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World J Gastroenterol. Aug 7, 2014; 20(29): 9922-9935
Published online Aug 7, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i29.9922
Table 1 Helicobacter pylori detection in dental plaque and saliva n (%)
Ref. Sample Diagnostic method Patient profile Helicobacter pylori detection rateKrajden et al [10 ] Pq MCT Dys 1/71 (1) Shames et al [11 ] (Canada) Pq/Sal MCT, REA Dys Pq: 1/29 (3) Sal: 0/29 (0) Majmudar et al [12 ] Pq MCT Dys 40/40 (100) Desai et al [13 ] Pq RUT Dys Gc: 0/24 (0) Tripe-H. pylori ET Pq: 24/24 (100) D'Alessandro et al [14 ] Pq MCT, Giemsa, RUT Dys 16/20 (80) Nguyen et al [15 ] Pq RT-PCR (16S rRNA) Dys 18/25 (72) Bernander et al [16 ] Pq MCT Dys 0/94 (0) Mapstone et al [17 ] Pq/Sal PCR Dys Pq: 3/13 (23) Sal: 2/13 (15) Von Recklinghausen et al [18 ] Pq MCT, RUT Dys 0/55 (0) Li et al [19 ] Sal PCR (860-bp DNA) Dys 30/40 (75) Hardo et al [20 ] Pq MCT, N-PCR (16S rRNA) Dys 1/62 (2) Cammarota et al [21 ] Pq Giemsa: PCR (ure A), RUT Dys 0/31 (0) Luman et al [22 ] EGB MCT Dys EGB: 52/109 (47) Pq/Sal Pq/Sal: 0/120 (0) Pustorino et al [23 ] Pq MCT Dys 5/83 (6) Pytko-Polonczyk et al [24 ] Pq/Sal RUT, 13 -UBT 100 Dys Post-triple H. pylori ET 50 DU DU Gc: 1/30 (3) DU Pq: 30/30 (100) Cheng et al [25 ] Pq MCT, RUT Dys MCT: 1/122 (1) RUT: 71/122 (58) Oshowo et al [26 ] Pq/Sal MTC, Giemsa, RUT, REA Dys EGB: 116/116 (100) OS Pq: 15/116 (13) Améndola et al [27 ] Pq MCT Dys 1/20 (5) Mattana et al [28 ] Pq MCT Dys 1/62 (2) Song et al [29 ] Pq N-PCR1 Dys 41/42 (97) Doré-Davin et al [30 ] Pq/Sal N-PCR (16S rRNA-ure C), UBT DU 9/22 (40) Kim et al [31 ] Pq/Sal MCT, Giemsa, PCR1 , RUT Dys Gc: 29/46 (63) Pq: 2/29 (7) Sal: 4/29 (14) Miyabayashi et al [32 ] Pq/Sal N-PCR (ure A) Gtis, DU, H. pylori -pos Diagnosis: 23/47 (49) MCT Pos-H. pylori ET: 11/23 (48) Ozdemir et al [33 ] Pq RUT Dys Pq: 63/81 (78) Tg Tg: 48/81 (59) Allaker et al [34 ] EGB PCR (ure A-cagA) Dys, Children EGB: 22/100 (22) Pq Pq: 15/22 (68) and 21/88 (24) Suk et al [35 ] Pq PCR (cag-A) Dys Gc: 38/65 (58) RUT Pq: 28/65 (43) Wang et al [36 ] Sal PCR-Sequence (cagA-vacA) Gtis, DU More than one H. pylori strain in Gc and Sal, in same patient Berroteran et al [37 ] EGB PCR (urease gene cluster) 32 Dys Gc: 24/32 (75) Pq 20 Asym Pq: 12/32 (38), 3/20 (15) Gürbüz et al [38 ] Pq RUT Dys Gc: 65/75 (86) Pq: 68/75 (90) Nasrolahei et al [39 ] Pq MCT, PCR1 , RUT Dys P > 0.05Siddiq et al [40 ] EGB Giemsa, 13 -UBT Dys Gc: 32/52 (62) Pq Pq: 48/52 (92) Czesnikiewicz-Guzik et al [41 ] Pq/Sal MCT, 13 -UBT Dys Gc: 51/100 (51) Pq-Sal: 54/100 (54), P > 0.05 Kignel et al [42 ] Pq/Sal PCR Dys Gc: 20/49 (41) Pq-Sal: 1/20 (5) Chitsazi et al [43 ] Pq RUT Dys Gc H. pylori : 16/44 (36) 44 Gc H. pylori No-Gc H. pylori : 14/44 (32) 44 no-Gc H. pylori P = 0.7De Sousa et al [44 ] EGB MCT, Giemsa, RUT 97 Dys Gc: 111/147 (76) Pq/Sal 50 Asym Pq/Sal (RUT): 0/147 (0) Sudhakar et al [45 ] Pq MCT, RUT 50 Dys Pq MCT: 5/50 (1) 25 control Pq RUT: 37/50 (74) Bürgers et al [46 ] SP-P MCT, Ser (ELISA), PCR Dys Gc: 29/94 (31) Sal SP-P: 3/94 (3) Sal: 7/94 (7) Liu et al [47 ] EGB, Giemsa, PCR, RUT Dys EGB: 273/443 (62) Pq Pq: 263/443 (59) Silva et al [48 ] Pq/Sal PCR (vacA) Dys Gc: 30/62 (48) Pq: 11/30 (37) Sal: 16/30 (53) Rasmussen et al [49 ] EGB SBlot Dys Gc: 66/78 (85), P < 0.0001 Pq/Sal Medina et al [50 ] EGB PCR (ure A) 43 Dys 18/98 (18) Pq 55 control EGB: 38/43 (88) Pq/Sal: 15/43 (35) Assumpção et al [51 ] EGB PCR (cagA-vacA), Giemsa, RUT Dys Gc PCR: 95/99 (96) Pq Gc Giemsa: 39/99 (48) Gc RUT: 47/99 (49) Pq PCR: 71/99 (72) Pq RUT: 48/99 (52) Navabi et al [52 ] MAS MCT, PCR, RUT Dys 925/1861 (49.7) (95%CI: 16-83.4) Zou et al [9 ] MAS MCT, PCR, RUT Dys 490/1088 (45) OR 3.61 (95%CI: 191-6.82) Chaudhry et al [53 ] Pq PCR (ure A-16S rRNA-860 bp DNA) Dys 46/89 (52) TBF Momtaz et al [54 ] EGB, Pq/Sal, Stool sample PCR (cagA-vacA-ure C), RUT Dys PCR: EGB: 233/300 (78), Pq: 0/300 (0), Sal: 32/300 (11), Stool: 215/300 (72) RUT: 271/300 (90) Román-Román et al [55 ] EGB, Sal PCR (vacA) 162 Gtis EGB/Sal: 47/196 (24) N-PCR (cagA) 32 GU EGB: 103/196 (53) Sal: 13/196 (7) Cai et al [56 ] Pq PCR (16S rDNA-CagA), RUT Dys, Children 46/235 (20) Pq: 26/46 (57)
Table 2 Helicobacter pylori detection in periodontal disease n (%)
Ref. Sample Diagnostic method Patient profile Helicobacter pylori detection rateAsikainen et al [58 ] SB-Pq (United States) PCR (urease A) Ptis 0/336 (0) Riggio et al [59 ] SB-Pq PCR (16S rRNA) Chronic Ptis 11/29 (38) Avcu et al [60 ] SB-Pq, SP-Pq Camphylobacter- like organism test gels Gastric H. pylori and B12 deficiency: (1) good oral hygiene; (2) fair oral hygiene; (3) poor oral hygiene (1) 6/21 (28); (2) 46/51 (90); (3) 36/36 (100) post-H. pylori ET: (1) 58%; (2) 41%; (3) 5% Dye et al [61 ] BL Ser (ELISA) NHANES III; 1988-1991 Periodontal pocket ≥ 5 mm: 493 (41) Gebara et al [62 ] SB-Pq, SP-Pq, Tg, Sal PCR (16S rRNA) GDis, RUT pos (15 gingivitis, 15 chronic Ptis) 13/30 (43) Gebara et al [63 ] EGB, SB-Pq, SP-Pq, Tg, Sal