Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 28, 2012; 18(32): 4391-4398
Published online Aug 28, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i32.4391
Table 1 Rutgeerts and magnetic resonance score for classification of postoperative recurrence in Crohn's disease
Rutgeerts scoreDescriptionMR scoreDescription
i0No lesionsMR0No findings
i1Less than 5 aphthous lesionsMR1Minor mucosal irregularities: Slight wall thickening Slight mural contrast enhancement No stenosis
i2More than 5 aphthous lesions with normal mucosa between the lesions or skip areas or larger lesions or lesions confined to ileocolonic anastomosis
i3Diffuse aphthous ileitis with diffusely-inflamed mucosaMR2Major mucosal abnormalities: Distinct bowel wall thickening Distinct mural contrast enhancement Low grade stenosis without prestenotic dilatation
i4Diffuse inflammation with already large ulcers, nodules and/or narrowingMR3Same finding as MR 2 plus: Transmural edema with T2w signal increase and contrast enhancement of the perienteric fat High grade stenosis without prestenotic dilatation Extramural complications (fistula, abscess, conglomeration of bowel loops)
Table 2 Patient characteristics at baseline (n = 29) (%)
Patient characteristicsValue
Female13 (44.8)
Age (yr), mean (range)42.3 (19.8-61.1)
Duration of the disease (mo), median (range)166 (7-365)
Montreal classification:
A1 (< 17 yr)6 (20.7)
A2 (17-40 yr)17 (58.6)
A3 (> 40 yr)6 (20.7)
L1 (ileal)15 (51.7)
L3 (ileocolonic)9 (31.0)
L1 + L4 (ileal + upper gastrointestinal)5 (17.2)
B1 (non-stricturing/penetrating)9 (31.0)
B2 (stricturing)14 (48.3)
B3 (penetrating)6 (20.6)
Perianal disease10 (34.4 )
Extensive resection11 (37.9)
Immunomodulators (AZA, 6-MP) concomitant to adalimumab5 (17.2)
Concomitant enteral nutrition6 (20.7)
Previous infliximab15 (51.7)
Previous resections (including index operation)
115 (51.7)
27 (24.1)
36 (20.7)
41 (3.4)
Smoking status at diagnosis
Smokers14 (48.3)
Ex-smokers2 (6.9)
Non-smokers13 (44.8)
Smoking status after the index operation
Smokers4 (13.8 )
Ex-smokers12 (41.4)
Non-smokers13 (44.8)
Table 3 Correlation between endoscopic and radiological findings n (%)
Rutgeerts scoreMR score
i09 (100)000
i13 (75)1 (25)00
i201 (50)1 (50)0
i301 (50)1 (50)0
i4001 (50)1 (50)
Table 4 Univariate analysis for endoscopic recurrence n (%)
Endoscopic recurrenceYesNoP value
GenderFemale3 (23.1)10 (76.9)0.775
Male3 (18.8)13 (81.3)
Duration of the disease ≤ 10 yr3 (23.1)10 (76.9)0.775
> 10 yr3 (18.8)13 (81.3)
PatternNon-stricturing, non-penetrating2 (22.2)7 (77.8)0.318
Stricturing4 (28.6)10 (71.4)
Penetrating0 (0)6 (100)
Extensive resectionYes5 (45.5)6 (54.5)0.026
No1 (5.6)17 (94.4)
Immunomodulators concomitant to ADAYes1 (20)4 (80)0.967
No5 (20.8)19 (79.2)
Prior infliximabYes5 (33.3)10 (66.7)0.111
No1 (7.1)13 (92.9)
Previous resections ≤ 22 (9.1)20 (90.9)0.015
> 24 (57.1)3 (42.9)
Smoking status at diagnosisSmokers3 (21.4)11 (78.6)0.516
Non-smokers3 (23.1)10 (76.9)
Ex-smokers0 (0)2 (100)
Smoking status after the index operationSmokers2 (50)2 (50)0.119
Non-smokers4 (16)21 (84)
Adverse eventsYes0 (0)1 (100)0.454
No6 (22.2)21 (77.8)