Systematic Reviews
©The Author(s) 2016. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 7, 2016; 22(25): 5837-5852
Published online Jul 7, 2016. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i25.5837
Table 1 Human development statistics for South Asia: Human development report 2015[
18 ]
Indicators Year Sri Lanka Maldives India Bhutan Pakistan Nepal Bangladesh Total population (millions) 2014 21.4 0.4 1267.4 0.8 185.1 28.1 158.5 GDP per capita (US$) 2011 9426 11283 5238 7167 4454 2173 2853 Population living below $1.25 a day (%) 2002-2012 - 1.5 23.6 2.4 12.7 23.7 43.3 Adult literacy rate (% ages ≥ 15) 2005-2013 91.2 98.4 62.8 52.8 54.7 57.4 58.8 Public health expenditure (% of GDP) 2013 3.2 10.8 4.0 3.6 2.8 6.0 3.7 Stunting (moderate or severe) (% under age 5) 2008-2013 14.7 20.3 47.9 33.6 45.0 40.5 41.4 Infant Mortality rate per 1000 live births 2008-2013 8.2 8.4 41.4 29.7 69.0 32.2 33.2 Overall human development index 2015 73.0 104 130 132 147 145 142
Table 2 Search and retrieval of information for injection use in South Asia 1995-2016
Key words India Pakistan Bangladesh Nepal Sri Lanka Maldives PubMed - Retrieved Injection and country/state 189 51 12 14 13 5 PubMed - selected/relevant 25 25 5 8 0 0 Google Scholar1 Unsafe injections, injections, country 3 1 (419) 2 (329) 1 (242) 0 (40) Google Unsafe injections, injections, country 2 1 0 0 WHO website 0 0 0 0 0 0 PATH 2 In country assessments by MoH 1 Unpublished reports 1 2 Other circumstantial evidence2 Risk factors studies suggesting injection use Risk factors, HBV (HCV), country 1 Hepatitis B/C Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Country 19 (38) 13 (36) Health care utilization Health care seeking, Health care utilization, Private practice, Country 15 (32) 6 (16) (retrieved) Private practitioners health seeking (retrieved) Health care seeking, Private practice, Country 5 (8) 3 Prescribing practices (retrieved) Prescription practices, Country 5 (5) 1
Table 3 Characteristic of injection use studies in South Asia 1995-2016
Ref .Study type Setting Study base City/province n Sampling Year Year conducted published India Rajasekaran et al [37 ] Population survey Both 3 areas Tamil Nadu 175 Convenience 2001 2003 IPEN study group[40 ] Population survey Both Whole country whole country 23997 Cluster sampling 2002-2003 2004 IPEN study group[40 ] Patients exit interview and observations Both Whole country whole country 6015 Cluster sampling 2002-2004 2004 Murhekar et al [36 ] Population survey Island Nicobar Island 210 Cluster sampling - 2004 Kotwal et al [34 ] Population survey Both City Delhi 150 Cluster sampling random 2003 2004 Anand et al [38 ] Population survey Rural 1 village Haryana State 1280 Systematic sampling - 2001 Lakshman et al [35 ] Patients exit interview and observations Both 15 miles around a town Tamil Nadu 400 Consecutive patients - 2000 Becker et al [66 ] Population survey Both 1 district Karnataka 4949 Cluster sampling 2003 2005 Kermode et al [67 ] Population survey Urban 2 cities New Delhi and Imphal 200 Convenience 2004 2006 Kermode et al [41 ] Patients and relatives survey Rural 2 hospitals Bihar and Jharkhand 280 patients, Systematic sampling, convenience 2004-2005 2006 120 relatives Pandit et al [42 ] Population survey Both 1 District Anand 182 HF1 Stratified and simple random 2004 2008 2080 Shah et al [68 ] Providers interview Both 1 district Gujarat 251 Random sampling 2012-2013 2014 Bhargo et al [43 ] Providers interview Urban 1 district Gwalior 30 Convenience 2012-2013 2014 Garapati et al [44 ] Providers interview and observation Both 1 district Andhra Pradeh 300 Convenience 2010-2011 2014 Bendale et al [69 ] Hospital survey Urban 1 district Maharashtra 20 sites Random sampling 2015 Pakistan Raglow et al [22 ] Survey of OPD patients Urban Patients Karachi 198 Consecutive patients 1995 2001 Janjua et al [23 ] Population survey Both 2 districts Sindh 