PCR (16S rRNA) Post-H. pylori ET: GDis RUT pos (15 gingivitis, 15 Chronic Ptis) Gastric eradication 90% H. pylori : 3/30 (10). Oral eradication: 40% H. pylori : 18/30 (60) Anand et al [64 ] PS Oral Hygiene 65 pos Ser/RUT/Giemsa; 69 control Ptss: 30/65 (46); Al Asqah et al [8 ] SB-Pq RUT H. pylori -IgGPDss: 37/50 (60) Eskandari et al [65 ] SB-Pq, SP-Pq PCR (16S rRNA) Chronic Ptis (23/67 Gtis) 4/67 (6) Agarwal et al [66 ] SB-Pq MCT, PCR (16S rRNA) Chronic Ptis (30 GDss-pos; 20 GDss-neg) 18/30 (60); 3/20 (15) Bouziane et al [67 ] MAS Gtis (post-H. pylori ET) RR 63%; [0.37 (95%CI: 0.21-0.64), P = 0.0004]
Table 3 Helicobacter pylori detection in aphthous stomatitis n (%)
Ref. Sample (study design) Diagnostic method Patient profile H. pylori detection rateLeimola-Virtanen et al [69 ] Bs (TS) Giemsa, ISH RAS Giemsa: 14/29 (50); ISH: 6/29 (20) Porter et al [70 ] BL (CCS) Ser (ELISA) 75 RAS, 83 (15 other oral ulcerative disorders, 41 other oral mucosal lesions, 27 oral dysaesthesia), 25 control 23/75 (31) 27/83 (33) 6/25 (24) Birek et al [71 ] OS (CCS) PCR (ureC) RAS 23/32 (72) Riggio et al [72 ] Bs (CCS) PCR (16S rRNA) 28 RAS, 20 OLP, 13 control 3/28 (11), 0/20 (0); 0/13 (0) Shimoyama et al [73 ] BL, OS (CCS) MCT, Ser (ELISA) RAS 0/12 (0) Victória et al [74 ] OS (CCS) N-PCR1 36 RAS, 48 control 14/36 (38); 16/48 (33) Iamaroon et al [75 ] OS (CCS) N-PCR (H. pylori aA) 22 RAU, 15 control (Tg) 1/22 (5); 3/15 (20) Elsheikh et al [76 ] Bs (CCS) PCR (16S rRNA) 58 RAS and Lymp 88 RAS, 20 control 39/58 (67); 9/88 (10); 0/20 (0) Mansour-Ghanaei et al [77 ] BL, OS (CCS) Ser (ELISA), PCR1 RAS H. pylori -IgG: 26/50 (52); PCR: 1/50 (2)Albanidou-Farmaki et al [78 ] Sal, BL, RUT (CSS) Ser (ELISA), 13 -UBT RAS 34/48 (71) Karaca et al [79 ] Gastric Bs (CSS) Giemsa (PTE) RAS 20/23 (89); P < 0.05 Maleki et al [80 ] RUT (CCS) 13 -UBT43 RAS, 44 control 16/43 (37); 14/44 (32); P = 0.597 Taş et al [81 ] Gastric Bs, BL (CSS) 13 -UBT (PTE)MAL (vitamin B12) Pre: 30/46 (65); post: 12/30 (40)
Table 4 Helicobacter pylori detection in oral cancer n (%)
Ref. Sample (study design) Diagnostic method Patient profile H. pylori detection rateGrandis et al [88 ] BL (CCS) Ser (ELISA) 21 HNSCC 21 controls 12/21 (57) 13/21 (62), P > 0.05 Singh et al [89 ] Bs (CCS) MCT, Giemsa, RUT 26 OC 26 controls MTC: 0/26 (0); 0/26 (0) Giemsa: 4/26 (15); 0/26 (0) RUT: 3/26 (11); 0/26 (0) Okuda et al [90 ] Bs, OS (PRS) MTC, RT PCR1 GDss (58 OC) Bs: 54/116 (46); OS: 14/116 (12); OC: 11/58 (19) Kanda et al [91 ] Bs, urine (PRS) MTC, Ser (ELISA), PCR1 , IHC HNSCC Bs: 0/31 (0) MTC, IHC, PCR. Urine: 21/31 (68) Ser Fernando et al [92 ] BL (CCS) Ser (ELISA) 53 cases 60 controls 14/53 (23) 10/60 (17) Dayama et al [93 ] Bs (CCS) MTC; PCR (16S rRNA) 20 OC 20 controls OC: 3/20 (15) MCT, PCR Controls: 1/20 (5) MTC and 2/20 (10) PCR
