = 43LSG1 wk, 3 mo, 1 yrDecreased HOMA-IRDecreased BAs after 1 wk[147]
Increased BAs after 3 mo and 1 yr
Morbidly obese, n =18, BMI = 60LSG6 moDecreased: fasting glucose , fasting insulin, HOMA-IR and HBA1cNo change in total BAs[148]
Decreased primary BAs
Increased secondary BAs
Obese females, n = 17, BMI = 43LSG24 moDecreased: HbA1c, insulin,Increased total BAs[29]
Morbidly obese, n =15, BMI = 45LSG and LAGB1 and 3 moDecreased: HbA1c, insulin and HOMA-IRIncreased total, primary and secondary BAs[146]
Morbidly obese, n = 8RYGBVarious (after losing 20% of body weight)Not presentedIncreased fasting and postprandial total and conjugated BAs[28]
Morbidly obese, n = 9, preoperative BMI = 50RYGB2-4 yrLower fasting glucose and insulinHigher total BA concentration[103]
Morbidly obese, n = 37, nondiabetic, preoperative BMI = 48RYGBAbout 200 dNo change in fasting serum glucoseNo change in BAs after surgery[150]
Morbidly obese, n =75, diabetic, preoperative BMI = 48RYGBAbout 6 moDecreased fasting serum glucose and HbA1cIncreased total BAs[150]
Severely obese women with T2DM, n = 13, preoperative BMI = 44RYGB1 mo and 2 yrDecreased HOMA-IRReduced BAs after 1 mo[32]
Increased BAs after 2 yr
Obese patients, n = 63, BMI = 44RYGB15 moDecreased fasting glucose and HOMA-IRIncreased total BAs[23]
Surgically obese, n = 5, BMI > 35RYGB1, 4, and 40 wkNot presentedIncreased conjugated BAs[152]
No changed unconjugated BAs
Obese females, n = 11, BMI = 44RYGB34 ± 16 moIncreased postprandial insulin compared to controlsincreased postprandial BAs comparing to controls[149]
Morbidly obese, n = 30, BMI = 48RYGB8-13 moDecreased serum glucose and insulin concentrationIncreased primary BAs, glycine BA, deoxycholic BA[145]
Morbidly obese, n = 35, BMI = 48RYGB3 moDecreased HOMA-IRIncreased total BAs[151]
Obese patients, n = 30, BMI = 46RYGB12 moDecreased fasting glucose and HOMA-IRIncreased total BAs, decreased taurine conjugated BAs[153]
Morbidly obese, n = 7, BMI = 50LRYGB1 wk, 3 mo, 1 yrDecreased HOMA-IRDecreased BAs after 1 wk[147]
Increased BAs after 3 mo and 1 yr
Morbidly obese, n = 19, BMI = 43LRYGB and LSG/DJB1 and 3 moDecreased HBA1c, insulin, and HOMA-IRIncreased total, primary and secondary BA concentration[146]
Morbidly obese, n = 12, preoperative BMI = 49Gastric bypass42 dNot presentedIncreased total BAs[138]