Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 7, 2014; 20(29): 9952-9975
Published online Aug 7, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i29.9952
Table 1 A chronological list of animal biles used therapeutically in China from the earliest times
Chinese name (Pin Yin)English nameLatin nomenclatureEarliest recorded book, year and authorBile salt and alcoholcomposition1Bile pigment composition1
Gou DanDogCanis familiarisPrescriptions for Fifty-two Types of diseases (c. 475 to 221 BCE); author(s) unknownTC, TCDC, TDC[87,102,166]BDG, BDGC, BMX[167,168]
Niu DanOxBos taurus domesticus; Bubalus bulalisTC, TDC, TCDC, TLC, GC, GDC, GCDC, GLC, AC[91,100,107,166]BMG, BMGC, BDG, UCB, BV[167,169,170]
Li Yu DanCommon carpCyprinus carpioShen Nong’s Herbal Classic (c. 475 to 206 BCE); author(s) unknownTCDC, TC, TDC, AC, α-cyprinol-26 SO4, α-latimerol-SO4[87,91,107]BV, BMG, PB, UCB[169-171]
Shu DanMouseMus musculusVariorum of Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic (c. 492 CE); Tao Hong-Jing (c. 452 to 536 CE)TC, TCDC, TDC, T-β-MC, T-ω-MC, TUDC[172]BMG, BDG, UCB[173]
Ran She DanPythonPython molurus bivittatusTPC, TC, TDC[87,106,107]BV, BMG, UCB[174]
Yang DanGoat and sheepCapra hircusTC, TCDC, TDC, GC, GDC[87,100,107,166]BMG[167,168]
Zhu DanPigSus scrofa domesticaRecords of Famous Physicians (c. 510 CE); Tao Hong-Jing (c. 452 to 536 CE)GHC, GHDC, GHOC, GC, GCDC, GDC, THC, THDC, TC, TCDC, TDC[89,94,166]BMG, BV[167,168,170]
Fu She DanPallas pit viperAgkistrodon halysTC, TAC, TCDC, TDC[107]BV, BMG, UCB[174]
Ji DanChickenGallus gallus domesticusTAC, TC, TCDC[89,166]BV, BMG, BMGC, BDG, BDGC, UCB[167,175]
Xiang DanElephantElephas maximusLei’s Treatise on Preparation of Drugs (c. the 5th century); Lei Xiao (c. the 5th century)3α,7α,25,26-tetrahydroxy-5β-cholestane SO4[107]ND
Li Yu DanMurrelOphicephalus argusRi Hua-Zi’s Collected Materia Medica (c. the 6th century); Ri Hua-Zi (c. the 6th century)TCDC, TC, TDC[107]BV, BMG, PB, UCB[168,170,171]
Xiong DanBearSelenarctos thibetanus; Ursus arctosTreatise on Properties of Drugs (c. 643 CE or earlier); Zhen Quan (c. 540 to 643 CE)TUDC, TC, TCDC, TDC[66]BR, BFL, BFU[70]
Ye Zhu DanWild boarSus scrofaA Dietetic Materia Medica (c. 710 CE); Meng Xian (c. 621 to 714 CE)GHC[87]BMG, BV[167,168,170]
Jiao Yu DanSharkMustelus manazo5β-scymnol SO4[107]BV, BMG, PB, UCB[168,170,171]
Qing Yu DanBlack carpMylopharyngodon piceus5α-cyprinol-26 SO4[107]BV, BMG, PB, UCB [168,170,171]
Ling Yang DanAntelopeSaiga tataricaMedical Secrets of an Official (c. 752 CE); Wang Tao (c. 702 to 772 CE)TC, TCDC, TDC[87,107]ND
Huan Yu DanGrass carpCtenopharyngodon idellusA Supplement to Materia Medica (c. 758 CE); Chen Zang-Qi (c. the 8th century)TCDC, TC, TDC, 5α-cyprinol-26 SO4[107]BV, BMG, PB, UCB[168,170,171]
Hu DanTigerPanthera tigrisTC, TCDC, TDC[107]ND
Ren DanHumanHomo sapiensGC, GCDC, GDC, GUDC, GLC, TC, TCDC, TDC, TUDC, TLC, SGLC, STLC[13,176]BDG, BMG, BMGG1, BDGC, BMGC, BMX, UCB[173]
