Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Feb 7, 2012; 18(5): 445-452
Published online Feb 7, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i5.445
Table 1 Main characteristics of the questionnaires used in this study
QuestionnaireNumber of items and dimensionsMain characteristics
SF-36 Ware et al[11]36 items, divided into 8 dimensionsMeasure generic HRQoL Scale scores from 0-100, with higher scores indicating better HRQoL
N-IBDQ Bernlev et al[17]32 items, divided into 5 dimensionsMeasure disease-specific HRQoL Scale scores from 32-224, with higher scores indicating better HRQoL
FQ Chalder et al[14] Jelsness-Jørgensen et al[10]11 items, divided into 2 dimensions The FQ contains 2 items asking about duration and extent of fatigue symptomsMeasure both physical and mental fatigue Scale scores from 0-33 with higher scores indicating higher levels of fatigue In addition scored as a dichotomized scale where original scores 0 + 1 = 0 and 2 + 3 = 1 Chronic fatigue defined as a score of ≥ 4 on the dichotomized scale and duration of fatigue symptoms ≥ 6 mo
RFIPC Drossman et al[7]25 items, divided into 6 dimensionsMeasure the 25 most frequently reported disease-related worries/concerns by IBD patients
Table 2 Main clinical/sociodemographic characteristics n (%)
(n = 92)(n = 48)
Age, (yr), mean ± SD46.9 ± 5.840.0 ± 15.0
Age range, (yr)20-8219-69
Female43 (47)36 (75)
Male49 (53)12 (25)
Disease duration, (yr), mean ± SD8.5 ± 9.59.2 ± 9.6
Educational level
Second level, first stage (lower)16 (17.4)5 (10.4)
Second level, second stage (medium)42 (45.7)22 (45.8)
Third level (university)34 (37.0)21 (43.8)
UC extension
Proctitis27 (29.3)
Left-sided colitis23 (25.0)
Extensive colitis42 (45.7)
CD extension
L1 terminal ileum11 (22.9)
L2 colon17 (35.4)
L3 ileocolon18 (37.6)
L4 upper GI2 (4.1)
Perceived IBD symptom score
No symptoms23 (25.0)9 (18.8)
Mild symptoms41 (44.6)22 (45.8)
Moderate symptoms25 (27.2)13 (27.1)
Severe symptoms3 (3.2)4 (8.3)
Table 3 Cohen`s d effect size calculated from crude dimensional rating form of inflammatory bowel disease patient concerns scores and presence of chronic fatigue
RFIPC factorsCD no CFCD CFP valueCohen`s dUC no CFUC CFP valueCohen`s d
(n = 34)(n = 14)(n = 72)(n = 20)
Impact of disease31.1 (20.6)46.7 (17.7)0.017-0.8125.6 (19.2)45.7 (18.3)< 0.001-1.07
Expectancy38.1 (30.5)51.1 (23.1)0.160-0.4832.6 (23.7)55.3 (20.8)< 0.001-1.02
Treatment27.5 (21.2)38.0 (25.4)0.146-0.4427.5 (22.0)49.1 (22.5)< 0.001-0.97
Intimacy20.3 (21.6)28.3 (28.5)0.299-0.3118.5 (18.9)27.2 (20.1)0.076-0.44
Stigma21.2 (24.3)26.6 (20.2)0.467-0.2417.3 (19.7)35.0 (22.0)0.001-0.84
Complications26.3 (23.6)30.6 (18.6)0.549-0.2021.2 (17.9)35.7 (17.3)0.002-0.82
Sum score29.2 (19.1)39.6 (16.3)0.082-0.5825.0 (15.9)43.5 (14.5) < 0.001-1.21
Table 4 Univariate analysis of mean rating form of inflammatory bowel disease patient concerns scores in non-chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue patients
Mean RFIPC adjusted for age, gender and educationMean RFIPC adjusted for age, gender, education and IBD symptoms
No CF meanCF meanNo CF meanCF mean
CD (n = 48)(n = 34)(n = 14)(n = 34)(n = 14)
Impact of disease30.7 47.6a32.2 44.0a
Sum score28.840.329.439.0
UC (n = 92)(n = 72)(n = 20)(n = 72)(n = 20)
Impact of disease25.7 45.3c26.343.1c
Expectancy33.0 53.8b33.452.4c
Treatment27.9 47.8c28.545.6c
Stigma17.5 34.3b17.933.1c
Complications21.4 35.0b21.734.0b
Sum score25.2 42.8c25.641.2c
Table 5 Correlation (Spearman’s ρ) between rating form of inflammatory bowel disease patient concerns sum, fatigue questionnaire sum, Norwegian inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire total and Short Form 36 dimensions
CD (n = 48)UC (n = 92)
RFIPC sum scoreRFIPC sum score
IBDQ Total-0.53-0.51
Table 6 Linear regression analysιs of the rating form of inflammatory bowel disease patient concerns sum score, Norwegian inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire total score, total fatigue, chronic fatigue, Short Form 36 subdimensions and calculation of multicolinearity
DependentIndependentßP valueToleranceVIF
UCRFIPC sumN-IBDQ total-0.70< 0.0010.244.1
N-IBDQ totalRFIPC sum0.29< 0.0010.581.7
SF-36 BP0.140.0320.571.7
SF-36 VT0.170.0190.502.0
SF-36 SF0.29< 0.0010.392.6
TFSF-36 VT-0.250.0310.492.0
CFRFIPC sum0.340.0180.462.2
CDRFIPC sumN-IBDQ total-0.600.0470.214.9
N-IBDQ totalRFIPC sum-0.170.0470.711.4
SF-36 SF0.350.0040.392.6
SF-36 PF0.220.0330.492.0