1150 Cluster sampling random 2001 2005 Janjua et al [29 ] Population survey Both 2 districts Sindh 1150 Cluster sampling random 2001 2006 Janjua et al [26 ] Patients exit interview and observations Both 3 districts Sindh 2124 Random sample of clinics 2004-2005 UP Janjua et al [27 ] Population survey Both Whole country Whole country 10023 Cluster sampling 2006-2007 2014 Yousafzai et al [25 ] Provider survey Urban City Karachi 317 Convenience 2006 2013 Khan et al [6 ] Patients exit interview and observations Peri-urban 1 village Sindh 203 consecutive patients 1995 2000 Mantel et al [70 ]2 Patients exit interview Both 8 districts 3 provinces Random sample of clinics 2002 UP PDHS 2012-13[24 ] Population survey 15-49 years of age Both National F: 13558 Cluster sampling random 2012-2013 2014 M: 3134 Bangladesh Gibney et al [71 ] Risk factor study Urban Truck stand Dhaka 387 Cluster sampling random 1999 2001 Shill et al [51 ] Provider interviews and facility records Rural Primary Health Care Centres Dhaka 6 Convenience sample 2009 2011 Chowdhury et al [50 ] Provider interviews, FGD, observations and prescription review Primary Health Care Centres National Prescription: 4320 Cluster sampling 2008-09 2013 Injection events: 480 Sri Lanka Rannan-Eliya et al [59 ] Patients exit interview Both National Sri Lanka 2100 Random sample of clinics 2000 2003 Nepal Gyawali et al [54 ] Survey of pharmacies Urban City Pokhara 54 Convenience sample 2012 2014 Gyawali et al [52 ] Population survey Both 1 district Kaski 2470 Stratified sampling 2012 2014
Table 4 Injection use and safety of injections in South Asia 1995-2016
Ref .Annual ratio of injections per capita Received an injection Therapeutic Injection reuse by interview7 Injection reuse by observing Overall unsafe India Rajasekaran et al [37 ] 2.4 60.6%1 87% 64.6% IPEN study group[40 ] 2.91 -5.8 27.1%1 /44.1%3 82.5% 31.6% 62.9% Murhekar et al [36 ] 3 21.9%1 91% 6.5% Kotwal et al [34 ] 5.1 45.6%1 71.2% 56.5% 77.5% Anand et al [38 ] 2.45 35%4 40%-100% 45% Lakshman et al [35 ] 89%3 100% 73%-99% 99% Becker et al [66 ] 3.5 67.7%6 Kermode et al [67 ] 8.6 15%2 68% 31% Kermode et al [41 ] 43%2 (Patients) 100% 7.6% 13.3%1 (Relatives) Pandit NB 0.2 21.6%6 77% Shah et al [68 ] 64.1% Bhargo et al [43 ] 76.7% Garapati et al [44 ] 0.72 14.3% Pakistan Raglow et al [22 ] 8.4 51%5 100% 48% 16% Janjua et al [23 ] 13.6 68%1 94% 46% Janjua et al [26 ] 74%1 Janjua et al [23 ] 55%3 47% Janjua et al [27 ] 51%6 4% Yousafzai et al [25 ] 87% Khan et al [6 ] 81%3 90% 94% Mantel et al [70 ] 12% 65% PDHS 2012-13[24 ] F:5.4/M:4.9 F:61%/M: 53%6 F:15%/M:10% Bangladesh Gibney et al [71 ] 39.7%6 100% Shill et al [51 ] 4.88 Chowdhury et al [50 ] 77.7% 15.5% Sri Lanka Rannan-Eliya et al [59 ] 3%3 Nepal Gyawali et al [54 ] Gyawali et al [52 ] 2.37 10.4%1 97.1%
Table 5 Prescribers, providers, and preference of patients and practitioners for injections in South Asia 1995-2016
Ref .Prescribed by GP Prescribed by unqualified practitioner Provided at private clinic Provider dispenser Patient prefers Injection Practitioner prefers injection Practitioner says patient demand it India Rajasekaran et al [37 ] 59% 37.6% 40% 87.2% IPEN study group[40 ] 42.6% 57.5% 77%1 /34%2 93.5% 10.2% 70.6%3 88.6% Murhekar et al [36 ] 50.8% 54.8% Kotwal et al [34 ] 13.8% 58.8% 30% Anand et al [38 ] 18% Lakshman et al [35 ] 65% Kermode et al [67 ] 8% 35% Kermode et al [41 ] 55% (patients) 24.8% (patients) 7.7% (patients) 9.3% (relatives) Pandit et al [42 ] 57% 55% 17% Garapati et al [44 ] 48.7% Bendale et al [69 ] 8.16% 35% 65% Pakistan Raglow et al [22 ] 94% 94% Janjua et al [23 ] 63% 28% 69% 76% 16% Janjua et al [26 ] 63% 28% 63% 32% Janjua et al [23 ] Janjua et al [27 ] 52% 16% Yousafzai et al [25 ] 7.9% 8.8% 71% Khan et al [6 ] 44% Bangladesh Gibney et al [71 ] Shill et al [51 ] 50% Sri Lanka Rannan-Eliya et al [59 ] Nepal Gyawali et al [54 ] 92.6% Gyawali et al [52 ] 12.6% 21.4% 5%