Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 14, 2012; 18(30): 4019-4027
Published online Aug 14, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i30.4019
Table 1 Patient characteristics with gallbladder cancer n (%)
No. of patients (n = 19)910
Polyposis lesions7 (77.8)5 (50)
Nonpolyposis lesions1 (11.1)5 (50)
Histopathological grade
G13 (33.3)1 (10)
G26 (66.7)3 (30)
G306 (60)
Lymphatic invasion
+2 (22.2)4 (40)
-7 (77.8)6 (60)
Vessel invasion
+1 (11.1)1 (10)
-8 (88.9)9 (90)
Perineural invasion
+1 (11.1)3 (30)
-8 (88.9)7 (70)
01 (11.1)0
IA4 (44.4)2 (20)
IB1 (11.1)1 (10)
 IIA01 (10)
 IIB2 (22.2)4 (40)
  III01 (10)
 IV1 (11.1)1 (10)
Table 2 Patient characteristics: Demographic data, histopathological classification, tumor node metastasis staging
PatientGenderAge (yr)IncidentalTNM 6th editionCystic ductResectionSize (mm)GradeLymphaticVesselPerineural5-yr survival
1M63NopT2 N1 MxR0R010 (NP)G3NoR0NoAlive, 15 mo
2F82NopT4 N2 M1R0R145 (NP)G3YesYesYesDead, 3 mo
3F60NopT3 N1 MxR1R160 (P)G3NoNoYesDead, 6 mo
4F72NopT3 N1 MxR0R132 (NP)G3YesNoNoDead, 8 mo
5M76NopT4 N1 MxR0R149 (NP)G3YesNoYesDead, 7 mo
6M81NopT3 N0 MxR0R144 (NP)G3NoNoNoDead, 9 mo
7F77NopT2 N0 MxR0R020 (P)G2NoNoNoDead, 24 mo
8F45NoPT1a N0 MxR0R025 (P)G1NoNoNoAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
9F81NoPT3 N1 MxR0R124 (P)G2YesNoNoDead, 28 mo
10F66NopT1b N0 MxR0R07 (P)G2NoNoNoAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
11M69YespT1b N0 MxR0R015 (NP)G1NoNoNoAlive, 38 mo (disease recurrence)
12M65YesPT1a Nx MxR0R018 (P)G1NoNoNoAlive, no recurrence at 6 yr
13F72YespT2 N0 MxR0R010 (NP)G2NoNoNoAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
14M55YespT2 N0 M1R1R130 (P)G2-3NoYesYesDead, 8 mo
15F78YespT2 N1 MxR0R014 (P)G2-3YesNoNoDead, 26 mo
16F57YespT1b N0 MxR0R030 (P)G2-3NoNoNoAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
17M71YespT2 N1 MxR0R020 (P)G2-3YesNoNoDead, 23 mo
18F61YespTis Nx MxR0R012 (P)G1NoNoNoAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
19M69YespT1b N0 MxR0R05 (P)G2NoNoNoAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
Table 3 Patient characteristics: Type of operation and survival data
PatientGenderAge (yr)IncidentalTNM 6th editionCystic ductResectionSurgery5-yr survival
1M63NopT2 N1 MxR0R0Wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (Istage)Alive, 15 mo
2F82NopT4 N2 M1R0R1Wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (Istage) + CBD res.Dead, 3 mo
3F60NopT3 N1 MxR1R1Wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (Istage)Dead, 6 mo
4F72NopT3 N1 MxR0R1Wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (Istage)Dead, 8 mo
5M76NopT4 N1 MxR0R1Wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (Istage)Dead, 7 mo
6M81NopT3 N0 MxR0R1Wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (Istage)Dead, 9 mo
7F77NopT2 N0 MxR0R0Wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (Istage)Dead, 24 mo
8F45NoPT1a N0 MxR0R0Cholecystectomy, no further surgeryAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
9F81NoPT3 N1 MxR0R1Wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (Istage)Dead, 28 mo
10F66NopT1b N0 MxR0R0Wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (Istage)Alive, no recurrence at 5 yr
11M69YespT1b N0 MxR0R0LC (stage) - wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (II stage) + PS excAlive, 38 mo (disease recurrence)
12M65YesPT1a Nx MxR0R0CholecystectomyAlive, no recurrence at 6 yr
13F72YespT2 N0 MxR0R0LC (stage) - wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (II stage) + PS excAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
14M55YespT2 N0 M1R1R1LC (stage) - wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (II stage) + CBD and PS excDead, 8 mo
15F78YespT2 N1 MxR0R0Cholecystectomy, refused further surgeryDead, 26 mo
16F57YespT1b N0 MxR0R0LC (stage) - wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (II stage) + PS excAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
17M71YespT2 N1 MxR0R0LC (stage) - wedge res. (IVb + V) + lymphadenectomy (II stage) + PS excDead, 23 mo
18F61YespTis Nx MxR0R0LCAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
19M69YespT1b N0 MxR0R0Cholecystectomy, refused further surgeryAlive, no recurrence at 5 yr
Table 4 Residual disease in the lymph nodes after re-resection for each pT (%)
Pathological TOgura et al[22]Tsukada et al [18]Foster et al [23]Pawlik et al [5]You et al [24]Liang et al [25]Erich et al [26]
T1 (tot)18012.53.8024.4
Table 5 Five-year survival according to both stage of gallbladder cancer and type of surgery (%)
AuthorT1a LCT1b LCT2 LCT2 extended resection
Fong et al[36]1961
Wagholikar et al[37]10041.67
Fong et al[38]2060
Foster et al[23]100503878
Chijiiwa et al[39]1775
Table 6 Metastasis at port-site and at subcostal laparotomy (%)
AuthorMetastasis at port-siteMetastasis at subcostal laparotomy
Z’graggen et al[43]14
Wu et al[44]166.5
Paolucci et al[47]17.1
Paolucci et al[48]1412