Ta DanOtterLutra lutraIllustrated Pharmacopoeia (c. 1061 CE); Su Song (c. 1019 to 1101 CE)TC, TCDC, TDC, GC, GDC[87,107]ND
Hu DanFoxVulpes vulpesTC, TCDC, TDC[87,107]ND
Wei DanHedgehogErinaceus europaeus; Hemiechinus dauuricusAmplified Materia Medica (c. 1116 CE); Kou Zong-Shi (c. the 12th century)TCDC, TC, TDC[107]ND
E DanGooseAnser domesticaPharmacopoeia in Southwestern China (c. in the middle of the 15th century); Lan Mao (c. 1397 to 1496 CE)TCDC, TACDC, TPHC, TBC[107]BV, BMG, BMGC, UCB[168]
Ya DanDuckAnas domesticaCompendium of Materia Medica (1596 CE); Li Shi-Zhen (1518 to 1593 CE)TCDC, TACDC, TPHC, TBC, 3α7α11β-trihydroxy-5β-cholan-24-oic acid[107]BV, BDG, BDGC[177]
Lu DanDeerCervus nippon; Cervus elaphusGC, GCDC, GDC[107]ND
Hou DanHorseshoe crabTachypleus tridentatusMedium-chain fatty acids conjugated with sarcosyl taurine[22,107]ND
Ji Yu DanCrucian carpCarassius auratusα-cyprinol-26 SO4[107]BV, BMG, PB, UCB[168,170,171]
Bie DanTurtleAmyda sinensis3α7α22-trihydroxy-5β-cholan-27-oic acid, sterocholanic acid, 3α12α22-trihydroxy-5β-cholan-27-oic acid[107]BV, BMG, UCB[168,174]
Gui Yu DanMandarin fishSiniperca chuatsiTCDC, TC, TDC[107]BV, BMG, PB, UCB[168,170,171]
Wu Ya DanCrowCorvus macrorhynchusTCDC, TC, TDC[107]BV[168]
Yuan DanSoft-shelled turtlePelochelys bibroniTsteroC, TsteroCDC, TsteroDC[107]BV, BMG, UCB[168,174]
Ha Ma DanChinese forest frogRana limnocharisPentahydroxy C27 and C26 bile alcohol SO4, taurine conjugated C27 trihydroxy acids[107]BV, UCB[168,170,178,179]
Wu She DanBlack snakeZaocys dhumnadesTC, TAC, TCDC, TDC[107]BV, BMG, UCB[174]
Gui DanTortoiseChinemys reevesiiTsteroC, TsteroCDC, TsteroDC[107]ND
Bian Fu DanBatVespertilio superans; Pipistrellus abramus; Plecotus auritus; Rhinolophus ferrum-equnumTC[107]ND
Ci Wu DanRavenCorvus monedula dauuricusA Supplement to the Compendium of Materia Medica (c. 1765 CE); Zhao Xue-Min (1719 to 1805 CE)TCDC, TC[107]BV[168]
Mao Niu DanYakBos grunniensJing Zhu Materia Medica (c. 1840 CE); Dan-Zeng Peng-Cuo (c. the 19th century)TC, TCDC, TDC, GC, GCDC, GDC[107]BMG, BMGC, BDG, UCB, BV[167,169,170]
Ye Niu DanGaurBos gaurusTC, TCDC, TDC, GC, GCDC, GUDC[107]BMG, BMGC, BDG, UCB, BV[167,169,170]
Shi Long Zi DanSkinkEumeces chinensis Gray; Eumeces elegans; Sphenomorphus indicusTC, TCDC, GHDC, Tvaranic acid, T3α,7α,12α-trihydroxy-5β-cholestan-27-oic acid[90,107]BV, BMG, UCB[170]
Ying Wu DanParrotPsittacula alexandri fasciataTC, TCDC[107]BV[168]
Ma DanHorseEquus caballusTC[87,107]BDG, BDGC, BMG, BMGC[175]
Tu Jiu DanVultureGypaetus barbatus aureusTC, TCDC, TalloC[107]ND
Yuan DanKiteMilvus korschun lineatusGreat Dictionary of Chinese Materia Medica (1977 CE); Jiangsu New Medical CollegeTC, TCDC, TalloC[107]ND
Chan Chu DanToadBufo bufo gargarizans; Bufo melanostictusBufol SO4, Ranol SO4, hexahydroxy-27-nor-C26-bile alcohol SO4[107]BV[168,170,178,179]
