Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 21, 2016; 22(31): 7030-7045
Published online Aug 21, 2016. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i31.7030
Table 1 Hepatitis E: Global epidemiology and clinical profile
Developing countriesDeveloped countries
DistributionAsia, Africa, Latin AmericaMexico, West AfricaWorldwideChina, East Asia, Central Europe
Disease patternEpidemic, EndemicAutochthonous, sporadic, case-clusters
Attack rateAbout 1 in 267%-98% asymptomatic
ReservoirHumanAnimals (pig, boar, deer)
TransmissionWater, person-to-person, verticalZoonotic-food-borne, vocational, infected water
Transfusion-associatedReportedYes (well-studied)
SeroprevalenceLow (< 15 yr), rapid increaseSteady increase throughout age groups; varies 7% to 21%
(15-30 yr), plateau at 30%-40%
Seroincidence64/1000-yr30 (South France), 2 (United Kingdom)
7 (United States)/1000-yr
Age (yr)15-40> 50
Sex2:1> 3:1
Clinical outcomeSelf-limiting in mostSelf-limiting in most
Risk factorsPregnancy, CirrhosisCirrhosis, LTx, HIV
Deaths in pregnancyHigh (25%)Not reported
HEV superinfectionsCommon, poor outcomeReported, poor outcome
Extra-hepatic diseaseYesYes
Chronic infectionNot reportedHEV-3; SOT, HIV, hem NP
Burden3.4 million cases/yr, 70000 deaths, 3000 still birthsUnknown
Table 2 Diagnosis of hepatitis E virus infection
IgM anti-HEVELISAAcute infectionAssays vary in performance, issue of genotype applicability, poor performance in immune disorders, cross-reactive with other viral infections
IgG anti-HEVELISASeroprevalenceAssays vary in performance
ICT (POCT)Acute infection
Natural protection
Vaccine efficacy
HEV RNANATAcute infectionViremia short-lasting, in-house assays vary in performance, advantage immune disorders
Confirm chronicity
Anti-viral response
Donor screening
HEV antigenEIAAcute infection81% concordance with HEV RNA
Table 3 Effect of drugs on hepatitis E virus replication and their use and impact on immunosuppressant therapy during chronic hepatitis E virus infection in solid organ transplant patients
ClassDrugEffect on HEV replicationClinical use
Calcineurin inhibitorsCyclosporine, tacrolimusStimulates HEV replication with increase in HEV load and promotes HEV persistenceReduce dose
mTOR inhibitorsRapamycin, everolimusStimulates HEV replication with increase in HEV loadReduce dose
Antimetabolite immunosuppressantMycophenolate mofetilInhibits HEV replication and helps HEV clearanceContinue the drug
Guanosine analogRibavirinInhibits HEV replication and causes HEV clearancePrimary drug for therapy
CytokinesPegylated interferon αInhibits HEV replication and causes HEV clearanceIndicated if Ribavirin therapy fails
Nucleotide analogSofosbuvirInhibits HEV replication in vitroUnclear, clinical trials indicated