Table 5 Helicobacter pylori detection in burning, halitosis, and lingual dorsum hyperplasia n (%)
Ref. Diagnostic method Patient profile H. pylori detection rateHal detection rate Tiomny et al [111 ] SHal 6 Hal 5/6 (83) Post-H. pylori ET: 0/11(0) Ierardi et al [112 ] OHal Dys [Hal: 52 (90)] Diagnosis: 30/52 (58) Diagnosis: 52/52 (100) Double H. pylori ET: 11/30 (64) Double H. pylori ET: 11/30 (64) Triple H. pylori ET: 2/11 (18) Triple H. pylori ET: 2/11 (18) Adler et al [113 ] EGB, SHal, OHal, Giemsa, PCR (SSA) Dys, BHH Tg: 1/1; Gc: 1/1 Case report Gall-Troselj et al [114 ] N-PCR (ure A) AG: 87 (32) Tg: 43/268 (16) 17/87 (20), BMG: 37 (14) 1/37 (3), BMS: 144 (54) 12/54 (22), (54 Tg, 90 no-Tg) 13/90 (14) Serin et al [115 ] EGB, Giemsa Dys, Hal, EGB: H. pylori -pos, no lesion and no atrophy EGB pos-H. pylori ET: 39/148 (26) Hal post-H. pylori ET: 40/148 (3) Adler et al [113 ] EGB, SHal, OHal, Giemsa, PCR (SSA) y (16SrRNA) GDSS [BHH: 46 (37), no-BHH: 78 (63)] 40/46 (87); 2/78 (3) RR 13.01 CI 6-28.20 Brailo et al [116 ] Ser (ELISA) 150 BMS 29/150 (19) 19/150 (13) Katsinelos et al [117 ] EGB, Giemsa, RUT Dys, Hal, Diagnosis: 18/18 (100) Diagnosis: 18/18 (100) Triple H. pylori ET: 4/18 (22) Triple H. pylori ET: 2/18 (11) Quad H. pylori ET: 0/18 (0) Quad H. pylori ET: 2/18 (11) Moshkowitz et al [118 ] EGB, RUT GDSS [GERD: 72 (55)] H. pylori vs Hal: P > 0.05Hal vs GERD: P < 0.05 Suzuki et al [119 ] OLT, GC, PCR (16S rRNA) Non-Dys (251 Hal, 75 no-Hal) Sal: 21/326 (6) H. pylori -pos: Higher VSC and OLT ScoreYoo et al [120 ] OHal, GC, 13-UBT H. pylori -pos [EGL: 24 (33), NEGL: 48 (675)]72/72 (100) VSC: EGL vs NEGL: P < 0.01 Lee et al [121 ] EGB, OHal Dys, Hal Gc: 68/88 (77) Korea Red Ginseng Supplementation Kinberg et al [122 ] EGB Hal [GDSS: 36 (38)] 14/94 (15) OHal: 74/94: (78) Tangerman et al [123 ] EGB, OLT, GC, RUT GDSS, Hal 11/49 (22) VSC: 9/49 (18); H. pylori : 1/9 (11)
Citation: Adler I, Muiño A, Aguas S, Harada L, Diaz M, Lence A, Labbrozzi M, Muiño JM, Elsner B, Avagnina A, Denninghoff V. Helicobacter pylori and oral pathology: Relationship with the gastric infection. World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(29): 9922-9935