Table 2 A list of diseases treated by animal biles in traditional Chinese medicine
DiseaseAnimal bile or gallstones
Digestive system
JaundiceBear, ox
Biliary colicBear, python, yak
Epigastric painFox, gaur, kite
Gastric regurgitationBear, dog, pig
Infantile malnutritionBear, dog, pig, python, tiger, wild boar
HemorrhoidsBear, duck, goose, hedgehog, ox, python, turtle
Anal fistulaBear, turtle
DysenteryBear, dog, python, tiger
DiarrheaBear, dog, pig
Intestinal parasitesBear, ox, dog, pallas pit viper, crucian carp, horseshoe crab
Stuck fishboneBlack carp, crucian carp, grass carp, mandarin fish
Acute alcoholismFox
Alcoholic cirrhosisFox
Food poisoningParrot
Infectious skin diseasesBear, chicken, common carp, crucian carp, dog, elephant, goat and sheep, horse, ox, pallas pit viper, pig, python, vulture, wild boar
BurnsPig, human, wild boar
Traumatic injuryDeer, dog, human, mouse
Darkish complexionAntelope, goat and sheep
Tinea versicolorAntelope, goat and sheep
Chloasma, freckle, ephelisAntelope, goat and sheep
Shampoo for hairPig
LeprosyBlack snack, horseshoe crab
Infectious eye diseasesBlack carp, chicken, common carp, crow, dog, duck, goat and sheep, hedgehog, otter, pig, python, skink, tortoise
Improving visual acuityBat, bear, common carp, crow, mouse, ox, pig, python, skink, tortoise
Optic atrophyCommon carp, elephant, goat and sheep, mouse, python, raven
Night blindnessBat, common carp, mouse, pig, raven
Glaucoma and cataractBlack carp, elephant
Eye injuryChicken, goat and sheep
Suppurative otitis mediaDog, mouse
DeafnessCrucian carp
Nasal sinusitisBear
Nasal polypDog
TonsillitisBlack carp, ox gallstones, shark
Gingival atrophyPython
Dental cariesPython
LaryngitisBear, black carp, common, grass carp, pig, murrel
PharyngitisShark, soft-shelled turtle
Infantile hoarseness and aphoniaChinese forest frog
Respiratory system
BronchitisOx gallstones, toad
PneumoniaOx gallstones
CoughOx gallstones, pig
High fever in children
Infantile convulsionsBear, ox (bile), ox gallstones, tiger
High fever in childrenHuman, ox gallstones, pig, python
Cardiovascular system
ApoplexyOx gallstones
Angina pectorisBear
Neuropsychiatric disorders
EpilepsyFox, Ox gallstones, wild boar
ComaOx gallstones, fox
Gynecological disorders
Irregular or scanty menstruationOtter
Amenorrhea or amenia MenostasisOtter
Endocrine system
Diabetes mellitusCrucian carp, pig
Urinary system
StranguryBear, chicken
Table 3 A list of animal biles according to organism groupings used therapeutically in China
ClassAnimal bile
MammalsAntelope, bat, bear, deer, dog, elephant, fox, gaur, goat and sheep, hedgehog, horse, human, mouse, otter, ox, pig, tiger, wild boar, yak
BirdsChicken, crow, duck, goose, kite, parrot, raven, vulture
ReptilesBlack snake, pallas pit viper, python, skink, soft-shelled turtle, tortoise, turtle
AmphibiansChinese forest frog, toad
FishBlack carp, common carp, crucian carp, grass carp, mandarin fish, murrel, shark
ArthropodsHorseshoe crab