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Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 14, 2015; 21(30): 9002-9020
Published online Aug 14, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i30.9002
Table 1 Anorectal causes of Fournier’s gangrene - incidence, colostomy rate, duration of hospitalization and survival
Ref.Anorectal causeMale:female ratioRectal cancer in all-cause groupRectal cancer in anorectal cause groupColostomy (all-cause/rectal cause)Survival (all-cause/rectal cause)The most common regionDuration of hospitalization (d)
Benjelloun el et al[12], 201370.00%44:60%10%/no data76%/no datascrotum21.00
Bhatnagar et al[13], 20087.30%Male only (110)0%4%/no data92.7%/no dataScrotum19.30
Cakmak et al[14], 200863.10%45:20:000%23.1%/no data70.3%/no data24.40
Carroll et al[15], 198650.00%13:128.57%/no data79%/no data48.00
Czymek et al[16], 200957.60%23:103%5.26%81.9%/no data
Efem[17], 19940.00%Male only (20)0%Scrotum
Eke[9], 200021.00%10:184%/no data2-278
Eskitaşcıoğlu et al[18], 201420.00%19:12.50%50.00%15%/no danaScrotum34.78
Fajdic et al[19], 200742.85%Male only (7)0%14.3%/no data85.7%/no dataPerianal25.80
Ghnnam et al[20], 200854.05%Male only (74)0%1.4%/no data78.4%/no data9.20
Rodríguez Hermosa et al[21], 200130.00%Male only (10)0%30%/50%60%/75%Scrotum27.00
Jiménez-Pacheco et al[22], 201229.70%Male only (37)0%95%/no data27.54
Kahramanca et al[23], 201422.06%48:201.47%6.67%22.06%/no data92.65%/no data15.37
Kara et al[24], 200933.30%10:50%53.3%/no data80%/no dataScrotum and perineum
Karbhari et al[25], 201420.00%0%80%/no dataScrotum
Khan[26], 200921.00%Male only (19)0%5.3%/no data26.00
Khandelwal[27], 201324.60%Male only (57)0%20.3%/no data68.5%/no data19.60
Korkut et al[28], 200358.00%37:82.22%3.85%40%/no data80%/no data12.00
Liang et al[29], 200887.50%Female only (8)0%87.5%/85.7%75%/85.7%32.20
Morua et al[30], 200948:210%/no data88%/no dataScrotum23.76
Table 2 Anorectal causes of Fournier’s gangrene
Ref.AbscessHemorrhoidectomyHemorrhoidsIntestinal obstructionPerianal fistulaRT for rectal carcinomaRectal carcinomaArtificial sphincterAnal fissureRectal injury
Benjelloun el et al[12], 201388.50%11.50%
Bhatnagar et al[13], 200875.00%25.00%
Cakmak et al[14], 200843.90%43.90%12.20%
Czymek et al[16], 200968.42%3.00%15.79%3.00%3.00%
Eskitaşcıoğlu et al[18], 201456.25%12.50%12.50%18.75%
Fajdic et al[19], 200733.30%33.30%33.30%
Ghnnam et al[20], 200890.00%10.00%
Rodríguez Hermosa et al[21], 200175.00%25.00%
Kahramanca et al[23], 201466.66%6.66%26.66%
Kara et al[24], 200960.00%40.00%
Khan[26], 200975.00%25.00%
Khandelwal[27], 201375.00%25.00%
Korkut et al[28], 200392.30%4.16%4.16%
Liang et al[29], 2008100.00%
Oymacı et al[31], 2014100.00%
Ozkan et al[32], 201462.50%25.00%12.50%
Singh et al[33], 2004100.00%
Tan et al[34], 200640.00%40.00%20.00%
Unalp et al[35], 2008100.00%
Villanueva-Sáenz et al[36], 200288.00%8.00%4.00%
Walker et al[37], 1983100.00%
Wang et al[38], 201291.00%9.00%
Table 3 Case reports of Fournier’s gangrene as associated with perforated rectal cancer
Ref.Age/SexRisk factorsDuration of symptoms/hospitalizationL/CRPStarting pointDREMSCT (tumor, air)RectoscopyDistance from AC borderMicrobiologyOperationDay of operationOutcome/survival
Ash et al[41], 200533/m2/nd10/ndScrotumYes (tumor, air)NoColostomy1
Carr[42], 201054/mAlcoholismnd/23ndScrotum, perineum, gluteusYes (tumor, no air)APR1Alive
Chan et al[43], 201378/mSmoker, hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, dyslipidemia5/nd36.8/ndPerineum, scrotumNegYes (tumor, air)Yes10 cmE. coliColostomy5Alive
Eke et al[44], 199965/mDiabetesnd/ndndPenisS. aureusSigmoid colostomyAlive
Gamagami et al[45], 199845/mDiabetes4/ndndPerianalPosYesE. coli, EnterocociLoop colostomy/APR1/28Alive/1 yr df
Gupta[46], 201055/m7/nd14.4/149PosYesE. coli, BacteroidesColostomyDied
Highton et al[47], 200979/m2/ndndRight thighNegYesUpperE. coli, anaerobesEnd colostomy and mucosus fistula1Alive
Katusić et al[48], 201065/mnd/23ndScrotum, perianal, right groinPosE. coli, PseudomonasNo colostomyAlive
Khalil et al[49], 201071/mNo10/nd20/424Right thighNegYes (tumor, air)Hartmann procedureAlive/6 yr Survival
Kojima et al[50], 200756/mDiabetesnd/nd23/196ScrotumPosYes (tumor, air)4 cmE. coli, M. morganii, Enterococcus spp., Microaerophilic streptococcus, B. fragillisColostomy/APR1/121Alive
Lamy et al[51], 200371/fDiabetes14/nd33/270Gluteal, left thighPosYes (tumor, air)Yes10 cmBacteroides spp.Colostomy/APR1/60Alive/1 mo suvival
Lawrentschuk et al[52], 200355/mNo6/43n/ndPerineum, scrotumNegYes (air, no tumor)Yes5 cmE. coli, Enterococcus species mixed, anaerobes, S. epidermidisEnd colostomy/APR1/16Alive
Liu et al[53], 200656/mAlcoholic cirrhosis, diabetes, renal insufficiencynd/ndndPosYes8 cmgroup G streptococcusNo colostomyDied
Mcmullin et al[54], 200670/mnd/2633/ndScrotumNoYes (tumor, air)3 cmE. coli, Enterococcus, Bacteroides spp.Colectomy + APRAlive/2 yr survival
Moslemi et al[55], 200948/mnd/nd18/ndPenis, perianalPosYes (tumor, no air)YesLoop colostomyAlive/1 yr df
Mulholland et al[56], 199073/mnd/ndndScrotum, penisPosAC borderStreptococcus viridans, E. coli, Bacteroides spp. and diphtheroidsHartmann procedure4alive
O'Connor et al[57], 200980/mnd/ndml/ndScrotumPosYes (tumor, no air)YesLowLoop colostomyAlive
Öner et al[58], 201357/mNond/2522/ndScrotumPosYesYesEnd colostomy/APR1/11Alive/1 yr df
Rajendran et al[59], 201173/fnd/ndndPerianalYes (tumor, air)Colostomy
Villa Sánchez et al[60], 201443/mnd/nd2.7/270Thigh, groinE. coli, Streptoccous spp.Colostomy4Died
Scott et al[61], 198863/mnd/130ndPerianalPosYesAPRAlive
Tai et al[62], 201228/mnd/nd13/195Right legYes (tumor, air)E. coliColostomy
Woodcock et al[63], 200666nd/59ndPerineum, scrotum perianal, ingvinalPosYesLowβ-haemolytic streptococci, coliforms, mixed anaerobesLoop colostomy/APR1/180+Alive
Table 4 Classification, clinical aspects, anatomopathology and microbiology of necrotizing soft tissue infections[96,113-116]
Necrotizing fasciitisNecrotizing fasciitisClostridium myonecrosis (gas gangrene)Fungal necrotizing fasciitisClostridium fasciitisProgressive bacterial synergistic gangreneSynergistic necrotizing cellulitisPseudomonas gangrenous cellulitisStreptococcal myonecrosis (necrotizing myositis)
Type 1Type 2Type 3Type 4
Anaesthesia of lesionsIn advanced stagesIn advanced stages------/+-
Cutaneous signsEdema, erythema, bullae, necrotic and ulcerated lesionsEdema, erythema, necrotic bullaePale, Yellow-brown discoloration of skin, Necrotico-hemorragic (brown) bullaeEdema, erythemaMinor edema, pale skinNecrotic ulcer dusky margin and erythematous periphery at the margins of the woundCellulitis with foul-smelling, thick discharge from necrotic skinBlack/gray eschar.Dark discharge with surrounding erythema, hemorrhagic bullaeEdema, copper colored, blisters in advanced stage
Subcutaneous appearance of infectionSubcutaneous tissue and fascial necrosisSubcutaneous tissue and fascial necrosisNecrotic area composed of green-black patches.Subcutaneous tissue, fascial and muscle necrosisSubcutaneous tissue necrosis and gangreneDark pus or 'dishwasher' fliudSeropurulent discharge
Serosanguinous. "mousy"-smelling discharge, bluish muscles
Systemic toxicity+ to ++++ to +++ (Toxic shock syndrome)++++++++++ to +++++++ to +++ (Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome)
FeverHighHighModerate to highHighMinimal or absentModerateHigh
ProgressionModerate (3-14 d)Very fast (1-3 d)Very fast (1-3 d)Very fast (1-3 d)Moderate (> 3 d)Moderate (3-14 d)Moderate (3-14 d)Moderate (3-14 d)Fast (1-4 d)
Crepitus (gas)-/+-+++++/+++++-+--/+
Deep fascias infection- to +++ to +++++++-- to ++--/+
Muscular infection-/+ (secondary)-/+ (secondary)+++--+ to +++-+++
Site of entry, initiating factorWound, vascular lesion, surgery, local infectionTrauma, surgery, cutaneous lesion, burn, erysipelas, varicellaNon penetrating trauma, limb crushing, im. injection, sepsisTrauma, surgeryWound, surgerySurgeryPrior local lesions, perirectal lesionsTrauma, surgeryTrauma, surgery, muscle strain
Risk factorsDiabetes mellitusVascular diseaseImmunosuppressionImmunosupressionDiabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitusImmunosupressonImmunosupression
MiocrobiologyEnterobacteraceae, Anaerobes, Streptococcus, StaphyloccocusGroup A Streptococcus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)C. perfingensC. albicansC. perfingens, C. septicumStaphylococcus aureus, microaerophilic streptococci, EnterobacteriaceaeMixed aerobes and anaerobesPseudomonas aeruginosaGroup A Streptococcus
C. septicum/Vibrio spp.C. neoformans